Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Quick Hits Part One

Has Anyone Seen An Oscar? - Angelina Jolie can't seem to find the Oscar she won back in 1999 for Girl Interrupted. No, it didn't get lost in any of the million moves she has done since then and there is no reason to believe that Billy Bob is using it as a bong or anything. Actually, I guess if anyone were using it is a bong it would probably be Jennifer Aniston. I mean that would kind of be the ultimate payback wouldn't it? No one knows exactly where the missing statue is. Angelina gave her to her mother shortly after she won it. When her mom passed away last year, everyone looked for it, but no one has found it as of yet. I would look on eBay.

Business Purposes? - Nick Hogan has been given permission by a judge to resume driving. His license is suspended until 2011 but his lawyers secured him permission to begin driving for work purposes only. Umm, is he out driving around Florida looking for a job at McDonald's? What kind of business purposes? The guy has no job. With no job you can always be driving around and saying you were looking for work or help wanted signs or just thought you being kind when you decided to pick up your girlfriend and help her look for jobs to. Did the judge even ask what the business purposes are, or if Nick was getting a paycheck?

No Love For Stephenie Meyer - Stephen King has no love for Twilight author Stephenie Meyer. Oh, sure he might like her personally but has no respect for her as a writer. In this weekend's USA Today Magazine, King was asked to compare and contrast Meyer and JK Rowling who wrote the Harry Potter books. "Both Rowling and Meyer, they're speaking directly to young people... The real difference is that Jo Rowling is a terrific writer and Stephenie Meyer can't write worth a darn. She's not very good." Guess he won't be getting an autographed party anytime soon.


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