No More Octuplet Mom After This Post - Probably
I'm tired of hearing about her and you are probably tired of reading about her, but it seems there is all this new information about Nadya Suleman that comes out everyday. I do think it is time to give it a rest though. Basically for the past week or so the entire world has said pretty much nothing but negative things towards her and that has got to be fairly crushing to a person. Imagine the entire world thinking poorly of you and expressing it too.
Plus, some of her kids must go to school and they must be feeling an incredible pressure as well on them, so for now I think everyone should just stop and let her get on with her life and see if she can raise the kids and then we can always jump back in later and pile on.
But, before we let her escape, I think it is important to point out that while on the Today Show Nadya said she was not on welfare at all. While that might be technically true, it is also true that she gets $495 a month in food stamps and also gets three separate disability checks for three of her kids because they are disabled.
I don't really care so much about the whether it is welfare or not. What concerns me is the fate of the three disabled children. How badly are the disabled? What kinds of disabilities do they have which is obviously enough to trigger payments from the government for their well being. Is that money in fact being spent on them and to assure them a better quality of life as it is intended. I know many parents of disabled or special needs children and their care can be a full-time job and that is just one child. She has three right now and so to go out and have eight more children knowing that you will not be able to focus on the children you have right now and their needs seems wholly irresponsible.
This is what I hope for. I hope that she does get some magazine or some book deal or something which will pay her a few million dollars which if managed correctly would allow her to take care of the children in a quality environment and also to hire some additional help to assist her whether it be with childcare or cooking or cleaning or whatever.
She wants to go to school. Fine. Who is going to watch the kids while you are in school? Do you think a day care is going to want to watch all of your kids? You want to be a counselor and work full-time? Great. Does that mean you are going to make all of the older kids watch and take care of the younger kids? Did you ask them if that is what they wanted to do? Did you ask them if they wanted to give up extra curricular activities for the rest of their life so they could watch your other 8 kids? Did you ask them if they wanted to take care of your 3 disabled children? Do they have the skills necessary to do that?
Did you think of any of this before you decided that you just had to have another child. I know you didn't plan on 8 more, but you were planning on at least one and probably had a good idea it would be twins. That wouldn't have made this any better. It probably would have made it worse. At least with octuplets you will probably make some money. If it had been twins you would have just been a person in even worse shape financially with no immediate prospects of getting better.
OK, rant over. I will leave her alone for now to see how she does.