Random Photos Part One
Please. It is February 2. It is Groundhog Day. The greatest day ever. The day I sit in front of the tv, watch the movie of the same name, and drink a shot whenever anyone says Phil or Groundhog Day. Add it up. I have never made it through 45 minutes.Bruce Springsteen - Tampa
You know what? Claire Danes actually looks really good here. It is amazing what a smile can do. Plus, she was smiling in most of the photos so, this was not like some guy in a cross walk got run over by a car or something. This was a genuine smile.
Have not had Clive Owen in the photos in a very long time. I know you missed him.
Actors at celebrity golf tournaments. Let's take a look at how they dress. Don Cheadle goes for the look I would expect most people to have.
Mark Wahlberg needs a haircut and better acting skills but looks good enough to golf.
Oliver Hudson is overcompensating.
Can't say anything bad about Patrick Warburton.
And Gabriel Aubry seems to be saying, "do you really think I am going to play golf for the next 4 hours when I can go right back home and have Halle Berry naked instead."
If only the Ford Pinto looked as good as Freida Pinto. OK, it still wouldn't be around because it was a piece of crap, but damn she looks good.
My favorite photo of the day. Gavin Rossdale and his son.
The Verne of the day.
If only I could substitute myself in place of Jay Roach, my life would be complete. This Susanna Hoffs crush just will not go away.
Apparently the Kardashians got the Super Bowl confused with an equestrian event, or Kim said she was going to be riding Reggie later and they got confused.
Congratulations Lisa Loeb on your marriage. It is about damn time you two got married.
When Madonna covers half her face with her hair and wears sunglasses and four layers of clothes she really doesn't look that bad.
This could be a first time appearance for Michelle Monaghan.
Michelle Williams looks a little cold.
Nicole Kidman on the set of her next box office bomb.
Now if only Naomi Watts could convince Nicole that you don't need botox to look beautiful.
Orlando Bloom on the set of his new movie.
The princess is really excited. I would too. She is attending a bacon exhibit. Oh, Francis Bacon. Never mind.
Yeah, this whole Animal House toga wearing thing didn't really work for Rachel Griffiths.
Ron Jeremy and his guest, Phoebe Dollar. Well now we know what street she grew up on and the name of her dog.
Ahhh, the loving family.
Tim McGraw at the Super Bowl.
And The Submarines winner was Jordana. E-mail me back or I will give away the tickets to someone else. You have 9 minutes and 42 seconds. I always hate when radio stations do that. But, it did make One Crazy Summer a good movie.
Not really feeling this whole Virginia Madsen look.