According to statistics dug up, the average hospital bill of a premature baby in 2006 was about $130,000. I don't think it is unreasonable to assume that in the three years since that number could have risen to $142,000 which if you multiply by 8 is $1.1M (yes I had 14 on the brain) that the people of the State of California are going to be paying. That by the way does not include the medical bills we already have paid for Nadya Suleman's six other kids or all her doctor visits after pregnancy or all her children's shots and pediatrician visits. Of course since three of her first six children are disabled we have all been paying for those bills as well.
If all of that was not bad enough, the NY Post today increases the $300K I say that NBC paid Nadya, and says that NBC paid her well over $1.2M for everything. NBC denies paying her or her representatives, but where there is smoke, there is fire. What they also said in the article, but didn't expand on was the fact that Nadya had planned all of this in advance. She arranged for her birth to be filmed and pictures were taken because she knew she was going to be able to sell it all. She was basically getting the State of California to finance her publicity stunt in which she will reap all the rewards and we will be stuck paying for everything. Oh, and for those of you in other states or other countries, don't worry. You know that someone out there is already trying to think of a way to duplicate this feat so they can get some easy cash.
My only wish for today is that we could go to Nadya's website and read the comments people are leaving. I want to see every comment which they will never do unfortunately.
California is the LAST state that needs this bill.
ReplyDeleteCan't they just write her an I.O.U.?
What's the law in CA? Can they go after the $$ to recoup/underwrite some of their expenses??
ReplyDeleteShe is a Kaiser patient which, to my understanding, operates privately. They don't get state funds because they aren't open to the public. Therefore the children won't be a financial burden to taxpayers until they are discharged, and you can bet your bottom dollar Kaiser Kaiser will discharge them ASAP. Kaiser is the most profit-oriented not-for-profit there is.
ReplyDeleteIf anyone knows differently about how Kaiser works, please chime in. I work in healthcare in CA, but I've never worked for them.
I was so disappointed that I couldn't read the comments people left on her site.
ReplyDeleteI left a nice long rant and I don't think Nadya herself will ever see it either
She better hurry up and get that degree and start paying it off. Oh yeah, I forgot, she's a begger. She better get a bigger tin cup cup and go stand on an exit ramp with the other beggers.
ReplyDelete@Little Miss
ReplyDeleteActually, I have a friend who's mom was a doctor for Kaiser and they fired her for spending too much time with her patients.
Those photos are horrifying.
ReplyDeleteShe looks like a cross between Cher, Alanis Morrisette with a bit of Angelina Jolie thrown in. But super pregnant.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Enty, she had this calculated from the get go.
Little Miss, Kaiser has already put in a request for Medicaid to pay the bill.
ReplyDeleteYou know I keep wondering if this person is a good candidate for Munchausen Syndrome???
ReplyDeleteI want to offer my help to her.
ReplyDeleteHelp in super gluing her vaj, then stapling it, then sewing it closed.
i vote for Ban - i grow tired of her and her brood - and seriously....i DID NOT need to see those photos - now i'm imagining stretch marks...shudder
ReplyDeleteLittle Miss, it seems she doesnt have insurance with Kaiser, she just showed up on their doorstep when she was ready to pop.
ReplyDeleteThis is soooo infuriating, I want to puke. As a Californian and a foster/adoptive parent, I am disgusted by her and everything she represents. It isn't bad enough our pathetic excuse for a governor and our state government is screwing us royally this week with a $14 BILLION tax increase???
I think I want to move to Montana.
Mooshki - thanks for the info, that is indeed interesting. Medicaide may indeed deny that request as it is akin to asking for a government bailout of a private company.
ReplyDeleteAmster - doesn't surprise me at all based on what I've heard from other ex-kaiser docs.
AnonMon - "Those photos are horrifying."
ReplyDeleteI completely agree, it's making me sick and I can't wait to be pregnant. It actually makes me itchy.
theAM - I hadn't heard that! In that case, medicaide will likely pony up. I had only heard she was a kaiser patient but that was early on when info was sketchy.
ReplyDeleteThis may be a controversial opinion but I think she should lose custody of her children on the basis of mental illness. These poor bAbies will never get the love they deserve from this nutcase. They are the innocent victims followed by the California taxpayers of which I fall into the latter category.
I agree with canadachick. This chick has some mental illness that feeds off the publicity. Let's stop talking about her and hope that her state's social services drops in to evaluate her children.
ReplyDeleteI heard today she's actually left the house in Whittier. Why? Because she was receiving "death threats." I'm guessing some of those website comments were not as kind as she had hoped. So now she's hired a private security firm to investigate them and protect her.
ReplyDeleteI wonder who's paying for that?
Little miss- I agree 100% with taking all of her kids away. She doesn't strike me as the type of person that would want to actually take care of them anyway, she puts that job off on her poor mother. All the kids deserve better. I know grandma tries but you can tell she is tired. Now that she has her little moneymakers she probably won't give the other kids the time of day.
ReplyDeletedid you hear the comments from her other kids about the new additions?? Basically it was they're gonna CRY all the time...and Mom will be stressed out...actually kids seemed quite 'articulate'
ReplyDeleteI hope they charge that bitch with some kind of fraud. And I hope they take those kids away and place them with families that can take care of them without handouts. I also think that Dr. that implanted all those embryos needs to have his license yanked.
ReplyDeleteactually Enty i heard it was closer to over $5M by the time they leave but a lot of time and resources were donated.
ReplyDeleteHmmmm.. well, it stands to reason when your tummy is stretched that much to hold 8 babies, things are not going to snap back to normal, expecially when this is your seventh full-term pregnancy. So I am probably posing a redundant question - who's going to pay for her upcoming tummy-tuck???
ReplyDeleteI'm too pissed to express how I really feel about this woman.
ReplyDeleteI'm honestly surprised that her site is still up. Her publicist (what fucking "everyday person" needs a publicist, again?) claimed that over half of the messages were people telling Nadya off, as well as death threats.
ReplyDeleteI just threw up in my mouth looking at the photo!
ReplyDeleteMy Mom said Kaiser doesn't mess around when it comes to getting their money. Speaking of my Mom; too bad she isn't Nadya's Mom. My Mom would have kicked her ass out of the house 13 kids ago. But, then that'd make her my sister and I'm sure I would have accidentally smothered her in the playhouse way before any babies came along.
ReplyDeleteI'm assuming the amount of money for an average premature baby is for babies that aren't born extremely premature. I have a premature baby, born 8 weeks early, and by the time the hospital bills, doctors bills, and surgeon bills came in, it was reaching the $500,000 mark rather quickly. I can't imagine what kind of care those babies will need. They are all smaller than what my baby was, and will more than likely spend over 2 months in the NICU. Those bills accumulate quickly. I'd venture to say hers are gonna be around the $4 million range.
ReplyDeleteHere is the comment I just left. I suspect Nadya will never read any of these. I am sure Her PR firm just picks out the nice comments and compiles them for her each week or something. But I still feel like I got my point across.
ReplyDelete"Your children should be taken away from you. ALL of them.
What you are doing is despicable and you should be embarrassed.
Move to another state please and live off there welfare system. People like myself that have full time jobs, NO CHILDREN, and pay our taxes do not want to pay for your shenanigans. You are sick.
Get mental help. Your children deserve better.
California deserves better."
You know what I would do if I were rich? I would find out how much money people gave her and then double it and donate it to a children's charity.
ReplyDeletethat's the only way I could feel good about this whole sordid story.
I feel so sorry for her children.
oh and p.s. I also think there has to be some mental illness going on here. Hopefully she gets diagnosed and her children can be placed in safe homes or adopted and her poor mother can get some well deserved rest.
ReplyDeleteOr, hopefully she can get treated for this disease and then maybe retain custody of some of her children herself.
Who's taking bets on how soon she plays the victim card because of all the 'mean' comments out there that are making her so distraught that it hampers her ability to take care of her children? A week, maybe?
ReplyDeleteOMG. That belly is huge. Wow. I live in NY and feel a whack job like Nadya coming anyday now.
ReplyDeleteNadya is pretty smart. Her "church" is one of those mega churches that's active in the community. Even though they don't remember her ever attending, they're going to step in anyways. They're looking for a house for her. She should move within a week or two. They're also arranging volunteers and looking for donations. Nadya's previous nanny service is also offering her a year of free paid help, including a head nanny to be in charge of all the other nannies.
ReplyDeleteSome people in this world are givers and others are takers. We all know what Nadya is.
And she'll probably sue people who sent her death threats so there is even more $$$.
ReplyDeleteIf NBC paid for this story, I hope it comes out and puts eggs on faces. And the producers get FIRED. And Ann Curry gets suspended. And if Nadya Suleman got 1.2 million, I suggest Ahnold and Californians demand she cough it up to pay for her preemies medical care.
ReplyDeleteThe woman makes me sick.
Oh, and while I understand the desire of Calvary Chapel to help, if this woman was not attending and a regular member (meaning, she was participating in the life of the church and doing her part to help others), then they should tag her as a leech and say, "Sorry, we have plenty of people to help in this bad economy who aren't nutjob immoral leeches who badmouth their parents and stick taxpayers with footing their dreams of excessive breeding."
ReplyDeleteThe people of CC will just get used by this beeeyotch until she sucks every penny and volunteer she can out of them while she spends her donations on more lip collagen and a tummy tuck.
that tummy may be horrifying, but, my hand to god, my mother was about that size with just ONE baby! she coudn't reach her arms around her belly and touch fingertips when pg w/ my brother, and _I_ was the bigger baby!
ReplyDeleteand yes, we both have stretch marks that are icky (and were itchy, as well)!
but why is that idiot even on her feet? and when were these pictures taken?
as much as we despise this woman, she really did hit a gold mine, because it's almost impossible to punish the mother without punishing the babies, or possibly the grandparents. i don't blame grandpa for rushing back out of the country.
Holy crap! I feel this is an animated gif and in the next frame, an angry, slimy alien is going to pop out and scream, and I will jump out of my seat!
ReplyDeletewell, the good news is she didn't pose naked, ala Demi.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI was just reading where Angie Jo thinks octomom is creepy. I guess octomom has sent Angie fan mail in the past. Maybe Angie needs to get a restraining order. This woman is clearly crazy and I am still hoping that her children can be adopted out to good families.
ReplyDeletethanks for the update amster. I was figuring AJ was holding back on commenting until after Oscar season, but she must have been mortified and disgusted with her name being uttered in the same sentence as the brood sow.
ReplyDeleteWon't the state go after her for reimbursement? Also, with all that $$ would she even still qualify for medicaid?
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking when the state & everyone else owed $$ gets through collecting $$ from all the liens to be put on her 'earnings', there won't even be enough left to get the tummy tuck she probably has planned.
ReplyDeleteI am sooooo looking forward to the brood sow being investigated--you know it's going to happen. The next "big story" is going to be how she pre-planned everything...the smart news folks will start digging and digging...and oh, how I'll laugh and laugh.
I want to know how much she's paying the publicists, because you know they have got a tough row to hoe with this one...doesn't matter what she says, she comes out sounding batshit crazy.
Oh, how I loathe her with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns....
do you think she gets charged a fee for processing credit card donations? if so, I'll be happy to donate $.01
ReplyDeleteI just saw a pic of her on TMZ buying some wii controllers at Blockbuster. It is good to know your donations folks are being well spent. In the pic she sure is giving that Angie pout. She must have practiced for months.
ReplyDeleteI am praying for Nadya and her babies. You people need to leave her alone and get a life of you own. Who cares if she loves kids and wants alot of them let the lady live her life.