Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Octuplet Mom Gets $300K From NBC For Interviews

OK, so I did say probably yesterday when I said I was done talking about Nadya Suleman. I just can't help it. It is like crack. Last night she was on Dateline NBC as a part of what has been reported to be a payment of $300K for all of her interviews on the network. Apparently she was willing to take a reduced amount in order to have Ann Curry be the one to interview her.

In last night's interview, Ann asked Nadya if Nadya had ever had plastic surgery and Nadya said no. Umm, yeah. Then how did her lips go from being really thin to lips that would make Lisa Rinna jealous. Oh, and that nose. That is not the same nose she had before. This is a new and improved nose that looks remarkably like Angelina Jolie's nose.

Something that Nadya needs to learn about though is that she is not lying to her mom here about disability payments or having a job. When she makes a statement now, every news organization in the world is going to check out her story. If she had plastic surgery or had her lips filled, they will find out and they will confront her about it.

She did say last night that she was done having more children. "A hundred percent. Two hundred, three hundred, four hundred percent," she said. "Yes. I'm done.

"This is a message, I believe, from God that you are done. I never in my wildest dreams imagined [my family] being this big."

At this point I hope she keeps her promise but at this point I would not put anything past her. What I really want now, and what I think everyone is really hoping for is an interview with the father of these kids. I think everyone is going to be curious about him. Also, Nadya is divorced but I haven't seen an interview with her ex-husband either. That would be a really good interview as well. I would imagine that news people are probably trying to negotiate some amount of money to get them to reveal their stories.


  1. "I never in my wildest dreams imagined [my family] being this big."

    Then why did you put 6 embryos in your uterus?????

  2. I'm tellin' ya....go to her website of pity and tell her what you's quite theraputic.

    Please use the words "Brood Sow" as often as you can. :o)

  3. i think crazy baby lady really is done now. no dr. in their right mind will do IVF on her unless he wants to be seriously investigated or wants bad press.

    i think she's seriously loopy, but am glad to see the ex-H has kept himself out of it and hasn't given interviews...of course, he may be holding out for $$$ (maybe octo-gram should've done that?), but it's good he's laid low thus far. if i were him, i'd want to distance myself too.

  4. Can't,Can't,Can't stand this woman. i hope her kids are taken away from her and put into loving homes. Last night she said she spent $100,000 on IVF treatments. She should have been spending that money on psychiatric treatments.

  5. Seriously, is she mentally unstable or something?

  6. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Majik is that the same site where she is asking for donations??

    Can you believe that she has a website asking for donations. Shit, what's next.

    Also I saw the name of doctor but can't remember his name. I believe he is in some type of fraud investigation or something.

  7. I heard Gloria Allred mention that the 'donor' might actually be financially responsible for the kids if they didn't do the correct paperwork. Can you imagine how ticked he would be?

    She's not necessarily a truth teller, so I would be shaking in my boots if I were that guy.

  8. Good. I hope she reports her income to the state of California. You also have to be low income to get ssi for your kids as far as I know. I didn't even know you could get benefits if your kids were autistic or ADHD. No wonder so many kids have autism and ADHD these days.

  9. What will it take for CPS to step in and start an investigation?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I don't think you have to be low income to get a disability check for your children. You also don't have to pay taxes on disability checks.

    I do wonder if she can continue to get food stamps with an income of $300,000?

    Even if she does have 15 people to feed.

  12. she believes her own lies. that interview last night was disturbing. was the interview done at another home? when they showed her home the kitchen counters were tile. in the home last night they were granite. she stated that she received close to $165,000 in payments/benefits last year.
    i don't know exactly, but i think SSI pays over $650 PER CHILD if a parent is disabled. that's a lot of money coming in with 14 kids.

  13. 300 grand towards a reliable nanny or two or three will make me feel better about the day to day lives of these poor kids. Better that than just this kook and her angry mom trying to wing it. Doubt if it will get that far. Too much media attention. A higher authority will step in.
    They'll all be split up and have a reunion show on TLC in 2027. It will be a ratings bonanza.

  14. JJ I heard Aldred say that about the baby donor this morning too. I bet he's headed for Mexico about now.

    Anne Curry made it clear that NBC was not paying her for the interview. Ent, are you saying Anne lied to us? Dang.

    I got creeped out listening to her speak. Too weird. Seriously, I think she's mental. Anne tried to get tough with her, but she stayed so calm just like a serial killer.

  15. this biotch has a crazy obsession with Angelina AND fact she held out to be interviewd by Ann Curry, Angie's mouthpiece of choice.

    the only that interview proved is how incredibly fuckin sane my family is. thanks for that BroodSow.


  17. Anonymous12:08 PM

    $300K, huh? Hopefully it goes to putting food in those poor children's mouths rather than more lip injections to the mouth of this fucking tactless sow.

  18. in fact she held out to be interviewd by Ann Curry, Angie's mouthpiece of choice.

    Jax, I thought the same thing when I heard she wanted Ann Curry to interview her. I saw a side by side photo of her and Angelina and they do have the same nose. This is really weird.

    I was the first person shouting from the rooftops that she doesn't deserve any donations, but now I'm not so sure. I just feel so bad for the children, especially the older ones. I hope for their sake, this woman's family gets her help.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Taylor,

    In order to qualify for SSI for autistic children in CA, they have to be severely autistic. Like the non-verbal, still in diapers at age 7, need 24 hour supervision.

  21. This woman is a loon. There is so much heat on this story that no way will the State of California let one dime come this woman's way without total scrutiny of her benefits, taxes, etc. And if she had $100k to spend on IVF treatments, how did she qualify for food stamps? You don't have to be low income to get SSI for your kids, but you do have to be low income to get food stamps. I sure as hell don't have $100k to spend on IVF and I have a good job, a house, a car and NO kids. But I'm also not batshit crazy, either. And if she spent $100k on IVF, how much more did she spend on plastic surgery? And who the hell are the nutjobs giving this woman money on her website. Anne Curry and crew should be ashamed of throwing money at this stupid sow also. The fact that she's getting paid ANYTHING is why people do these stupid fucking things to begin with. I'm sorry for the long rant, but I have a college education, post graduate education, good job, work my ass off and have been as responsible as possible only to see this dumb twat get paid more than I would make in 5 years for being a total fucktard. Okay I'm done.

  22. Sylvia....yeah, that's the site. She's just pandering to the hearts of the people for money. And nowhere on it does she even mention the original six kids, other than to include them in the grand total. All she's doing is creating 14 more children that will need therapy before they're teens.

    I seriously can't believe she expects everyone to believe her denial of plastic surgery--it's clear there are before/after pics of her lips and nose. Not only is she a brood sow, but she's an imbicile. She needs to have her uterus repossessed, and those children need to be removed. She also needs to be audited--did she pay taxes on her settlement? I'm betting, no.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I always thought of NBC and Ann Curry as being honest and responsbile journalism. But now it seems like NBC, Dateline and Ann Curry have all become too tabloid. Between this and the 'fishy Olivia Newton John' story from a few weeks ago I am ranking them right up there with TMZ. NBC and Ann should be ashamed of themselves.

  25. i mean, its not only the nose, the lips are for sure looking almost like angelinas... it is so ridic, we can all see that she is just a totally different person... i just dont understand where she could have gotten that kind of money? for the IV, and for the plastic surgery?

    Also, I just realized I have no idea what plastic surgery costs.

  26. Plastic surgery would likely have been less than 10 grand (if it was just rhinoplasty and lip injections), so she had plenty of money for IVF...if, y'know, the kids eat kd for the rest of their lives. Priorities, you see.

  27. Anonymous12:43 PM

    I cannot believe NBC paid for this interview after saying they didn't. Why isn't she being investigated as if she were a puppy mill? Are her poor children living in any less squalor? or with any more care than a mill? i hope CPS is all over this family for years to come.

  28. She received $165,000 last year in disability income. I bet she used that money for $100,000 IVF.

    Her mother also says she does not pay her for taking care of the kids.

    If she gets $300,000+ for her story there is no way she is going to spend it on the kids.

    She uses the kids to get the money, and to get people to feel sorry for her/kids.

    The mother feels obligated to take care of her grandchildren in spite of the lack of finances.

    The kooky breeder spends the dough on IVF and plastic surgery.

    I can't wait to see how she spends the rest of her cash.

  29. ok so here is the thing. no one wants to give a dime to this crackpot but we all want to make sure those kids are taken care why doesn't someone open a trust account and appoint a lawyer or executor or what have you to oversee spending? that way people can feel ok about donatiing and knowing we are not feeding into her "Extreme Makeover, Brangelina edition"

  30. Anonymous12:50 PM

    jax, that is an excellent idea. I want so badly for these kids to be well cared-for, but I don't want to see the brood sow squander anything.

  31. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Majik, you are right, that did feel good. Only got in 2 "brood sow's", but wished her daily visits from CPS and the IRS every day for the next 18 years.

  32. I would like to write NBC/Ann Curry and let them know how disgusted I am that they paid this disgusting human being for this story.

    Anyone have any idea how to go about that? Enty, care to write something and have us all sign it? Petition style?

  33. Anonymous1:09 PM

    LOL@brood sow

  34. I'll call her BS for short...when Anne asked her about paying for IVF, BS said she worked double shifts. Ya, sure.

    As far as the plastic surgery, she could have gone across the border for some cheap stuff.

  35. She looks like Jeneane Garafalo to me.

  36. the money should go into trust funds to tkae care of each child--not given to her.

  37. I left my comment. I got in 2 brood sows,2 crazy lady's and 1 famewhore and told her I felt sorry for her kids. It did feel good. If these are the only posts she is getting I wonder how long till she shuts it down. I do like the idea of a trust fund, but I would want it to be under the watchful eye of someone trustworthy and not someone who can be bribed.

  38. Now I'm pissed. TODAY gave her $300,000 for her miserable pathetic story. That is sick. Before now I just considered this an extreme example of welfare mammy syndrome. You know America is full of those. But getting paid for that interview is wrong. That is sick. lyn

  39. No plastic surgery my a$$...

    before and after photos:

  40. wow, kimmie, thx for that link! the PS is really obvious...eep!

  41. Well, f*ck NBC, the GD panderers.

    Lying psychotic whore. And her poor mother said she never saw a dime of the insurance money.

  42. I'm looking forward to the state aid agency slapping a lien on her $$ to recoup their $$. I suspect they weren't aware of the disability payments when they qualified her for food stamps & medicaid.

    How sad for all those children that so many adults have really let them down.

  43. I thought I read originally when the story broke that the father is serving in the military and just got deployed or something. Anyone remember reading or hearing that, too?

  44. I just read that her publicist just released a statement that said she and 6 of her kids have gone into hiding because she can't take all of the criticism coming at her. boo frickin hoo!!!!

  45. oh and M, I am under the impression that it was her own father that is in the military so he can try to support his goofy daughter and her litter.

  46. Anonymous3:50 PM

    M, I think it's HER father that is in the military - they're originally from Iraq, I think, and he's acting as a translator? sth like that. Anyway, he's gone back to work to try to provide some income to support the family, since no one else (hey brood sow! HINT! HINT!) is.

  47. M...I think it was her father. He's not military, but works on contract for a military-used company. He, apparently, went over to Afghanastan to make money to support the grandkids.

    There's absolutely NO redeeming qualities to this "woman"....I can't even consider her a woman--that's just insulting to real women everywhere. That's why I prefer the phrase Brood Sow. When you start using the natural Cradle of Life as an f'n slot machine, your womanhood is revoked...

    Oh, and I hear she's now gone into hiding. I like to think we all played a small, but vital role in that.... nice job, ladies/gents.

  48. I shouldn't say "revoked"....forfeit is more correct.

  49. 300k won't even make a dent in caring for those poor children.

    and i may be wrong, but i believe you can have food stamps for your children (or some of your children) and not yourself. and if the money she had was from a car accident, as if heard somewhere, it wouldn't matter as to her reported income.

    i also wonder: she's out giving interviews all over the place, now she's "in hiding", what about the babies in the hospital? they need bonding time with "mother". and what about post partum depression? what will happen the the kids when she goes from plain old batshit crazy to hormonal batshit?

    enty, keep us informed. even though it enrages us, we'd rather hear it from you, unvarnished, and be able to discuss it here.

  50. I heard the father/sperm donor is married and is the same father as the first 6 and the second 8.

    What gets me is the sheer irresponsibility of having more kids when you have 2 or 3 at home with special needs. I hope the state steps in and monitors her and the kids.

    It is freaky the way she imitates Angelina, this woman is definately off her rocker, can Angelina say restraining order...stat!

    I feel bad for all the kids. Did she expect people would just accept her situation and that it's okay for the state to pick up the tab(s)??? I now understand that Kaiser will be billing Medicare to the tune of $800,000 for her and the babies care. Unbelievable.

  51. So, she only took her 6 babies (ie the moneymakers) and not her older children to go into hiding.

    I absolutely cannot believe how much this obviously delusional women has been enabled by or has been able to manipulate everyone she comes into contact with - her parents, welfare, doctors! It truly is beyond comprehension for me.

    Her parents really need to own up to their own dysfuction and enablement of her. Have they never heard the word no? At what point to you stop paying for your children's fantasies?

    I work at a university ob/gyn department for doctors who specialize in infertility. They cannot even comprehend how this 2nd doctor could been so negligent.

    Now watch, she will figure a way to get money out of him by suing him for something or other.

    I wonder if she really was hurt in the accident she had and got some money from or is it just another example of how she manipulates everyone.

    I hope the babies go to parents who will truly give them a loving home.

  52. You know....everyone keeps talking about the money, but let's be honest. Taxpayers pay WAY too much money for absurd stuff all the time, I mean come on, we just spent $789B...a few $M to keep this crazy family from starving isn't that much in the grand scheme of things.

    What DOES make me absolutely sad/angry is how irresponsibly she thinks about her children's futures. You can't tell me that any one of those children is going to be emotionally sound. You can't tell me that they aren't going to have social interaction issues at school. And let's see, 24 hours a day divided by 14 children equals no real parent interaction. Maybe, MAYBE this could be possible with two parents in the picture. But she's basically offloading her life onto her friends and family (mainly guilt: who's not going to help children!) and it's clear she intended to use public assistance the entire time. I mean look at her website! What a depressing, sad story for those children.

    My 'favorite' quote of the interview was when she basically said her 6 existing kids were too young to have an opinion, so she rendered it not important that it might affect them. Absolutely sickening.

  53. I wish they would show the comments of her money grubbing website. I'd love to see what people are saying to her,besides me. If most of the comments are like mine and I think they are,I bet this thing gets shut down in a couple of days.

  54. I think Enty should start another blog called the anti brood sow support group.

  55. Bionic Bunny $300,000 is more than enough to take care of 15 people for a year.

    This is just the start of the lucrative offers she's going to receive. Remember she's been offered magazines, book deals etc.

    Lynne I think the six babies are the older children. The newborn children are still in the hospital and will be there for at least a couple more weeks. So she's in hiding with her older children.

  56. she looks like Angelina Jolie physically and mentally!

