Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Random Photos Part One

A reader who wishes to remain anonymous no pun intended sent this photo in of a protest in Vancouver over the weekend by Anonymous in response to Scientologists setting up a huge display next to the Olympic countdown clock. If you are brave enough to take a photo in this kind of situation then you definitely get the top spot. The reader reported that the Scientologists had people wandering around that identified themselves as ministers. That and the crosses are obviously to get people to think of it as your friendly Christian church. They also had massage tables set up inside the tent and ministers to massage them. Also, in a separate incident wholly unrelated to Scientology this weekend our reader had an injury which required stitches so I do hope they get well soon.
I didn't even recognize Alicia Keys.
It has been a month or two since Amanda Peet was in the photos.
And just about as long for Benicio Del Toro.
U2 - London
Shiloh, Zahara and their mom.
Coldplay - London
Really random photo. From L to R are Coco Rocha, Mischa Barton, Minka Kelly and Kristen Bell.
Duffy - London
I know Michael Cohen has never been in the photos but I think his wife Emmanuelle Beart has.
More randomness. Emile Hirsch, Josh Hartnett and Brianna Dombart.
The always funny Elijah Wood.
I think Gerard Butler knows this is his chance to make a move on Hayden P. He is old and she is single and likes old guys. Match.
I would have to say that father and son look very much alike.
I didn't think it was possible, but I think Coco's breasts got larger.
The always lovely January Jones.
And Kirsten Dunst in a dress it looks like she made herself while in rehab.
Well look here. It's Katharine McPhee. She always shows up around Fashion Week time.
I just don't like Kimora. Sorry if you are a fan of hers.
Kanye West and Jared Leto. Interesting.
Giorgio Armani had everyone lining up to take their photo with him. Here is Leo.
And Milla Jovovich
and even Ricky Martin.
Marcus Schenkenberg has lost lots of weight and to me doesn't look that healthy.
Rob Thomas and Marisol.
It's the Ronson's.

Victoria Beckham does Peter Pan.
And David Beckham goes back to school.


  1. Nah, I think Coco's top (or top of her dress) just got lower. So classy.

  2. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Damn, I wouldn't mind being in a David Beckham-Ricky Martin sandwich, both are looking quite good.

    I'm sure Mark Ronson's making that face because Samantha can't seem to find 2 minutes to not look like a cranky bitch.

    Marcus just looks weird because his hairline's receding and that haircut emphasizes it. Still a handsome man.

    Coco's boobs do seem bigger, but she's such a sweetheart, I love her and Ice.

    Michael and Emmanuelle are so striking looking, not beautiful, but interesting looking.

    Kingston's gonna be a Hollywood heartbreaker some day.

  3. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Why does SamRo find it necessary to scowl all the time?

  4. @ Cali Girl, because she's bitter that her siblings are better looking than her.

    Enty, I don't like Kimmora either, or her bratty 'tudes in training.

  5. Is Jared Leto doing a Kurt Cobain biopic? He looks like he's trying to channel him.

  6. "They also had massage tables set up inside the tent and ministers to massage them."

    With hidden cameras to guarantee anyone who wanders in is snared for life. Hope you heal quickly, reader!

    I love Coco. And cocoa.

    I hear Kiki went on another big bender.

    Kimora has fans? Really?

    Milla looks gorgeous, as usual.

    Wow, all the Ronsons look equally miserable.

  7. Have you ever seen Kimora's "Life in the Fab Lane"? She's a crazy B. Like the female Kanye. She is a very self-entitled person.

  8. Everyone gives in to Giorgio's demands if they ever want to get free clothes from him again, lol.

    Awww the Jolie-Pitts girls are soooo cute, gotta love them, regardless of their mom's fuck ups.

    I am sooo with you Enty, I cannot stand that cow Kremora. She's had so much lipo that all the pregnancy weight is going to her neck and face, good for her, lol

    Mz. Keys looks fab!

    Amanda Peet looks unrecognizable, get some rest girl.

    Ugh, can't Ice-T take keep his hoe at home on the stroll where she belongs?!?!

    What's the story between JL and KW?!?!

    David Beckham looks as if he is off to Hogwarts, lol.

    BTW I have a reallll juicy story about Gerard Butler Enty, but I promised my gf I would not spill it, but heyyy you never know, lol.

  9. btw-sam ronson really missed the boat on the looks gene. no wonder she's scowling. anyone remember when mark ronson and rashida jones were engaged?

  10. Anonymous2:56 PM

    MontanaMarriot said..BTW I have a reallll juicy story about Gerard Butler Enty, but I promised my gf I would not spill it, but heyyy you never know, lol.

    OOOOH, you gotta tell us, please!

  11. MM, quick, email your story to Enty and it can be tomorrow's "blind." :)


  13. Gyahh, can't Posh look happy in any posed photo, EVER, pleeeeese?

    She looks all kinds of miserable all the time. Just dead black eyes.

    And greasy.

  14. See--Mischa's fake hair is nasty! At least the real part seems to have a little luster left.

    Sheesh, girl, take better care of yourself before it's too late.

    No one can do dirty other than M-K.

    So everyone else get off the dirty bus, pronto!

    Gawd, day 18 with ear infection is taking it's toll...meds running out...need a break from hurting and congestion...

  15. ok how the hell did I not know of this going on in Vancouver? i read the georgia straight! actually i doubt i would have gone anyway. one sec you're tasting a harmless muffin and next thing i'm strapped to an e-meter and confessing to actually liking Far and Away.

    ok is Beckham going to Hogwarts??

  16. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Kimora is ridiculous. No matter how much money she throws at self promotion she is not fabulous, her fashion lines are scary and she is barely a few implants removed from Coco.

    Whoa . . that was almost a pun or something

  17. Hogwarts or not - Thank you for the Beckham pic. Me likey.

  18. this blog needs more Benicio. thank you!

  19. from Dlisted regarding Usher's wife plastic surgery debacle:

    "...the president of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery, Jose Tariki, told the New York Daily News that Tameka told doctors she had a baby four months ago. Bitch was lie-telling, because she knocked out a kid only 2 months ago. Jose went on to say, "After a pregnancy,the abdomen muscle is violently stretched,becomes flaccid and swells. The patient needs six to eight months to return to normal and only then can undergo surgery."

  20. Samantha Ronson looks even more miserable than normal. Her scowly face drives me nuts!

  21. Dare I say Alicia does look good it could be that she doesn't look like herself.
    Vicky B. looks emaciated as usual.

    Kimora is one nasty looking hag.

    I think Kingston looke like both parents but a lil more like mommy.

  22. Get well soon, Anon reader!
    Alicia looks lovely as usual.
    Amanda's raising a young child. She looks as I'd expect.
    Jeez, Minka, it's winter. Have some class and cover up!
    Love Duffy.
    Emmanuelle used to be so beautiful. She plumped her top lip and the beauty all went away.
    Montana, yes! Tomorrow's blind!
    Kinston has looked like Gavin since he was born.
    Kanye + Jared is NOT an image I want in my head.
    Marcus looks great. Would do him in a NY minute.
    VBeckham does look like a little boy in a silver lamee toga. She's just ridiculous.

  23. I still find Samantha Ronson attractive, and i'm still not gay. And maybe I would lose the last pregnancy pounds if I started dating her. LOL.
    BTW- I think that scowl is like a trademark for her since she makes it in every picture.

  24. SamRo looks like the type of person who would gladly flick a booger at you.

  25. Yes, I'm a dork, but I think those two lil' Jolie-Pitt sisters just couldn't be a cuter duo.

    I don't even know his music, but I love how involved Gavin Rossdale is with his kids. Kingston is a lady-killer already! Zuma looks more like his mommy, and has her porcelain skin as well.

    And to whomever said this (and every) blog needs more Benicio, I will second that emotion! HAWT!

  26. God David Beckham is hot... So is Elijah Wood. Crazy thing is I also think SamRo is hot (but I'm a gay dude so maybe that makes sense...). She scowls because that is her signature look - just like the Olsens and "prune".

    Shiloh has gotten big but Zahara is still my favorite kid.

    The central church of the Church of Scientology (the L. Ron Hubbard Foundation) is 3 blocks from my condo in DC. They know by now not to offer me a free stress test when I walk by...

  27. Elijah Wood hot?....ummm...ok!

    Kimora's lone fan here! I like that she's over the top...She's like the blasian Ivana, lol

    Posh looks like a glittered spaghetti noodle, lets cook her and see if she sticks to the wall!!

    Is it me or does SamRo look like the Taco Bell dog? but not nearly as cool...

    Rashida + Mark = weird, imo

    i heard that schenckenbrgr(sp?) wasnt in the best of health after all of his whoring around, orientation not withstanding..he looks terrible

    ok so no one is gonna comment on how armani looks like an oompa loompa? he looks like a frazzled carrot...yikes!

    leo is so friggin bland...monotone actor, unsexy body and regular joe looks, and i hear he's a creep to the ladies with no stroking skills, what the hell is the fascination??

    leto is channeling chris robinson, lol

    if we just ignore kanye, he will go away (hopefully)

    what is mcphee's purpose(looks like bulimia is back) and who moved the rock that kirsten crawled from under?

    are there no boys hayden's age? coco looks like the beachmobile with the big inflatable yellow wheels, i wonder if the carpet matches the drapes?? hmmmm

    and in closing, i'd like to say that alicia keys looks belissimo! she is my new girl crush, take that! take that!

    (i approve this post)

    LM DRUNK AO!!!!

  28. Sam Ronson is just butt fug.

  29. How can MontanaMarriott's story be used as a blind, when we already know it's about Gerard Butler? ;-)

    Just spill, MM, you know you want to!

  30. Anyone else think the comment about kingston looking like dad is a hint...wasn't there a blind about a couple who's second child might belong to an ex boyfriend of the missus ?? I think Zuma isn't Gavins

  31. i dont know whats wrong with me, i have seen that stupid, idiotic expression on samros face a thousand times but when i saw it today it just made me ANGRY! Why are you so f-ing mad at the world? Would it hurt you to look as though you are not going through a meat grinder, just once? The paps wouldnt be hunting you down if you werent whoring out your girlfriend, you know, so stop being such a b-h about it!

  32. I don't know what this says about me, but I actually think Jared Leto is super hot. Sigh.

  33. Ministers and crosses=scientolgy?hahahaha

    Benicio Del Toro
    is saving so much by not bothering with under eye concealer, to spend on ?

    Wasted 1 half hour on Kimoras show once.Now it'a a definite skip.

    January Jones is quite a sight. Wonder how many times Chris Kutcher has gotten kicked in the balls for screaming her name out during a really good dream?

    Nice to see Zahara is still getting equal treatment-in front of the cameras.

    Elijah Wood is shrinking and I don't mean shorter.
    Eat a steak!

    I hope Jared Leto DOES make
    a biopic about Kurt Cobain.
    I didn't like the one with Michael Pitt.

    Kingston is so ADORABLE!
    Keep him in front of the paps, mom & dad, for my selfish pleasure.

  34. I didn't recognize Alicia K. She looks really pretty in that picture.

  35. "leo is so friggin bland...monotone actor, unsexy body and regular joe looks, and i hear he's a creep to the ladies with no stroking skills, what the hell is the fascination??"

    Preach it!

  36. Uh, Kingston sure does look like his dad.... TONY!!

  37. Could I get some Benicio on my David Beckham-Ricky Martin sandwich??? Please?????

  38. cool pictures and funny commentaries

  39. cool pictures and funny commentaries

  40. Is Coco going to dress like a hooker when she's 70?? No matter how sweet she is, she looks like she's clocking in her hours and then some.
