Tuesday, February 17, 2009

M.I.A. To Perform At Oscars

M.I.A. has said all along that she was going to perform at both the Grammy's and the Academy Awards this year no matter when she gave birth. Well, it turns out that even though she gave birth to her son at probably the best time for that to come true, the producers of the Oscars want to make sure she is not going to back out and have offered to even let her perform in a bed. Ummm. I think they were joking but I'm sure that if she could give the kind of performance she did at the Grammy's she can certainly stand in one spot and sing.

"She's eager to perform... We've said things like, 'We're willing to have her enter on a large bed'. We'll make it as easy for her as we can."

Well, I have become a big fan of M.I.A. Not just for her song or her declaration that she is going to perform at both events, but because she treats this whole thing with appreciation. She has said things like this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and she might never be nominated for anything again and wants to take advantage of the whole thing. No diva behavior. Just excited to perform and be a part of two very special events. She doesn't feel entitled, just appreciative and I wish more celebrities would act like her. Add to the fact that she actually does have talent and it is very easy to root for her.


  1. The good news...I am NOT the father.

    According to Muary.

  2. I'm impressed with her attitude too. Every woman has a different childbirth experience, and it's certainly possible that she's one of the ones who has a quick recovery. I had a professor who took 2 days off and was back teaching our class right after popping her kid out. :)

  3. i appreciate her gumption, and applaud her grateful attitude. that's very cool. how very refreshing when compared to other "artists" whose sense of entitlement is most often on the forefront, rather than their talent.

    congrats to her on her baby...hope she's up to performing.

  4. I watched her Grammy performance and she was jumping around like she wasn't even pregnant. I think she'll do fine at the Oscars. Now I might actually watch it.( just her part and the montage of everybody that died in the last year)

  5. I just adore M.I.A.

  6. wow, kudos to her.

  7. Anonymous10:43 AM

    She'll be fine. All she needs is an industrial-size maxi pad and she's good to go.

  8. She's not going to be able to top that polka-dot outfit she wore at the Grammys.

  9. I totally agree. I didn't know who she was before your post about her a few weeks ago, but I have been nothing but impressed since finding out more about her.
    Now, her outfits on the other hand...There are some edgy designers who can offer her better outfits than this, I'm sure.
    As for performing at the Oscars, she should have no problem. It's not like she's planning on having sex on stage, or anything.

  10. @twunty

    That montage is my favourite part too.

  11. Anonymous11:31 AM

    I'm impressed with her and I do adore her but I wish she'd get off her high horse about acquiring new fans as a result of selling out Paper Planes to Pineapple Express, saying that people only started to like it because other people did. WTF maybe they just didnt have a chance to hear about you yet?

  12. she's my new hero. i'm not even that big of a fan of her music, but the woman is so passionate about everything, her music & her child and performing. it's hard not to respect her. she's gonna kill it at the oscars!

  13. who is this chick? i saw her polka dot outfit on the telly and she got big press when she dropped the kid but who gives a crap? good for her for doing both awards= its because she is a nobody that she is doing any and all things to keep her name up. let her sell a few more albums and go platinum and see where her attitude is then.

  14. that sounds cynical but its the truth.

  15. Hmmm I like MIA but the only thing is, she always always talks about the LTTE. They are a terrorist organization killing so many people in my country of Sri Lanka. She claims they are freedom fighters and any opporunity she gets, she glorifies them. Her father was a top ranking official for them. These people have killed many leaders including Rajiv Gandhi, former president of India among others. They also started the very first suicide bomber squads.

    I would like her a lot more if she didnt give publicity to these thugs.

  16. Recently, they bombed a refugee camp which had their own people there. Plus, they flew 2 planes into government buildings a few days ago.
