Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Quick Hits Part Two

Straight To DVD - Do you remember how excited Audrina Patridge was earlier this year that she was going to be the star of her very own movie? She was probably envisioning red carpets and her very own premiere, awards, a huge hit and big paychecks to follow. I along with about every other person with half a brain said Into The Blue 2 would probably go straight to DVD and it is. No premiere, no fancy parties. Just a car ride over to Blockbuster to see it sitting on the shelves. Oh, it will be on the shelves. Meanwhile in other horrific acting news, the people who produced Major Movie Star and gave Jessica Simpson a job decided to change the name of the movie to Private Valentine:Blonde And Dangerous thinking that perhaps people strolling through the movie store would have a memory lapse as to the bomb it was and possibly rent or buy the movie and push up its current gross. Oh, you don't know what the current gross is. Well, let me tell you. $1,300. Yep. Good luck in that movie career Jessica.

Clay Aiken Will Judge You - Well, he is not actually going to judge you unless of course you happen to be a contestant on ANTM. If you are, then Clay has decided he is one to judge what looks good in fashion. Umm, seriously? Who the hell thought this was a good idea? Has anyone associated with the show seen how Clay dresses? Has anyone ever seen Clay in a dress? Me either, but it kind of sounded cool to write it like that. Really? I can't believe someone is not joking with this. I never watch the show so do they have some judge every week who is clueless and the rest of the judges laugh and point and don't let him play in any reindeer games because otherwise I don't see the point.

Ty Loses - That's a shocker. Ty decided to change the names of the dolls they say were not named after the President's daughters. Instead of Sweet Sasha and Marvelous Malia, the dolls will now be known as Marvelous Mariah and Sweet Sydney. Apparently the fact that the White House didn't like the names of the dolls and the fact that the federal government would have probably made the company's life miserable over the next four years probably had something to do with the decision.


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