Monday, February 02, 2009

Quick Hits

That's A Shocker - At the Annie Awards on Friday night which are not awards for the best singing red headed orphan, but rather awards for the best animated films, Wall-E was completely shut out. It had been nominated for 8 awards but got its butt kicked by Kung Fu Panda which took home 11 awards including the best animated film. To me that is a huge shocker. I don't know how Wall-E can compete solely against animated films from this past year and not get one award out of 8. It seems inconceivable. Must be judges from MTV or something.

"I ate a piece of lettuce today." - Lawyers in an insurance case want the diary of Renee Zellweger from from the time when she was filming Cinderella Man. The insurance company wants to know how Renee spent the seven weeks filming was shut down when Russell Crowe dislocated his shoulder. I really can't imagine anything I would like to read less. "Today, I looked in the mirror. All day. I smelled some food. I got full."

Eddie Can See The Kid - Eddie Murphy and Mel B have finally reached an agreement about their one year old daughter. Eddie is required to pay a bunch of money because, hey, he denied the kid was his so he should have to pay a lot of money. Eddie does get to see his daughter when he wants, which so far has probably been never. The bright side is that Eddie as part of the agreement has promised to never sing again and all copies of Party All The Time have been destroyed.


  1. I was furious when I read that. IMO, Wall-E was the best movie of the year, animated or otherwise.

    I read somewhere that Eddie actually never has seen her. He said something about not being willing to see his daughter if he had to see Mel B as well. What a prick.

    "Party All the Time" was nowhere near as bad as "The Adventures of Pluto Nash."

  2. that poor little girl will someday be old enough to come online and read all about how her daddy has never given a s%#^.


  3. Just looking at that picture of Wall-E makes me all emotional. *Sniff*

  4. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Mooshki - Given how ugly the separation between Eddie and Mel B, I can understand trying to arrange not to see her when picking up the kid. Also, it was clear that baby was an accident, and Eddie didn't want it. I'm not approving of it, but I can understand it.

    And having seen Kung-Fu Panda and mostly been bored by it, and having seen Wall-E several times already (perhaps the only movie in the last year I've seen more than once), to me it's clear the Annies were rigged this year.

  5. Was fully prepared to buy Wall-E today at Wal-Mart of all places but it was sold out, 6 weeks after it's release, that's still a pretty good indicator of how many folks loved it.

    I see Zellweger's 'New in Town' tanked. Of course.
    I'll wait for the inevitable TBS weekend marathon.
    TBS should have a marathon of Bill Murray's
    'Ground Hog Day'today. That, I could watch.

  6. Weird Al Yankovic's polka version of Party All the Time was fantastic.

    As I recall, Renee had to be hospitalized briefly while shooting Cinderella Man in Toronto. She had never seen a supermarket before, so walked in out of curiosity, but became suddenly hysterical at the sight of real food and had to be sedated.

  7. DN, I guess it's just proof that they're both a**es. She should allow him to have a caretaker pick the kid up. I don't even know which is worse - a reluctant father or no father at all.

  8. Wall-E is brilliant, a work of genius. They are fools.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I don't get it. How is it relevant what Renee, or any other actor in that film, did while filming was shut down? They didn't hurt themselves. Regardless, she should deny she has one or say what she did in Chicago: "It's just a bunch of doodles".

  11. I love Wall-E. I can't look at a spork without being overcome with emotion. As far as Eddie goes. He is obviously a douche. I don't think he sees much of his other kids, what makes her think he would want to see her daughter? Heck he probably doesn't even remember the little girls name.

  12. They are working on the sequel to Wall-E. It's about a mechanical fish. It's called Wall-I.

    Get it?!?! Wall-I...walleye?!?

    God I crack me up....

  13. When I read about what an a**hole Eddie Murphy is,it's sad to know he doesn't have a sense of humor about himself. The way he skewered politics(Distinguished Gentelman), Religion(HolyMan)Hollywood&Scientology(Bowfinger)ya think he wouldn't be so pompous in his personal life.Too bad. Bowfinger is on all the time on my cheapo Starz channels and I always
    leave it on even if it's just background noise.

  14. For the right price I bet Eddie can arrange to pick up/drop off that kid without ever seeing Mel B. If the rumors are true she's hard up for cash.

    Eddie claims that he doesn't want to see the child because Mel B is crazy.

    So Eddie she wasn't too crazy for you to sleep with.

    I no longer have any respect for him. What a poor excuse for a man.

  15. Anonymous1:40 PM

    lol@Ror, u r a dork hahaha

    I am sure if Eddie the tranny lover wanted to see his kid he would find a way to do this without being such a drama queen.

  16. I was actually pretty excited to hear that Kung Fu Panda won! I thought it was a great movie and that it got great ratings !

  17. Party all the time isn't all that bad a song. I come from Canada. There is no escaping Celine Dion or Men without Hats. I'd choose Party All The time over Saftey Dance any day. I hate the radio.

  18. audieh...Danceeeeh!

    lol you gotta love the Safety Dance.

  19. yes, and john laseter won a lifetime achievement award.
    nothing for bolt, even though it's the best thing disney has done in a long time. i really thought wall-e would walk this one.
    a friend/ co-worker got to go to the awards.

  20. ror/lol!
    audieh_1 I love Safety Dance, I even bought the album~You can dance if you want to and leave the world behind.. good stuff!

  21. I think they should redo the Safety Dance video, & use Verne Troyer in it.

  22. Anonymous7:31 PM

    bunny - bolt was pretty good. If you ever see the guy who did the hamster's voice, pat him on the back for me. He was the only reason I went to see it, and the main reason I liked it. (The cat was pretty awesome too. I was surprised she wasn't in the advertising much.)

  23. I managed to bypass Kung Fu Panda. Haven't even bought the dvd. We saw Wall•E in the theater. I liked it, liked the message, but I don't think it's the best Pixar has done. Finding Nemo will probably stay as my favourite. If it made my husband get "dust" in his eyes the first 3 or 4 times, it's a keeper.
