Quick Hits
Apparently Kellogg's Has Never Heard Of The Munchies - Michael Phelps has lost his first sponsor because of the photo released earlier this week showing him enjoying a bong. Apparently Kellogg's has chosen not to take advantage of this opportunity by selling itself as a snack for people stoned out of their minds and craving cereal, and instead will focus on the elementary school crowd instead with wholesome, nutritious cereals that are good for you like Kellogg's Honey Smacks which is about 50% sugar and one serving has more sugar than a glazed donut. They are missing out here. I'm telling you.
The CW Wants Some Vampires - Everyone wants vampires and to try and find a way to make some money off of them. The latest to try will be the CW which has picked up the pilot for a television show called Vampire Diaries. I was hoping it was like Red Shoe Diaries but it seems to be instead based on a series of books about two vampire brothers who are fighting over the soul of a girl in the town where they live. Oh, and they want the souls of everyone else in town as well. Not a lot of sleeping at night in that town I'm thinking.
Yoko? - It is unanimous. All the members of The Kills except for Jamie Hince have said they don't want Kate Moss on tour with them and sure as hell don't want her on the stage singing any vocals. Apparently Jamie Hince has told Kate she could go on tour with the band and sing and of course Kate wants that because hey, she is a major talent and her kid can look after herself at home. I mean she must be all of 8 by now. Apparently the rest of the band said they didn't want to even see Kate for the next six months while on tour. She really knows how to win people over doesn't she.