Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Michael Phelps Bong On eBay For $100K

There must not be a lot of bongs in Columbia, South Carolina. The owner of the bong Michael Phelps was caught using back in November was not even at the party. Apparently there must be a shortage of good head shops in the Columbia area and so the guy probably rents out the bong to friends.

Well, to also show he is an idiot, the owner of the bong tried to sell it on eBay. The but it now price was $100K. And he didn't even throw in a free dime bag. When it was discovered up on the site, the Richland County Sheriff's department decided to go pay him a visit. That visit landed him and 8 other people in jail for various drug possession and drug distribution charges.

In the raid on the house, the department confiscated the bong. Now it is probably sitting proudly in an evidence locker except at break time when everyone gathers around and debates whether they want to take a hit and who is going to raid the evidence locker for some of the good stuff. Might as well make it good if you are going to be sucking from the same thing Michael Phelps sucks from. Top it off with a bowl of Kellogg's and a Subway sandwich and you got yourself a party.


  1. lol, too funny!

    meh. loser deserved to get caught.

  2. what a dumbshit!!!!

  3. Wow. Where was his "don't do that" guy when he needed him?

  4. OMG, that's hilarious. Makes you wonder why Michael was hanging out with these intellectuals? Did you read where Michael lost $2,000 playing beer pong?

  5. I am proud (not) to say that I live less than 1 hour away from Columbia, SC!~

  6. And this...is the "future of America".


  7. Hahaha...what an idiot!

  8. who would try to sell that bong knowing full well that Sheriff is a total drug nazi?? no shit they are going to raid your house!

  9. why do ya think they call it 'dope?'

  10. yeah, and if the cops confiscating six ounces of pot, only two will be mentioned in court. wonder why...lol.

  11. Wish no one would bid on it.
    I was in my early 20's once and can't throw rocks at that glass house.
    Does this guy have to live the life of a monk in between Olympics?
    Please let this story die.

  12. Anonymous10:54 AM

    What B626 said.

  13. B626 you asked:

    Does this guy have to live the life of a monk in between Olympics?

    He probably does when millions of dollars in endorsements are at stake based on the sell of his wholesome image as an athlete. That kelloggs endorsement also appeals to millions of children.

    If he were a musician he could have possibly gotten away with it.

    The public still frowns down on athletes who are caught doing drugs.

  14. you get paid millions to endorse products based on your public image. if you want to get high with your friends, do it at home or not all ,you're under contract.

    i really don't know why people don't seem to understand. poor Mike our Olympic hero, leave him alone...it's the trade off. if you don't want the deal then don't take the cash.

  15. b626, unfortunately he's under a microscope because

    1) he's part of an olympic team he let down

    2) he's endorsing products for big bucks and he let his sponsors down

    3) he's a role model for kids and he let them down.

    it's really simple to say he's human, but when you're representing other people, you're expected to make smart decisions and not do anything to put them in a bad light.

  16. How would they sell it? "Take a hit like a champion! Get the Phelps bong today! Only $100K because dude, we could start an awesome hydroponic grow-op with that cash."

  17. So many people smoke pot shouldn't even be illegal anymore. Small amounts of it are legal in parts of Western Europe.

  18. Next Year's News:

    "The Richland County (SC) Sheriff's office announced today that in order to make up for budget shortfalls, Michael Phelp's bong will be sold on eBay. Starting bid is $100,000."

  19. So Michael Phelps is a guy who drinks at parties smokes a little gambles on high stakes games of beer pong and is the all time greatest Olympic medal winner he sounds like a pretty cool guy to me. Michael Phelps is an American Hero. He stood tall and made America proud at the Beijing Olympics. This is how he is treated. Michael Phelps did a tremendous amount of work to achive what he did. Who can forget the pride we felt with the each gold medal Phelps won in China, how can we as Americans forget all of those things and hang a man for smoking a glass water pipe at a college party. It is time that we as a country stand up for the rights of the individual, it’s time we stand together with our neighbors and take collective control of our destinies. Write any congressman or a senator; imagine the weight of millions of emails calling for a change in policy. Lets stop them from arresting college kids at parties in America.

