Tuesday, February 10, 2009

No More Octuplet Mom After This Post - Probably

I'm tired of hearing about her and you are probably tired of reading about her, but it seems there is all this new information about Nadya Suleman that comes out everyday. I do think it is time to give it a rest though. Basically for the past week or so the entire world has said pretty much nothing but negative things towards her and that has got to be fairly crushing to a person. Imagine the entire world thinking poorly of you and expressing it too.

Plus, some of her kids must go to school and they must be feeling an incredible pressure as well on them, so for now I think everyone should just stop and let her get on with her life and see if she can raise the kids and then we can always jump back in later and pile on.

But, before we let her escape, I think it is important to point out that while on the Today Show Nadya said she was not on welfare at all. While that might be technically true, it is also true that she gets $495 a month in food stamps and also gets three separate disability checks for three of her kids because they are disabled.

I don't really care so much about the whether it is welfare or not. What concerns me is the fate of the three disabled children. How badly are the disabled? What kinds of disabilities do they have which is obviously enough to trigger payments from the government for their well being. Is that money in fact being spent on them and to assure them a better quality of life as it is intended. I know many parents of disabled or special needs children and their care can be a full-time job and that is just one child. She has three right now and so to go out and have eight more children knowing that you will not be able to focus on the children you have right now and their needs seems wholly irresponsible.

This is what I hope for. I hope that she does get some magazine or some book deal or something which will pay her a few million dollars which if managed correctly would allow her to take care of the children in a quality environment and also to hire some additional help to assist her whether it be with childcare or cooking or cleaning or whatever.

She wants to go to school. Fine. Who is going to watch the kids while you are in school? Do you think a day care is going to want to watch all of your kids? You want to be a counselor and work full-time? Great. Does that mean you are going to make all of the older kids watch and take care of the younger kids? Did you ask them if that is what they wanted to do? Did you ask them if they wanted to give up extra curricular activities for the rest of their life so they could watch your other 8 kids? Did you ask them if they wanted to take care of your 3 disabled children? Do they have the skills necessary to do that?

Did you think of any of this before you decided that you just had to have another child. I know you didn't plan on 8 more, but you were planning on at least one and probably had a good idea it would be twins. That wouldn't have made this any better. It probably would have made it worse. At least with octuplets you will probably make some money. If it had been twins you would have just been a person in even worse shape financially with no immediate prospects of getting better.

OK, rant over. I will leave her alone for now to see how she does.


  1. i think she just said she wanted to go to school...cause it made her sound better (in her mind). i would hope she'll be seeing a whole lot of visits from child and family services. I also think any endorsement deal $$ will disappear very quickly but that she will sadly get a taste of fame and try to hold on for all she's worth - and don't rule out more kids if thats what it takes....just my 2 cents worth !!

  2. Anonymous10:38 AM

    I find her reprehensible and wish she would just go away already. Actions speak louder than words, and hers say more than enough.

  3. Personally I think she is selfish and only thinks about herself. She leaves her poor tired mother to stay home and care of all her kids while she is out doing what she wants to do. I don't feels she is using the disability checks for her kids well being. She is having IVF treatments and getting plastic surgery. While her mom and kids fend for themselves. Her mother said that her daughter pays for NOTHING. I hope she doesn't make any money off this because it won't go to the kids. It will go to support her selfishness.

  4. I just feel horrible for all the kids. From what her mom says, they don't have a good enough network of help in place for the first 6 let alone little babies that are in the ICU racking up enormous medical bills that someone has to pay. And that bill will go directly to the California taxpayer.
    You hear stories of families who end up with multiples from fertility drugs and their church or local organizations step in and help. Who is she going to get? Some random person who read about it and feels sorry for her? Another crazy person who wants fame by association? None of this is looking good for those poor children.

  5. There's not that much cover, really, over here about her so most of my knowledge is coming from gossip sites.

    That said, it's mind boggling and pretty damn effed up whichever way you look at it.

    The worst part is these kids, any of them, didn't ask to be brought into this world so I hope they're supported well enough. Ideally, I'd say by the mother/father (who??) but we'll see.

  6. Anonymous10:47 AM

    I hope she doesn't get a book deal or anything like that because i think it will set off a whole round of copycats hoping to hit the multiple-baby powerball! like canadachick, i hope she'll be seeing a whole lot of child protective services visits and making decisions on what is in the best interest of those kids. would also love to see the gov't (fed, state, and/or local) look into how their money is being utilized - ie for infertility treatments, mani/pedi's, etc.

  7. One of her oldest children has autism. I don't know what's wrong with the other two disabled kids. Could be something like ADHD. Part of me is hoping this is another government scam like her own disability. If those three kids are truly disabled, God help them as they won't get the attention they need. And with her brilliant gene pool, I'd expect that at least half of the octos will be disabled too. My fingers are crossed that social services is closely monitoring this situation.

  8. Yes God forbid anyone feel any remorse or shame at any crazy-ass BS they because they feel like they are entitled to it. For instance having a ridiculous number of embryos implanted in your crazy-ass womb and then expecting a reward. This woman deserves every bit of the revulsion she's getting.

    It must be terrible to be so selfish and delusional as this woman is. Its like Munchhausen's syndrome by proxy, a sick attention-seeking ploy.

  9. how did she pay the fertility doctor? many pregnancies, sounds expensive

  10. Obviously, it's hard to work or go to school with 14 kids, and her parents are trying to help her........but, where were her parents when she was making these dumb decisions? The mom is complaining that they struggle and she contributes no money, but it seems like they enabled and spoiled her to begin with. Most grandparents, no matter how much they love the little ones won't support this kind of behavior.

  11. NO NO NO!!!!! why hope she gets exactly what she wants----a book or movie deal? that's a shitty solution to this mess.
    what I hope is that this situation gets looked into by the authorities. there is OBVIOUSLY something wrong with this woman. should 14 chilren---8 of them newborns and 3 with disabilities severe enough to qualify for government assistance---even be in her care?? it may be that is the worst possible outcome for them.
    they should come first---but to hope she gets mega-bucks because she's a selfish bitch is completely, utterly wrong.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. According to some of the other websites, she got an insurance payoff from a car crash so that's what she used to pay for fertility treatments (and plastic surgeries).

  14. From Enty:

    Does that mean you are going to make all of the older kids watch and take care of the younger kids? Did you ask them if that is what they wanted to do? Did you ask them if they wanted to give up extra curricular activities for the rest of their life so they could watch your other 8 kids?

    Enty you make an excellent point. That is my argument against anyone having too many kids. You do not love your kids if you have too many of them close together and they have to spend too much time together. Taking care of each other, isolating them from others because after all "they don't need friends because they have each other". You take away their choices to socialize and grow up independent of their family.

    This woman gives me nightmares. This isn't love it is pure selfishness.

  15. Hey ENTY, can you comment on the legal side of things with regards to the Dr? Can (s)he be sued for malpractice, gross negligence, child support OR ANYTHING ELSE?????

  16. Viewing her on NBC furthers my belief that she is mentally ill. To begin with, she clearly has had some sort of cosmetic alterations to her face. I don't know about you but I can't afford such luxuries and I just have one kid. So where did this money come from when she should be paying her mom rent or using her money to pay for her kid's upbringing.
    Every time Ann Curry asked her a practical question about how she is going to raise them, Nadya gives some sort of airy fairy answer like God will provide or money is just paper. Ok, money is just paper but it's paper you need if you want to go back to school. Your daycare is going to be about $15,000 per month. Which, again, requires money.
    Logistically, her house is going to be a diaper/feeding factory. I have one child who was born early, didn't have the cheek muscles to latch on, which will probably be the case with these kids. So, mama will be pumping night and day. I guess she can hold the kids while she is pumping and give them all the love they need. That will be in between diaper changes. Again, I just have one kid but I remember getting a few hours a sleep a day in between diaper duty and feedings.
    I think people are piling on this woman because she is clearly delusional and the kids are the ones who will suffer in this scenario. Her kids that are already at home live in squalor. Now, they will be living in a full-time diaper/feeding factory. Maybe her mom will take the older kids with her and Nadya can just attend to the needs of her 8 preemies. And honestly, this is more about her needs and desires than thinking about what her existing kids need. It will be interesting to see what happens because CPS should be all over this woman due to the press attention.

  17. Um does anyone know if she had her tubes tied after this last batch of children?

    If she didn't there could be more on the way in a year.

  18. Captiva- I read somewhere that she used student loan money for her fertility treatment.

    This woman pisses me off. My hubby and I wish for ONE. ONE freaking child, and we aren't able to, but this freak keeps popping them out like gumballs.

  19. i for one am happy to hear that the California Medical Board is investigating this mess and her doctors. obviously she is mentally ill, so now the fault needs to lie on the doctors who allowed this.

    every child she has is from IVF.
    her back stroy is similiar to the Duggars, had a miscarriage and felt it was gods will to have the rest of her litter to replace said child. sick!

    but i have to say, as much as a despise everything about this, i also find it fascinating.

  20. Anonymous11:24 AM

    I find this woman ridiculous for what she did. No consideration for her parents or the kids that she already have. I think the doctor that did this procedure should have had a psychiatric test done before continuing with the procedure.

    On the interview with Today she claimed she was not on food stamps and their is no technically about this. She is on food stamps. So she lied. How many more lies has she said.

    The clipping I saw yesterday with her mom I felt so bad for her. You can see she was very tired and worried how she will pay for some stuff. Because of her stupid daughter they already lost a house. Her mother even said she doesn't understand why she even went to have more babies. Anyone with a sane mind would see what's going around them before she really think about having more kids and if they can afford to raise them and take care of them.

  21. At some point wouldn't you think her uterus just give up and fall out. I also highly doubt if she pumps or breastfeeds. You usually have to be home at some point and I don't think she is. This woman deserves every bad thing said about her, and then some. Too bad her kids have to suffer because of her selfishness. I also hope the state steps in to make sure the kids are being well taken care of and the disability checks are actually going for there intended purpose. I would be surprised if the kids see any of that money. Sounds like Grandma supports them.

  22. not on my dollar- the woman couldn't conceive naturally, that's why she resorted to IVF treatments. considering all the negative attention surrounding her (and her newly exposed doc), i highly doubt anyone would risk their medical license to help her have "just one more".

  23. "I hope that she does get some magazine or some book deal or something which will pay her a few million dollars which if managed correctly would allow her to take care of the children in a quality environment and also to hire some additional help to assist her whether it be with childcare or cooking or cleaning or whatever."

    Are you crazy? This is exactly what she wants. She gave birth to eight kids, which was very risky for her children and compromising to their health, so that she could profit from it. The kids will be taken care of no matter what, I just hope that the mother is not taken care of. The mother should not be allowed to raise these kids.

  24. i'd say we have a vested interest in this now that we know she lied about receiving public assistance. (duh....who didn't see that coming?) i'd like to know what scam she pulled to pay for all this? the doctor has now been named and he's some high profile beverly hills fertility specialist. how much must this have cost? who paid for it? where did that money come from?
    we have a right to that information since we're helping foot the bill for the kids she already had.

    mark my words: those children will be taken from her before it's all said and done. she's nuts.

  25. Juicy, it is stories like yours that make me the most angry with this situation. All you want is one child to love and support and you struggle with that (hopefully not for too much longer) and here comes this breeding machine who just pops them out and essentially discards them afterwards.

    It is just sickening. I am sorry for your struggles.

  26. Mom and Dad need to sell their house and move into an efficiency apartment. Let Nadya fend for herself and quit enabling her. I would move far, far away. That's the only thing that will get these kids into protective services care and away from crazy octomom.

  27. I think these children need to be taken care of, but I don't think they need to be in her possession until she undergoes psychiatric analysis. What if she goes crazy and kills them all because she didn't get the money she wanted?

  28. I think these children need to be taken care of, but I don't think they need to be in her possession until she undergoes psychiatric analysis. What if she goes crazy and kills them all because she didn't get the money she wanted?

  29. i admit it. i'm fascinated by the crazy baby lady. and i'm rapidly becoming fascinated by the octo-gram that keeps putting her on blast.


    *sits back and watches what happens*

  30. Kimmypie- maybe I can just have one of hers when she tires of them!

  31. Did anyone see the SNL skit of Angelina asking if Crazy Baby Mama wanted to keep all of her kids?

    It was funny.

    @juicy I'll say a prayer that you and your husband are able to have a beautiful and healthy baby. :)

  32. I think she's mentally ill and have no doubt children services is going to be involved.

    No sponsorship or endorsement deals for this woman because there is nothing positive with being associated with this woman. Most she can hope for is a book deal.

  33. I think Jessica Simpson should send her a fruit basket, or at least some flowers, because at least now everyone's stopped talking about her weight problems.

  34. isn't the Angelina/Brad situation similar? Sure they can afford it financially and for those they adopt are giving a better chance...but so many so quickly...how can they get all the attention they deserve? And not on my dollar - it's the same thing. They're all stuck with each other and don't have a stable home. I think they're going to be interesting as teenagers/adults.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. The sad thing is that she has 3 disabled children nnow, but most likely some of the octuplets will have developmental challenges, too. A few of the McCaughey septuplets had cerebral palsy, causing motor & speech issues. I'm not sure if they are still facing challenges at 10yrs, but just because all 8 babies survived doesn't mean they are guaranteed to be fully healthy children. I don't see how she can even consider college until she deals with how to properly take care of 14 kids.

  37. Those poor kids didn't ask to be born to the Brood Sow...

    Any company that is thinking about offering money (including money for interviews) should set it up as a trust so the BS doesn't get her greedy, disgusting hands on it...that way, when the kids are taken away because she can't afford to feed and clothe them, their futures are secure, and she rots.

    Honestly, she is a great argument for manditory sterilization...needs to have her uterus repossessed.

  38. I wonder why the father hasn't stepped forward---allegedly he fathered all 14 kids.

  39. Lutefisk, the gramma said he was in love with her and asked her to marry him to raise the babaies otgether and she said NO, she wants to have her babies by herself.

    fucccccked up.

  40. Anonymous2:15 PM

    probably she thinks she will be considered a saint for this.

  41. She is so loving all of this attention.

  42. Oh and yes Kate I agree same goes for the Jolie/Pitt clan. Each child needs their own set of friends and they sure as hell don't need to be the Built In Babysitter or Nanny to their siblings.

  43. i see no comparison between brad and angelina and this nut job. they have their own kids and adopted others. they can provide for their children. this woman paida lot of money to get pregnant (and again, where did that money come from?) and seems to have no means of support. she doesn't have a partner nor can she afford to pay help. she doesn't even have an adequate place to live with 14 kids.
    huge differences there.

  44. I read an article on her recently where it talked about her manicured hands. Where does she get the money for a manicure?

  45. I wouldn't even say it is munchausen's by proxy - i think it is straight up munchausen's. She is an attention whore. Quit giving it to her.

    She needs psychiatric help ASAP and her children need a real mother.

  46. "Where were her parents when she was making these dumb decisions?"

    From what I understand, her mother was so distressed over the situation that she herself went into therapy. Her therapist actually advised her to kick her daughter out, but once the kids kept coming she couldn't bring herself to do it.

  47. now it seems the hospital is asking medi-cal to foot the bill for all this.
    so who's on the hook for the delivery, postpartum care and the neonatal ICU bills?

    the taxpayers. anyone shocked by that?

  48. I was just watching ET and heard her tell Ann Curry that she has spent close to $100,000 on fertility treatments. What is wrong with this picture? It's like the taxpayers are funding her hobby.

  49. Anonymous6:08 PM

    That's what pisses me off most with this situation: this woman, who was already on heaps of government assistance at the expense of taxpayers who are already facing economic strain, who cannot even responsibly care for her six children she already has, three of whom are disabled, was allowed to have more children. Again, for the rest of us to support. Totally inconsiderate and irresponsible behavior, and a slap in the face to people who do value having and taking proper care of children. If you have the means to take care of your children, then fine, have as many as you want (a la the Jolie-Pitts). But it's depraved, selfish, and should be criminal to continue bringing children into the world that you knowingly cannot care for without depending heavily on others.

    This is not the way the system was intended to be used. Some people genuinely need the assistance,and this selfish sow is taking advantage and in essence harming those who genuinely need assistance. She enrages me to no end, and I feel for those poor kids. I hope they are well taken care of, but not by her.

  50. I really wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt, but the more I read about this, the more I realize there's a problem.

    I hope her kids end up in homes where they are loved, well taken care of and given the attention they need.

    How could the Grandmother turn away from her grandchildren, knowing they will not be well taken care of? Couldn't the grandmother have her committed?

  51. I don't care about her. She's a narcissist and I have no doubt she's a horrible mother. I care about the kids, though, and I hope they can somehow get the care they need.
    The thought of all of them at the mercy of their crazy, mercenary mother makes me feel sad. They'd probably be happier with someone else, adoptive parents who would let them see their siblings, and take care of them in a normal family setting.

  52. What really pisses me off about her situation is the fact that the backlash is largely due to her being a single mom, and not a blue-eyed, light-haired one at that. As I said before, if she were in a "happy Christian marriage," most people would be fawning all over her. I have a lot more anger toward her doctor for going along with her than toward her, because she's clearly not right in the head.

  53. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Mooshki, if she were a blonde-haired, blue-eyed single mother, she would be more than likely castigated as white trash. I don't think her race or marital status has much bearing on why she is being received so negatively. It's the fact that she already had children who she could not support, being that she has no job, no home of her own, and is largely depending on her parents who didn't ask for any of this. What baffles and irritates me is that she was already receiving food stamps and other forms of government aide, yet chose to spend the money she DID have on receiving IVF- not a cheap procedure. Call me out if I'm incorrect, but I would think that using what income you DO have to take care of the children you've ALREADY got should have been a no-brainer. It's a great disservice to her children, and highly irresponsible. As a mom-to-be myself, I have tried and tried to find some semblance of decency in Ms. Suleman, but her complete disregard for anyone's wants and needs other than her own disgusts me.

    I agree with you on feeling anger toward her doctor, as well. How anyone licensed to practice medicine could act with such utter negligence is beyond me.

  54. ... Kaiser is requesting Medi-Cal RE"Em"BURSE THEM... so the BILL *IS* GOING TO THE PUBLIC. BTW... *that "Em"GNORANT BREEDER* supposedly put up $20k on a credit card for the "Em"PLANTS. How does a WELFARE RECIPIENT HAVE A $20,000 DOLLAR LINE OF CREDIT?

    ...and GET OVER *IT*... ENT. The public ISN'T OBLIGED TO $UPPORT *this self-serving OPPORTUNIST/NUTCASE who* HAS NO ETHICS WHATSOEVER. I Hope the Public BOYCOTTS ANY CORPORATION or "Em"TITY who SUPPORTS *the BREEDER* w/ "book deals" or "product sponsorship". BOYCOTT or BE AN "Em"GNORANT SHEEP!!

