Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Random Photos Part One

Stump, the 10 year old Sussex is Best In Show For 2009
Coming in 2nd was Matt Lauer. The dog however finished way back in the pack.
You really would never need a mop again would you?
They give everyone a really big area in which to work don't they?
I think this is a first time appearance in the photos for Amy Grant.
Anne Hathaway and her boyfriend Adam Shulman. I didn't think it was possible to be more thin than Anne Hathaway, but again I am proven wrong.
Have not seen Angie Harmon out very much lately.
Bridget Marquardt and her new boyfriend. His mom was a Playboy Bunny so it is all just kind of staying in the family so to speak.
I don't care who you are. If you get your photo painted on the side of a plane, that is pretty cool. How do you photoshop it though?
Christopher Meloni on the set of Law & Order.
Jessica Alba supporting her husband as he spends more of their money on his new movie. Nice shoes Cash.
One good thing about Cash's movie is it brought Devon Aoki back from wherever she has been hiding.
"And he was just an everyday person, so I had him killed."
Definitely random. Gwyneth, Courteney and Rita Wilson.
Notice that one hand of Jay-Z basically covers Gwyneth's entire back.
The photoshop award of the day goes to German GQ and Heidi Klum. Did you really recognize her?
Jennifer Meyer Maguire with no Toby around anywhere. Everything is fine. She just usually avoids the red carpet when she goes out alone.
Kevin Bacon at Quantico Marine Base where he showed his new HBO movie Taking Chance. Here he is talking to a woman who's son was killed in Iraq.
The look on Kelly Rowland's face shows me this was a surprise birthday party that was actually a surprise.
Lisa Kudrow looking lovely.
Have not seen Nicole Richie in a few weeks.
I am really confused by this Jessica Simpson cover. She never says she will lose 20 pounds in 8 weeks. She is not even quoted in the article. Even the "source" doesn't say it. Also, by saying what they are saying on the cover is OK! telling the world that Jessica Simpson is 20 pounds overweight because I would have to disagree with that.
The one and only Parker Posey
Wow. Not too much difference between Rip Torn's mug shot and a shot a press conference.
This could be the first time in the photos for Steven Spielberg and Kate Capshaw.
Sharon Stone was in London for about 2 days. EVERY person and bag you see in the foreground of this photo either works for her or sleeps with her. All of this stuff, but no kids. And is that a carpet she is wearing? Did she stop by an IKEA and say, "hmmm, yes. Cut some holes in it and I will take it."
I really like Harry Hamlin's tie. I would be distressed to know if I were he though to know he and Tom Arnold have identical taste in eye wear.


  1. Anonymous12:55 PM

    honestly, I kinda dig Sharon's coat. The onepiece jumpsuit, not so much.

    Kate Capshaw looks beautiful.

    Always nice to see Lisa Kudrow, Meloni, and Bridget's boyfriend (yum).

    Anne's new boyfriend pings my gaydar.

  2. some of these people never seem to age.

    sharon stone looks like she's channeling briggitte nielsen.

  3. does that lady know she is resting her head on her dog's butt?

  4. It's a puli! My former co-worker had one and he'd tell us great stories about all of the strange things they found trapped in her dreadlocks. They didn't ever have to sweep the floor after she'd been through.

    From what I've heard, sounds like Anne Hathaway has picked another winner. She's gotta be paying them to beard her, right? She can't really be falling for such asses?

    I can't look at Angie Harmon any more after what Jax said. :(

    Is Bridget ever going to get around to getting a divorce? I hope her new show does well.

    Freakshow's boils have really cleared up!

    I know there have been bad things said about her, but I think Devon Aoki is breathtakingly beautiful.

    Jesus, Gwyneth looks decades older than her mom!

    I'm so pissed at Kevin Bacon after he and Kyra bitched about losing all their money to Madoff, then got caught by TMZ blowing $2000 on a single dinner out. Shut the fuck up.

    Parker Posey looks sober. Shocking! :)

  5. Anonymous1:00 PM

    I saw Stump on the news last night, he/she looks so cute.

    I like Meloni on Law & Order. Never miss a show or the other L&O shows.

    Alba's husband looks weird like what he is wearing is not his right size.

    Can't stand Fishstick, always sticking her foot in her big mouth.

    I still feel Bimbo Simpson is 20 lbs. over.

    Parker Posey looks different.

    Kate Capshaw - I've seen her in 2 movies where she plays a lesbian. Is she bi?

    Sharon - looks horrible.

  6. Is Jay-Z a nice guy? He is always smiling and seems quiet.

    Is Toby's wife pregnant again?

    Kate Capshaw looks great.

  7. Angie Harmon looks great. Didn't she just have a baby?

    Cate Capshaw looks good.

    Sharon Stone looks like Ellen D. from a distance.

    Gwenyth always seems just a little too excited to be in Jay Z's company.

  8. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Moos, what did jax say about Angie??

  9. sharon stone sure has gotten a lot of mileage out of being a really bad actress.

  10. Ya, what's the deal with Angie?

    Rita Wilson looks like she's ready for Madri Gras.

    Thanks Sharon, I feel so much better now about the luggage I take on every trip. The next time the fella gripes, I'm going to show him this picture.

  11. Yes, Toby's wife is pregnant again.

  12. I was about to point out how matronly
    Gwynnie looked, but I see Mooshki beat me to it.

  13. i met her on two occasions and both times she was a complete BITCH.not just to me but to everyone and it was at a charity function. nuff said.

    Moosh, i think Kevin and Kyra overshot that on purpose becasue the paps were mocking them about being broke. kind of "I'll show you who's broke!"

  14. Kate Capshaw is stunning...and looks just right for her age.

    Christopher Meloni is hot hot hot.

    I must be in a good mood, cuz even Alba looks pretty good here.

    btw...I don't think Anne H. is gay--she's so very supportive of her gay brother and the gay community at large, I don't think she'd have a problem with coming out. I just think she makes very bad relationship choices.

    Oh, and she's kinda full of herself.

  15. AnonMom, I clicked on your name and noticed you read 'We are not Martha', do you ever read ''?

  16. There aren't enough words to describe how much I LOVE LOVE LOVE Chris Meloni. There's just something about him that does it for me!

    There also aren't enough words to describe how much I CANNOT STAND BEYONCE.

  17. ellen, ditto.

    is that game show you're on coming up next month?

  18. Sassafras -- yes, I love notmartha!

  19. Molly-Yes! It airs March 27th. I'm so excited! :) I hope I look good on TV since this may be my only television appearance. lol

  20. which show again - jeopardy? sorry i can't recall now.

  21. AnonMom, notmartha is one of my daily stops on the internet! Megan is the best!

    Uh oh, we got a fellow CDAN reader on a game show next month? Which show? Will be there cheering you on yelling at the TV.

    Shit, I better get the dogs in, we have big timey storms coming and major wind!

  22. sassafrass, where are you? it's been raining all day in chgo and we had major winds yesterday or the day before. you must be east of IL.

  23. I am east of IL. Indianapolis.

  24. "Have not seen Angie Harmon out very much lately."

    That's because she just had a baby.

  25. yeah, sass, we're sending it to you.

    ellen, which show??

  26. Molly, she's going to be on Trivial Pursuit.

  27. Kate Capshaw produced and starred in the most charming movie ever, called The Love Letter, in 1999. With Ellen Degeneres, Blythe Danner, Tom Selleck, and many more.

    I love to watch it over the xmas holidays and eat chocolates.

    If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it!!

  28. enty, my eyes!!!!!!!! pls no more douchey gwyneth!

  29. mooshki, thnx. i can never remember the name of the show, but i'm putting it on my calendar now.

    then when i lose my calendar and ask again, at least you'll know i tried.

  30. Out of the few shows I watch on TV I never watch game shows, but I will watch Trivial Pursuit to cheer on a CDANer. I have a Trivial Pursuit game and the questions can be challenging,so, is this TV show the same concept as the board game?

  31. Grace, my sister and I love The Love Letter.

  32. I think JayZ must be on goopgirl's diet. Where IS he?

    Also, Kevin Bacon's hair looks as purple as his tie.

  33. I was surprised the Sussex won Best in Show; he's the oldest BiS winner ever at the WKC and supposedly almost died two years ago.

    I LOVE Chinese Cresteds so much.

    My fave amongst the 7 Group winners was that adorable Scottish Deer Hound.

    Pulis are so wild looking--they're dreadlock dawgs!

  34. Trivial Pursuit: America Plays! :) I'll be the one in the purple shirt named Ellen. :)

  35. Molly, I think it is funny you said you had major winds in chgo (must have been reeeely strong) since you are known as the windy city. Every time I have been in Chgo for incredible music shows at one of your incredible venues I have always been caught in the wind.

    It has been raining here all day, but more are coming and the wind is fierce.

  36. ellen, it's on my calendar, thnx!

    sass, chicago, particularly downtown chicago, is very windy, as you said. the winds we had were fierce (good word) and much stronger than usual. that must be what you're experiencing today. some of my stacked firewood fell over, which never happens, and the damper on my fireplace was banging until i closed the flue. in fact, the winds are picking up again, so i guess we're still in the midst of whatever this is.

  37. Sorry for the delay...I had a meeting. I hate when work gets in the way! :)

    I'll be on Trivial Pursuit: America Plays as an in-studio contestant.

    My name is Ellen and I'll be wearing a cute purple shirt that I bought for the occasion.

    Friday, March 27th

    It's syndicated so check your local listings. If your area shows 2 shows per day, it'll be the first episode of the day. Here in Los Angeles it's on Fox at 3 and 3:30.

    It's episode 115 if your cable/dvr shows that information.

    Thanks Moosh for filling in while I was gone! :)

    Sass-it's based on the board game (loosely). You should look it up on you tube to get an idea of how it works (the whole America's team confused me at first).

    thanks for the support everyone! I wonder how I'll be edited! :)

  38. check for local listings by clicking on that button here -

  39. Ooh, I hope you get the "latent serial killer" edit! LOL.

  40. Thanks Molly!

    Moosh-that's what I'm worried about!

    That and what my hair will look like. My friend flat-ironed it the night before for me. :)

  41. if you don't like the way your hair looks, we'll just blame your

  42. I like the way you think Molly! :)

  43. yea, ;)

  44. because he was never on my radar - am i the only one that thinks that tom arnold seems a tad on the cracked out side? he's terribly thin (sporting that matthew perryeque crack chic look). gross....or maybe he's just been like this and i never noticed? anyone?

  45. I don't care who you are. If you get your photo painted on the side of a plane, that is pretty cool. How do you photoshop it though? I 'sposed to recognize that person? 'Cause I don't. She looks like just another too thin H'Wood person to me.

  46. YOU ARE ALL WRONG. SHAME ON YOU MOOSHKI FOR STARTING IT. THE DOG IS NAMED komondor. Repeat komondor. Once more K-O-M-O-N-D-O-R. It is a herding dog which originated in Hungary. Puli are much smaller miniature/toy-sized with the same cording, usually in darker colors.
    Bathing them and drying these breeds are definitely day-long projects or expensive groomer visits. KOMONDOR.

  47. I had to look it up, but Jay-Z is turning 40 this year, he looks older. Maybe he's tired.

  48. Can't I just call it "Big Puli?"

  49. Pod-being married to Beyonce would age anyone! :)

  50. i love dog photos!LOL
