Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Quick Hits

Madonna Is A Name Dropper - Apparently Madonna doesn't give the world the same kind of consideration she gives Queen Elizabeth before deciding to take on a film role. While all of us but the most ardent Madonna supporters would probably love for her to never act in another movie again, apparently the only person she turns to now is Queen Elizabeth. Madonna really wants to portray Wallis Simpson who was an American who got the King of England to give up his throne to marry her. Well, Madonna has actually asked the Queen for her permission to portray Simpson. Hey, Queen Elizabeth. Two words for you Shanghai Surprise.

Angela Bassett Not Inviting Woody Allen To Dinner - Angela Bassett is not a very big fan of Woody Allen. In fact she basically accused him of being racist in his films. I think that might be a little extreme because she is talking about the movie Vicki Cristina Barcelona which has minorities in it. Angela is upset there was only one black person in the movie. "I mean, to have one black cast member for the whole film seems rather strange, and, oh yes, she's a prostitute, of course. Don't get me wrong, I love Spain and it looked beautiful, but that part of the world is so diverse and, really, what is that about?"

When asked if she would ever work with Allen, Angela said, "No. He's a little weird." Yeah, I could see that.

Robert Downey Jr & Reese Witherspoon - Apparently Reese wants to do an action movie so much she has signed on to do a Sci-fi movie called The Days Before. According to Production Weekly, "the story concerns a race of aliens who travel back in time and invade Earth in an attempt to wipe out the human race. Downey will play a man who must stay one step ahead of the time-traveling extraterrestrials to warn the world of their imminent arrival." Uh huh. I don't see Reese in this at all.


  1. As if the Queen gives a shit about what Madonna does. Get over yourself, bitch. Sorry for the profanity, but I really hate her.

  2. As if the Queen really needs to approve any of this. But, in case a film does get made, I vote for Kate Winslet for the role (yeah, I know it should go to an American, but I honestly can't think of any American actress who would have the acting chops for it. Sorry.)

    Angela Bassett is now my favorite person of the day.

  3. Re: Reese's movie: Star Trek already did that story line in First Contact.

  4. woody allen is a good storyteller, and i was told that vicki christina barcelona was good. as a person of color, i, too, have wondered about woody's cast selections.

    i chalk him up to being very white bread. this guy probably has very little contact with anyone of color.

  5. My ex loved all things Woody Allen, I never got it, but to each his own. At the same time, I wonder if Angela Bassett would ever consider working with Spike Lee. Both are niche filmmakers and both have their own hangups.

    About the Reese thing, it may work. I'm not a fan but look at the females who have been cast in action movies over the last few years: kirsten Dunst,Katie Holmes,Gywneth ((WITH A Y) Paltrow.

  6. I have never cared for Woody, but I never thought of him as a racist, but then again I don't really think of him at all.

    I could see Reese as an extraterrestrial.

  7. Ummm. Having gone to school in Spain for over 14 years I can say that that part of the world is not that diverse. I only went to school with one black girl in all of that time (and she was the only black girl of over 1500 students in the school). Black people walking the streets in Spain is not something one sees everyday unless you go to that specific part of town. Which, unfortunately, is a rather poor and unsafe area to go hang out. I hope this came out right. I'm completely tongue tied right now.

  8. can anyone find a quote where angela bassett calls woody allen a racist? the only places i see that is on gossip sites like this, but in the original quote, nada.

    She said: "I mean, to have one black cast member for the whole film seems rather strange, and, oh yes, she's a prostitute, of course.

    "Don't get me wrong, I love Spain and it looked beautiful, but that part of the world is so diverse and, really, what is that about?"

    Bassett, who won an Oscar nomination for playing Tina Turner in What's Love Got To Do With It, added that she has no desire to work with Allen.

    "I wouldn't want to. He's a little weird," she said.

    she's right, he's made a lot of movies and where are the black people in them? she's looking at the body of work.

    but still, until someone can point to a quote she made calling him a racist, i think the bullshit about that needs to stop.

  9. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Madonna wants to play an American woman that a British Royal gave up the throne for? Jesus Christ the depth of this woman's delusions and self absorption knows no bounds.

  10. Maddona should play the time traveling alien in RDJ's flick, and Angela Bassett could play her driver of the space ship.

    Directed by Woody Allen of course.

  11. first jab out & waiting......

  12. Abbodon, i agree. Having spent my two last vacations in Barcelona i can honestly say yes, it is diverse, but not with a lot black people. my brother lives in an area that he is a minority in but it is mostly Spanish,Pakistani, Indian and other middle eastern countries.

    Maybe Angela needs to get out of the limo and take a look around the city.

  13. I can't agree more...expecting to see black people in a film based in Barcelona is like expecting to see Jewish people in a film based in Iraq.

    Does Madonna really think she's Wallis Simpson material? That woman is looking more like Edward than Wallis these days.

  14. I hope this doesn't come out wrong. I'm just going to relay my experience okay? When I was in Spain, the only black person I saw WAS a prostitute. I was a tourist, distracted looking at something, got separated from my Spanish friend's dad by a few yards when I ran to catch up, I rounded a corner and almost ran smack into this amazingly tall African woman. She said something I didn't understand but her look scared the hell out of me. I squeaked and ran over to my friend's dad who told me what she was. He said "They're made to prostitute themselves to pay for thier passage to Spain. Those poor women, they believe in voodoo and that's how their pimps keep hold of them, which is why they don't run away."

    And as for you Madonna, you pompous twat, why the hell would the Queen of England presume to know who you are, or give two blue shits about what you do? The nerve! You're no longer relevant, so GO AWAY and stop bothering us.

  15. w/ all due respect to angela b., she's a wee bit ridiculous. not to mention ignorant. now, i don't know if woody is or isn't racist, but that's neither here nor there considering his films don't appeal to me regardless who's in them or what color their skin may be.

    i personally don't see a sci-fi film being a boost for reese's career, but maybe she wants to explore her inner nerd, and if so, more power to her.

    oh madonna. your ego has completely obliterated your rationale. moron.

  16. I thought it was this was known fact in Hollywood that Woody doesn't use Blacks in his movies???

    As if the Queen even takes Madonna's calls, lol

  17. montana, i think that's what she's bitching about. the whole body of work. spike lee should get on his ass, forget hassling clint eastwood.

  18. All I know is Reese is SMOKIN' in this photo. Girl looks FINE when she wants to.

    And actually I think Madonna could do Wallis Simpson very well since she's an Anglophile and soooo tiny, as was the Dutchess.

    One thing about her Madgesty is that she puts 200% into her projects even though she can't "act" worth a damn unless she's basically playing herself.

  19. Anonymous2:18 PM

    I never liked Woody A. and his films. Always thought he was a pervert since most or all of his movies deal with sex. He must have an obsession with sex.

    Madonna - hasn't she had 3 strikes in trying to act and so far she is still a very bad wanabe actress.

  20. Ooooooh, y'all are gonna cream me this time for sure so I'll say now that I really and truly agree with all of the above posts re: Madonna's twatty-ness!

    I posted in semi-jest, but I do think she's be a good Wallis Simpson.

    But maybe someone fine-boned and proper like Kristen Scott-Thomas would be good, as well. Who caould really act, maybe?

    It IS a good epic story, that whole thing with them and his abdication, etc.

  21. I wonder if I can somehow take a picture of that Reese picture and show my hairdresser it? That's the shade of blonde I've been trying to get right for the last 6 years, oy.

    Madonna can sod off already, surely? She hates us all now yet wants to play someone who married into the British Royal family? Uh huh, what drugs is she taking?

  22. There has been a rise is immigrant migration from sub-Saharan Africa ans the Caribbean to Spain. I know that many Africans first go to the Canary Islands and then are allowed to enter mainland Spain. There is also significant immigration from the Dominican Republic.

    Someone above stated that there are neighborhoods that Afro-Spaniards live that are "dangerous and you shouldn't go to." So does that mean that the population as a whole should be ignored because they are impoverished?

    I don't know any African who practices voodoo and I am half Liberian. There are traditional African religions that have been practiced for thousands of years but since people from the outside are unfamiliar with them, they are quick to label them as voodoo. If the prostitute mentioned above was practicing voodoo, why doesn't she put a hex on her pimp or why not just put a hex on herself and make herself a millionaire?

    Of course Afro-Spaniards are note all over and every corner you turn but they do exist. Maybe Angela Basset just went to the black part of town. I do not know.

    Just my two cents.

  23. West End Girl--

    It's gotta kill y'all that come-heres like Madonna try to overtake things.

    I live in a resort area where money people from different parts come in and act like it's their turf, without giving a hoot about the history or geography or simple, natural, old-school things inherent to our hometown that we'd kinda like to keep, heaven forbid...

    Annoys the f*ck out of us.

  24. Awesome POV, Princessj1987.

    I love hearing from people who've been to the places in question when these items arise.

  25. SelenaKyle, exactly that. It's a small word most people forget - respect. Bastards, the lot of them :p

  26. @Princessj1987, "If the prostitute mentioned above was practicing voodoo, why doesn't she put a hex on her pimp or why not just put a hex on herself and make herself a millionaire?"

    I never said I stopped and had a conversation with her and asked her her religious preactices. I was told this as a generalization by a highly educated Spaniard who's lived in Spain most of his life. I'm Catholic, but that doesn't mean I feel qualified to perform a christening! So if that African prostitute did indeed believe in voodoo, perhaps she didn't feel qualified to perform a "hex" on her pimp as you suggested. Perhaps you can ask her.

    And as to why she doesn't just put a hex on herself and make herself a millionaire? All I can say is OMG did you really just write something so foolish and flip? About some unfortunate woman in a tragic situation? Really?

    And while in Spain, I did watch the news and see undocumented people, including children, from all parts of the African continent wash up on the beach half dead from crossing the channel on rickety ass boats. Many of them die trying to cross into Spain from where their countries are closest (the Strait of Gibralter)only to be caught and deported back to the coast of Africa because they have no immigration documents (visas etc.)and will not be able to work legally. We have a similar situation in the U.S. with our southern neighbors. Except they don't wash up dead on our beaches.

  27. i loved woody's older films. after awhile, he just stopped being clever or funny.

    and i agree, why would the queen give a flying fuck what that woman does? for that matter, would she really care about a movie about wallis simpson? she DID get the king to abdicate, making her the "bad guy", right? if she'd been english, wouldn't she have been a traitor?
    but the queen is a cool old broad. the best response is none at all. didn't madge ask her for an audience or something and get turned down?

  28. I don't believe the gossip item about Madonna contacting the Queen. Made up bullshit,IMO.

    Woody is so past his prime. Even when he was in his prime, he lost my respect by stealing from Buster Keaton for Purple Rose of Cairo.

    I've spent a fair amount of time in Barcelona (work and pleasure) and a bit in the rest of northern Spain, and saw only a few black people. And the only Africans I met & spoke with were from northern Africa - Algeria, Egypt and Morocco. Met a couple of guys from Tunisia, but essentially, every African I met was fairly light skinned - brown, not black. And the overt hatred towards Moroccons was unnerving...

    I think Angela can smack Woody around overall about his films being so white, but she's off-base about Spain. IMO.

    Personally, I found Spain and France overall to be quite Xenophobic. I expected that in France, but was surprised when I encountered it so much in Spain. Especially since the people are so friendly and welcoming. Well, except some of the Catalonians ;-) As one Columbian national said to me, "They're mean. They're just plain mean. Don't you think they're mean?"

    That said, I love Spain. Love the people, love the culture, love the beauty, and look forward to going back.

  29. LOL @ Molly

    West End Girl, here's what you do (at least what I did) Find the beauty school nearby. The soon to be graduates are looking for folks to 'test out' on. It's cheap and great service. Just a heads up. Tip
    em well:)

  30. also hats off to Ms.
    Long timer here, just lurk a bunch. Well, not so much since I just found out about the infant who apparently fathered a child in the UK..but been around since the start. you get the idea.

  31. Am I the only person in the world who doesn't think Reese Witherspoon is all that?

  32. sweater, you don't think cdan'ers remember you? i do!

    jerry, based on what people post about her, no.

  33. Princessj1987, my parents met in Liberia, in the Peace Corps, in 1962.

  34. HA! Can you see Madonna calling up the Queen:
    MADONNA: Hello, Your Majesty, I need to ask your permission about the next episode of The Tudors.
    *noise in background while the Queen asks who the heck Madonna is and the Queen's assistant explains*
    QUEEN: Aren't you American?
    MADONNA: Yes, Your Majesty, I am American, but I do have property in your country and I try very hard to pretend to be British.
    QUEEN: Then, you aren't even one of my subjects?
    MADONNA: No, I am not.
    QUEEN: Then why are you wasting my time?
    Why does Madonna consider herself to be royalty??

  35. Because she's a royal pain in the ass?
