Quick Hits Part Two
At Least The Can Do A Divorce Show Next - CBS ordered a new series which is basically going to be four blind date marriages. Yes, real marriages. Four single people who have no luck finding a mate have their friends and family find them a wife. The couple gets married and the show follows them through their marriage. Yeah, this won't cheapen the whole marriage thing will it? Seriously? I mean I am not saying I won't watch the show but what kinds of odds do you give the marriages for success? I think it is a great idea to get people to watch television but a bad idea in every other sense of the word.
Baby News - You know when I only have to write a sentence or two about baby news it isn't that bad. It is when I try and come up with several paragraphs about celebrities having kids that I start to not care. I don't know how that celebrity baby blog does it. I would go insane. Anyway, the very lovely. Did I say she was lovely, Sarah Shahi of The L Word and Life is pregnant. According to E! this is going to cause lots of changes on Life. Yeah, it will also cause big changes in Sarah's life too I would imagine, but sure, lets focus on the show. Bobby Brown is having another kid. I thought I just did a Bobby Brown having a baby story a few months ago. Anyway, this is his 5th. I think it is probably fair to say he may have more than that. Hell, I thought he had more than that he had publicly acknowledged.
Love it!!!! - One of the Jonas Brothers is rumored to be getting laid off. According to Advertising Age magazine, Disney has decided that since the Jonas Brothers are not great singers anyway that why not save costs and reduce the number who sing down to 2 from the current 3. Since they can't sing anyway, Disney is thinking of getting rid of the non-cute one. I don't even know their names, but apparently Disney thinks Kevin is the one who should be removed from the group. Practice these words Kevin. "Do you want fries with that?"