Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Quick Hits

Bob Marley Goes Elvis - Apparently Bob Marley's family would like to make more money off Bob than they are currently making. Therefore they have signed on with Hilco Consumer Capital who will license products including, shoes, food, collectibles, luggage, musical instruments, and stationery, with the Bob Marley family of brands. No word yet on whether they will have a bong line, but at least we know if they do that Michael Phelps will be able to find one sponsor.

Grey's Goodbyes - Confirming what I told all of you about 2 months ago, James Pickens Jr let it blab that TR Knight wants off Grey's and won't be back. What he added that is new is that he is taking Katherine Heigl with him when he walks out the door. US Magazine talked to James Pickens Jr and he said, he wished nothing but Katherine the best. He didn't say the same about TR though I don't think.

That's A Big Baby - Apparently Paul Stanley's wife Erin called Dr. Love and gave birth to an 8 pound daughter last week. Contrary to myth, she didn't come out of the womb wearing full makeup and singing Rock And Roll All Nite. She did request the family move to Detroit Rock City though and if you leave some milk laying around she will Lick It Up. Too much? Going for the fourth song reference was probably too much.


  1. Did Stanley and his wife call her Beth?
    Sorry, couldn't resist. . .

  2. Wasn't PS known for sleeping with MALE groupies as well as females on the road?!?!

  3. PS has a huge case o' the gay face. That's why the makeup, surely.

    Ping Ping goes the gaydar.

  4. I'm still waiting for Paul Stanley to come out of the closet. Seriously. If that guy is straight, I'm Priscilla Presley.

  5. Whoa, that's a scarey picture Paul. I'm getting a Michael Jackson vibe and that's never a good thing.

  6. I'm not usually a sucker for kids, but the younger one's smile makes me smile. Kids should be happy.

    GA? Meh. Univision has better novelas, and at least they end after a few months. Does this help explain why KH has been photographed smoking so much recently?

  7. She said, "In a world without heroes, I was made for loving you baby."

  8. Actually, there have been many cabbies all around the world that talk about Stanley getting into a cab looking for the gay bars after concerts. It is well known that he is gay.

  9. Also, TR Knight must not be liked at all. I'm pretty sure the whole Fag-Gate episode did not help. But honestly, he seems like a self-entitled little prick.

  10. Also, TR Knight must not be liked at all. I'm pretty sure the whole Fag-Gate episode did not help. But honestly, he seems like a self-entitled little prick.

  11. I'm really trying to not write anything rude about that picture.

  12. Enty hears you calling, Momster, but he can't come home right now....

  13. jesus christ i thought Dina Lohan dyed her hair black!

    oh Paul...love the brows.

  14. I am sorry to be rude but that kid is rockin' some serious Benjamin Button vibes.

  15. Clearly he is wearing a wig. To go with his blond beard

  16. Woohoo. Let's hope we never hear from or about Heigl again.

  17. Kudos to TRK & KH for getting out of the sinking ship that is "Grey's Anatomy". What was once a good show has become nothing but a soap opera, and not a very good one at that.
