Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Quick Hits

Prince Harry Gets In More Trouble - Last month, Prince Harry had to apologize after some derogatory remarks he made about a Pakistani army officer came to light. Now, he is in more trouble after some public comments he made about black comedian Stephen Amos who performed at the 60th birthday party of Prince Charles. After Amos finished his set, Harry said, "You don't sound like a black chap." Amos has said that after Harry delivered the remark he wanted to reply, "How is I supposed to sound?" Of course no one had any comment about the whole thing. This seems to be turning into a habit for Harry. He needs to break it fast.

Ne-Yo Gets Sued - Ne-Yo was scheduled to play a New Year's Eve show in Bellevue Washington. The promoters paid him $95,000 upfront and arranged for his hotel and airfare and all of his other demands. Ne-Yo turned up in Washington, but decided he really had better things to do NYE and failed to show up at the gig. He is being sued for the $95K and an extra $1M in damages.

Atlantic Swim Was A Hoax - Earlier this week I almost posted the photo of the American woman who had claimed to be the first woman to swim across the Atlantic Ocean. Turns out that all she really did was swim about 250 miles of the 2500 mile journey and spent the rest of the time on a sailboat. After reveling in all of the media hype for a few days, people apparently started doing the math and realized it would have been impossible for her to do it in the time she says she did it. Her response? She said she never intended to swim the Atlantic. Uh huh. Well she sure told a whole lot of people she did.


  1. Harry seems to be following in his grandfather's footsteps. Prince Phillip has had some famous blunders as well.

  2. Anonymous12:33 PM

    I'd say swimming 250 miles is still a helluva feat.

    I'm also fascinated by jagerlilly's profile photo.

    Harry's been sheltered too long. That's the problem with royalty.

  3. There is absolutely no excuse for Harry's racist remark and yet I hear he secretly sleeps with black women. What's this, a fascination with the forbidden fruit?

  4. Ya, I swam from the SoCal coast to Hawaii once even though I never intended to.

  5. Harry. Harry. Harry. I used to like you. Not so sure anymore. Too many blunders.

    Ne-Yo. That will probably get settled for a lesser amount.

    I knew that whole swimming across the Atlantic thing was a hoax.

  6. harry is quickly becoming an asshole.

    how sad.

  7. Califblondy, that happened to me once when I was swimming in Lake Superior. I didn't know what was going on until I reached Canada and they made me turn around and go back. :(

  8. several times last summer i meant to swim my thrice weekly mile and instead found myself floating face down in a pitcher of margaritas.
    i never intended to do it, and have issued public apologies.
    i never intend to do the same several times this summer, either.

  9. Harry seems to be following in his grandfather's footsteps. Prince Phillip has had some famous blunders as well.


    He obviously has had no one to teach him proper decorum since Diana died. Wills was a bit older & prolly caught on better. Blame Charles & those who taught him that this is appropriate behavior.

  10. "You don't sound like a black chap"

    Hahahahahahahahaha! I'm surprised he said "black" and not "coloured"!
