Tuesday, February 24, 2009

NY Post Blind Items

WHICH actor snorted cocaine in the bathroom during an Oscar after-party, while a slimmed-down stoner actor smoked pot outside with his pals?

WHICH morning cable TV show hostess took off a week recently to get her eyes done and her breasts enlarged?

WHICH aviation honcho is trying to knock down rumors he shacked up with a young hottie who works for him while his pregnant wife was back home and clueless?


  1. #1: Sean Penn & Seth Rogan
    #3: Richard Branson?

  2. i like your guesses lisa.

  3. 1. james franco / seth rogan

  4. I agree with canadchick - I think this is the Franco/Rogan combo.

  5. i'm w/ Lisa for #s 1 & 2, but i'll throw the jet blue guy into the mix for #3.

  6. #1...who cares? This happens millions of times a day all over the world
    #2...who cares? This happens millions of times a day all over the world
    #3...bit more juicy. No idea.

  7. Anonymous11:50 AM

    If #3 is Richard Branson I hope the wife divorces him and screws him for all his got hahahaha.

  8. i think richard branson's wife is too old to be pregnant at this point, isn't she?

  9. Richard Branson is still married to the mother of his grown-up kids. Not going to be them. (Shouldn't they get some sort of medal?)

  10. It's not Branson - his wife hasn't been pregnant in 23 years (before they were married, actually).

    It might be Michael O'Leary of Ryanair, whose wife had a baby back in 2007. He has a reputation for oiliness - a few years back, he had his car classified as a taxi so he could drive in bus lanes.

  11. Not Branson; besides having a solid marriage, aviation is just one slice of the pie in his empire. He's got so much going on it would be exhaustive to even think about listing it all.

  12. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Aviation honcho? Sully!

  13. I thought of Seth Rogen immediately for the stoner, but not sure about who was snorting cocaine. I hate to think it was James Franco--he looked great.

  14. Definitely Seth. That's a no brainer. I would say Franco for the coke snorter but it could be anyone. Don't really give a shit about the rest. LOL

  15. seth rogan for sure... i noticed he was looking very slim and trim in the pix yesterday!
