Friday, February 27, 2009

Rihanna Takes Back Chris Brown - The World Is Disgusted

With reports from People Magazine and US Weekly both saying that Chris Brown and Rihanna are back together again, I'm guessing it must be true. Both magazines said that Sean Combs is letting them stay at one of his places down in Miami. I'm sure the whole thing is all lovey dovey and Chris is probably on his best behavior. Unfortunately we will probably never know when and if he decides to beat her up again, because he probably won't do it on a public street, but rather just do it in private.

I pretty much have lost all self respect for Rihanna. I understand why a woman goes back when she has no place to go or no support system in place or no funds to move on, but this is not the case with Rihanna. The world has seen what Chris Brown did to her. The world vilified Chris and rightfully so. Now, what are we supposed to conclude about the whole thing? Are the people of the world going to start buying his records again? Will radio stations add him to their playlists again? If Rihanna takes him back, and Diddy approves of it, then why shouldn't the radio stations and the fans?

Can anyone ever take Rihanna seriously again? She was always seen as a dominant force and a powerful person. Now, she has fallen into the same cycle that so many others have done in the past. She was gone. She was out of the relationship and moved on. It was over and now she took him back. I for once am at a total loss for words. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a trial if he is found innocent. Why? Well, because Rihanna will probably show up in court to support him and the jury will see that she forgives him and they should find him not guilty.

After the trial he will be outside smiling and will probably party and say how he never did anything wrong and it was all a misunderstanding. As far as I'm concerned I'm done with the both of them. Rihanna could have done so much good for so many and instead she blew it. Even Chris Brown could have done some good for domestic violence situations, but it is all thrown out the window now.


  1. Sadly, it seemed so likely that she would stay with him. Plus, oh, I am so shamed to say that I watch this....on American Dance Crew a few weeks ago they played both of their songs, so MTV had to know that they were staying together. I doubt that they would have played their music otherwise with all the backlash that might have brought about...

  2. It never is economics that makes women stay with abusers. She feels protected by him. (Ironic, I know). Hey, have you heard the insipid comments spewed by Kanye West? That's something to blog/rant about.

  3. It never is economics that makes women stay with abusers. She feels protected by him. (Ironic, I know). Hey, have you heard the insipid comments spewed by Kanye West? That's something to blog/rant about.

  4. You've lost all self-respect for Rihanna? I don't think it was yours to lose.

  5. she has lost my respect too. Stupid, stupid girl. I think this may kill her career.

  6. Honestly, I had a feeling she would go back to him.

  7. Fuck all three of them. Never could stand Diddy, that punk poser.

    Wish all 3 would just go away. They all deserve obscurity at this point.

  8. Why shouldn't the fans approve? Because we're not idiots. We don't listen to others when deciding what's okay or not. I'm done with him.

  9. if it's true,she say every woman to be normal to be abused by a guy! do it once,do it again! Never batter woman or child!it's sad!

  10. It pretty much speaks for itself if this is true. Kill their careers? HA! That's a laugh...scandal is what MAKES careers in this town! We don't need to comment on it any longer because neither one of them will end up getting the help they really need.

  11. They need ME on that jury.


  12. As a woman who has been in an abusive relationship, I understood the likely dynamics of this situation.. the honeymoon/hell rollercoaster, the 'baby I love you so much, it makes me do crazy things' BS she's probably being fed, that, as mentioned above, she probably DOES feel protected by him in a sense.. etc etc.. I felt it was all too likely she would not break it off. But I'm so, so saddened that this perfect opportunity for young girls (and boys) to be taught to never accept that sort of treatment and that it's never acceptable to treat another that way. I'm sad for Rihanna too, as much as I'm angry with her. It's her life to muck up as she pleases, but I'm 100% sure she's in for a world of heartbreak yet to come.

  13. He sure has her whipped. Maybe she is just one of these women that loves to have the shit beat out of her.I guess it could be foreplay in her world. Oh Chris, beat me, beat me.

  14. Goodgrief, was that pun intentional? I feel bad for laughing :(

  15. eek! and the sad thing is this young girl doesn't realize the message she's sending to girls in her demographic. this is appalling.

    as for diddy/doody/whatever the hell his name is ths week, *vomit*, why am i not surprised...

  16. it's just the classic cycle. he's cried and begged and SHE'S apologized to him (i'd bet you anything on that) and they've kissed and made up and promised never again.

    he probably won't do it on a public street again, but he can't beat her up better in private anyway.

    and of course, it would be pee doody that aided in their reconciliation. perfect!

  17. I can respect Rihanna again, to answer Enty's question. I don't know what happened with them, but I have seen couples fight and stay together before. Personally, I doubt that they will stay together for long after this, but I also suspect that Brown will be on his best behaviour. Having contempt for Rihanna over all this isn't good, however, and it's weird to say that she has made a mistake by not becoming a torchbearing saviour of abuse victims.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. So that's why the radio station played his music again.

    That's also why Kanye did a 180 and changed his statements. The first in support for Rihanna was on February 10th, and just three days later on the 13th he's made a point not to condemn Chris.

    The tabloids waited until February 27th to release a statement that was made 14 days ago from Kanye.

    I knew there had to be a method to all of this madness.

    After reading Enty's comments it looks like he was not aware of the cycle of abuse surrounding domestic violence.

    If it's true that Rihanna is not trying to move away from the violence and get counseling then I can only keep her in my prayers with the rest of the millions of repetitive victims.

    In the meantime I'd rather focus my energy and attention on those victims who are actively seeking help to end the cycle of abuse.

  20. They stay because they think they caused the abuse. If she hadn't been so whiny/nagging/angry/upset, he wouldn't have hit her, so it's all her fault.

    This is how abusers work: they brainwash their victims into thinking that they, the victim, are in fact the perpetrator who makes the abuser (who is the real victim, in this twisted scenario) "act that way". It's always always always always the woman's fault, and giving up on an abuse victim perpetuates that mentality. (You wouldn't give up on her unless she were to blame, right?) This is made even worse by the fact that abusers are generally extremely charming and loving in between periods of abuse.

  21. PS that's why victims don't leave: they think it's all their fault, and that it's their duty to fix it. Because the guy is so kind and so charming in between the periods of abuse, he couldn't be naturally violent, right? It must be her fault for provoking him, and it is therefore her responsibility to fix what she's broken.

  22. Anonymous10:21 AM

    They are all 3 on my list of artists the kids are not allowed to buy on itunes. I haven't decided yet whether to delete the songs the kids bought before this happened.

  23. I'm thinking the post before mine should probably be deleted...

    But I completly agree with you ENT. I think everyone has lost respect for her.

  24. "I pretty much have lost all self respect for Rihanna."

    Wow, great way to turn the victim into the guilty party.

    She's young and she's been through a lot. Please don't villify her.

  25. "I also suspect that Brown will be on his best behaviour."

    Maybe in public, but that doesn't mean he won't do anything in private. He hasn't accepted any responsibility for this yet, so I wonder if he even believes he did anything wrong.

  26. I was a crisis counselor for abused women so I wasn't surprised that she went back to him. The truth is that abusers who don't get help just get worse over time and whoever said a woman enjoys being an abuse victim is an ignorant jerk. If she stays long enough and no one gets help, in the end one of them will end up in a body bag. It's just very very sad.

  27. I guess I just don't understand why a young woman who is not married to her abuser and has her own career and large bank account would go back to him. It is way beyond my comprehension. All a guy would have to do is slap me, at the very least I would tell him to get lost and never contact me again. This was a perfect time for her to dump him, press charges and send the message that no matter who you are, you don't have to take it, you have a choice to get out of an abusive relationship. But no she went back to him. Chances are he has done this before and he will do it again and maybe worse. So to say I don't understand or am ignorant of why women stay with their abuser is actually an understatement.

  28. I think it's just plain wrong for her to go back to him, but i can't say i'm surprised. And, the abuse will just escalate from now on.

    Diddy is a absolute fuckwit, i can't stand him. I've never been a Chris Brown fan - he looks like a cretin and his music is awful. I guess i'm just really disappointed in Rihanna for going back to him. I'll be interested to see how her career goes after these turn of events.

  29. I personally feel them getting back together shows that maybe alot that was said about this whole thing wasn't true. I never thought Riahanna was innocent in this whole thing. Granted most women that are abused go back to their abusers but do you seriously think riahanna's people (mainly Jay-Z) would like her go back to Chris so easily if he beat her that badly. Seriously doubt. Jay is very protective of the women in this life. Also, her dad released a statement saying he supports her if she goes back to him. What father in his right mind would say something like this if someone beat the hell out of their daughter? Most would be very verbal about not excepting it or they wouldn't say anything at all. I just think there's alot more to the story then the public knows.

  30. I personally feel them getting back together shows that maybe alot that was said about this whole thing wasn't true. I never thought Riahanna was innocent in this whole thing. Granted most women that are abused go back to their abusers but do you seriously think riahanna's people (mainly Jay-Z) would like her go back to Chris so easily if he beat her that badly. Seriously doubt. Jay is very protective of the women in this life. Also, her dad released a statement saying he supports her if she goes back to him. What father in his right mind would say something like this if someone beat the hell out of their daughter? Most would be very verbal about not excepting it or they wouldn't say anything at all. I just think there's alot more to the story then the public knows.

  31. "I never thought Riahanna was innocent in this whole thing."

    Wow. I mean, it could be that Rihanna isn't innocent, but . . . . THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO REASON TO THINK SHE SO.

    Seriously, can you wait for some solid proof before villifying her??


  33. My daughter is 21 and a senior in college. I am stunned -- STUNNED -- at the blase attitude she and her friends have about relational abuse. "He only hits her when he's drunk", or "she was being such a b*itch I don't blame him for slapping her" ... etc.

    And this is from a kid who never ever ever saw or heard any type of abuse in our marriage.

    But she saw it on TV. She saw it in the movies. And she sang or rapped along to it in the music on her ipod.

    I doubt if she's even surprised that Rhianna has taken him back. After all, they do it in Hollywood-world all the time, and these kids don't separate theater from real life anymore.

    We had forbid the whole MTV reality show thing in our house, but she watched it elsewhere. And, to my chagrin in retrospect, we watched shows like The OC together, a show that included relational violence and other unhealthy lifestyles. I always thought she understood those shows to be fantasy, but I realize now that there are too many rich and privileged celebutards and young actors and musicians that her generation "looks up to" showing that it's an viable way to live, and she's not able to see what's wrong with it anymore.

    It's a crazy world out there, and I'm sorry that people are able to make millions of dollars modeling the very worst in human nature.

    I'm not sure if I'm making much sense or just kind of rambling ... but this is a very troubling situation indeed.

  34. Lorelei, that is truly scary.

    I agree with everyone that it isn't surprising she went back to him, it's just very, very disappointing.

  35. Everything Charlene said is true - I know from first hand (and fist) experience. I hope some of you blaming her (Ent included) will re-read what C posted & think about it.

  36. Anyone who says that we all didn't know the whole story and that Rihanna prolly had something to do with it all can kiss my fucking ass. Go look at the picture of her all beat the fuck up and tell me what would justify that. She tossed his keys out of the car? That "violation" is equal to getting the shit beat out of you and choked?

    She will get major backlash over this one. It doesn't matter that scandal makes the Hollywood machine turn. This is different. Everyone has seen those pictures. No one, including Rihanna can justify that shit that Chris did. She has lots of young fans and the parents of those young fans are the ones that pay for a lot of her music. Hollywood may forgive it but the mini van/mid west crowd won't.

    Her record sales went through the roof after this happened. How much do you wanna bet they come to a screeching halt now? Both of their careers are going to be forever linked to this bullshit.

    She had the chance to walk away and get on with her life, smelling like a rose. Now the public is going to feel like they got played. "We stuck up for this chick and supported her only for her to turn around and take this piece of shit back?"

    Someone should show Rihanna some pics of Nicole Brown cause that can easily be her in the future.

    Don't even get me started on Diddy and Kanye. Put them and Chris into a car and find a cliff to drive off of.

  37. Oh and btw, Daddy is prolly on the pay roll so he doesn't want to piss off the cash cow. Either that or he is afraid that she will just cut him out of her life period if he goes against her. I hope it's not money motivated.

  38. Makes me ill.

    If she doesn't leave him for the beating...leave him for the CHEATING.

    So sad...

  39. She doesn't have alot of money to put anyone on a payroll. It's pretty much known (if your in the know) that she is running low on funds. I'm not saying what Chris did was right,far from it. But a friend of mine who's a model dated a guy who hit her and left her with a swollen lip and a black eye but all of this was done while trying to stop her because she was beating the crap out of him. He ended up pretty messed up as well (bruises and bite marks all over his body). She ended up going to the police and saying he beat her. Which never happened. He basically went along with it because he didn't want to look like a punk for little this skinny chick beat him down. She dropped the charges but she also told the police the truth about what happened. I hope the whole truth eventually comes so both of these talented young adults do lose all they have worked for.

  40. So. I too have been through the abusive relationship bullsh*t, and have witnessed many others going through it. I totally feel a disappointment that she took him back, BUT I can figure how this happened.

    1. Rihanna's had all sorts of support- a lot of which came from total STRANGERS that don't actually know what happened. So I dunno if any of you have been abused and had people who are totally clueless to your situation decide to give their much appreciated, but (sadly) incredibly ineffective advice, but to be honest, this type of help does little or nothing as far as changing your attitudes, no matter how unhealthy they may be. Mostly because hearing ten thousand people say:

    "Don't worry Rihanna your the best I love you he's such a loser and I totally hate him for what he did and blahblahblah"

    doesn't actually get through to you when you are the only one who was there for all of the good times and bad. You were the one in bed with him, kissing him, telling him you love him and, of course, arguing shamelessly with him.

    I hope i dont sound like im supporting this, because I'm not.

    2. I think, again from my experience, that most women go back - especially the first time. Rihanna probably feels more regret for the fact that this episode was made public than she does about what happened.
    ok creepy story time: I was once dangled from a balcony by my scarily abusive ex (who is now in prison thank God!!). So, quite a few people in the adjacent building saw this horribly traumatic sh*t, and it quickly became big news in my old ghetto ass neighborhood (thank God for bettering yourself).And do you know what my biggest regret was two days later?

    It should have been the fact that I stayed with the homicidal lunatic, but NO. My #1 regret was saying whatever it was I said that made him so angry. I felt to blame and was embarrased that people actually knew what happened. I hated it that people saw, and as neurotic as I know I sound I was totally thinking "I must avoid that from happenening again. I guess I just need to be a better girlfriend."

    I know -- WTF!?! I know now that I was not only brainwashed, but also very scared of this man (for obvious reasons).

    So I can see what's happening here (not that Rihanna's ordeal was half as bad as some of the sh*t I've been through BELIEVE ME-- the fact that I'm even alive says more about luck and fate than it does about my past) and although I doubt they will last too much longer, I can honestly relate. I hope Rihanna comes to her senses but... I won't hold my breath. today.

    P.S - lol @ fester -- I was thinking the same re: the self-respect thing.

  41. Jungle007 gives some very good insight into abusive relationships.

    There are many phases victims go through before they can bring themselves to escape.
    I did/said something wrong. Won't do that again..
    But I love him. He needs me..
    I can fix him. I can heal whatever is in him that is hurt..
    If I leave, everyone will know I've failed in this relationship..
    I've been avoiding my family/friends for so long. How can I face them now..

    Their relationship is toxic & will end badly. Hoping that she moves on & takes some time away from dating to heal herself. Otherwise she will attract the same type of boyfriend again.

  42. "I hope the whole truth eventually comes so both of these talented young adults do lose all they have worked for."

    I can't believe nobody else has a problem with this statement.

    Lisa, you seem to be stating as fact that Rihanna is somehow also at fault in this. You have NO idea what really happened unless you were there (and you weren't there, were you?), so you are COMPLETELY out of line to be making statements like this and wishing Rihanna ill will when you actually have NO IDEA what really happened.

  43. Does anyone now need proof that gay actors closet, deception and fraud and cheating take place daily when Hollywood is prepared to cover up domestic abuse for the sake of careers, and use big, PR-driven magazines to perpetrate "happy families"?

    If you didn't before, what will it take to open your eyes?

  44. Some people seem to feed on the the drama of relationships like these. Rihanna must have really low self-esteem. Which is really unfortunate, as something bad is bound to happen again, as he already crossed the line in a big way.

    Tessa Lane - Of The Blood
    now available at

  45. I KNEW she'd go back to him. :(

  46. behind that nice (but obviously dangerous) smile little Chris Brown is a huge hood rat. I thought he was talented with his ability to cut a rug and sing until I got on youtube and saw him in an interview (usually surrounded by other hoodrats)he is a total jerk. Alot of hoodrat hand gestures and totally arrogant.... don't care what riri does (could never understand the popularity of umbrella)

  47. I just saw a bunch of the pictures of Chris out on his jet ski and smiling up a storm and I wanted to fly down there to kick him in the balls. Talk about adding insult to injury. Could he at least pretend to be a tiny bit remorseful?

  48. Anonymous10:27 AM

    She is an absolute fool to take him back, if in fact she did. Next time he beats her up- and there will be a next time, you can guarantee- she deserves it. I know that sounds fucked up, but it's the truth. So many people who endure domestic violence don't have the luxury, ability, or means to separate themselves from their abuser- Rihanna has all of that and then some. She's committing career suicide by sticking with that piece of trash, to say the least.

  49. Rihanna=low self esteem
    Chris=A Hole
    Rihanna's Parents=Bigger A Holes

  50. Way to be a role model for young women.

    Oh and Lisa..."friend of mine who's a model dated a guy who hit her and left her with a swollen lip and a black eye but all of this was done while trying to stop her because she was beating the crap out of him. He ended up pretty messed up as well (bruises and bite marks all over his body). "

    Did you see any reports of any markings on Chris Brown? hmmmm me neither. So STOP trying to make excuses for him.

  51. it's interesting to see people jump on someone like Lisa by saying "you weren't there, how do you know what happened (we all hate Chris, death to Chris Brown)".. umm.. were YOU there? nope, you weren't either. so who knows if she did play some part in this or not.. don't jump on anyone unless you have details.

    no one knows what happened. the pic was bad, yes, but look at all the controversy surrounding the leaked pic. in my opinion it isn't as bad as people/media made it out to be and please tell me how a fist could put those bumps on her forehead? something def went down, yes, but i do not believe for one min that he just 'went crazy' and beat her up in the car because he's an abuser.

    again.. i wasn't there, you weren't there.. everyone needs to stop freaking out until the truth is told (does it need to be? no! this is not our business)..

    as for parents who are banning their kids from listening to either Chris/Rhianna or others ripping up his posters and destroying his cds.. duh. grow up. they are big kids and will deal with this how they want. if she wants to stay with him then she can.. its her choice.

    besides, if it was as bad as the media hyped it up to be do you think she'd go back to him? no.. that's why i believe the media is more at fault blowing this up than anyone else.

    am so over this story and over everyone freaking out without knowing details.. move on.

  52. Kimmy you're right we didn't hear about any bruises on him but we didn't hear anything about him expect that he "beat the crap out of her". Everything that has come out on this story is all rumors (ex. pregnancy,herpes,another woman). But what if he said his face was busted up to, would you look at him differently and feel sorry for him like you do for her????

    And dd you're so right as well. His fist didn't cause those bumps on her head. And the media blew this whole thing up, but thats what they do best. What I also find hard to believe is that this whole beating went down inside of a Lambo. You can barely move in those things let alone fight in one.

    People kill me when they say they are pissed that he's down in Miami "smiling while on a jet ski". Uhhh do you expect him to frown while he's on one. It's fun to ride on jet skis hence the smile, it isn't torture.

  53. Lisa, I expect him to behave like a man who just got in a physical fight with his girlfriend - unhappy. And not jet skiing for fun, but taking time to think seriously about things. Whatever the rest of the facts may be, we know he caused painful injuries to Rihanna. Even he has admitted it.

  54. As much as I've already stated that we DON'T know all the details, Lisa you seem to be 100% on his side. I honestly don't even like Rihanna and had no respect for her BEFORE this happened. But i think the fact that he is out having fun is a little cocky for someone in his position. Even if he didn't do anything to her and it's all lies, he's not exactly handling the situation appropriately. He should be staying out of the public eye until the situation cools down, as he obviously has been publicly shamed and any signs of him having a good time will only further tarnish his (already f*cked-up) reputation. But that's for HIM to think about. Don't get yourself too crazy defending someone when you also DON'T know what happened.

    And to answer your question- if he had bruises, maybe that would make it seem more like self-defense, especially if his bruises were worse than or equal to hers. I, personally, WOULD take that into consideration.

  55. Anonymous9:54 PM

    unfortunately, the cycle of abuse WILL NOT stop for her. she will continue making excuses for him too, just to cover up the abuse.
    i was glad and lucky to get out. my ex-husband was a classic case of the "abuser" and i was the perfect victim. i believed him when he said he loved me. sure! one night, we had an argument and he became physical, and while wrestling to get free from him i grabbed the phone and called 911. before he took off, he said to me "you're getting me in trouble!" and he was out the door. the cops came, and i pressed charges. i was bruised and had a bloody lip, (minor, compared to the past abuse) refused medical attention, got my clothes & documents and left that day. i left with very little, thank god we didn't have kids. it was all worth LEAVING behind.
    i took 6 years of abuse. they (the abuser) are always blaming someone else for their actions. they always will, it's never their fault!

    i hope this young lady and a lot of young ladies out there smarten up sooner than i did. if it took me longer, i might not be here now.
