Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Maybe Owen Wilson Was Having A BBQ

I know there are a lot of people out there who just can't let go of the one person that drove them to allegedly attempt suicide. I mean what about the good times? There must have been some before their life came crashing down. Well, if you believe what People Magazine says, then Owen Wilson is one of those people. For some reason which defies any kind of logic other than the fact that Kate Hudson has no career and will do anything for a shot of publicity to sustain whatever inflated paychecks she has been receiving for essentially the same role in a string of box office bombs, Kate and Owen are back together.

Now, I hesitate to use the word couple because all they did was hang out at Owen's house for one day on Sunday and Kate's son was in tow. Hardly the romantic, lets get naked kind of ex sex thing you might expect. Of course if Kate Hudson is your ex and you have seen all the photos of every man she has dated since she dumped you like yesterday's fish in the trash, then ex sex might not be the first thing on your mind.

Maybe they just came over to borrow some sugar and they ended up staying all day and playing Scrabble. It rained most of the day Sunday so the beach probably didn't happen. Maybe Kate came over to read lines or do lines. Who knows. It is all speculation. But let me speculate that if they are getting back together, then it is going to end very badly for Owen. How could it not? Do you honestly see Kate marrying the guy? Hell no. So, she is going to dump him, and he is going to be right back where he was before. Maybe worse. Kick her to the curb Owen. Make her walk home.


  1. And maybe this time Kate will attempt suicide! And maybe succeed where Owen failed!

    Oh pleez lordy jebus. Smite those who have smoted

  2. ent - i think she drove her own car over ...so she probably wont' walk home LOL

  3. Well if her kid was there, then there goes my theory of a bootycall.

  4. Well, to her credit, they have already gotten back together once or twice since his suicide attempt, and he didn't kill himself then. Maybe he is immune to her now.

    I thought she said she was going to be alone for awhile now?

  5. Wow, Ent, vitriolic much?

    Owen was/is a junked up coke head with some serious psychological issues obviously.

    Just because Kate likes her men, it isn't like she's doing anything that OWEN himself (the freaking Butterscotch Stallion!) hasn't. When did Owen become a victim???

    Double-standards piss me off, and maybe you should give equal opportunity to the man-whores too, m'kay?

  6. Anonymous10:41 AM

    She ought to spend her time attending an acting class or two or ten instead.

  7. I don't know about these two, but I watched "My Best Friend's Girl" the other night. It was really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really bad. Don't rent it.

  8. Did anyone guess Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller for the lamb incident?

  9. Kate needs to find a guy with a buzzcut and alot of influence over her to help her make the decision to fix the hair on that spawn of Chris Robinson.
    Butterscotch Stallion will be fine without her.

  10. this ho has some serious mental probs! she can't be without a man...she is TOTALLY codependent. she's la lohan without the blohan. maybe she'll hit the pink taco train next! close your legs, raise your son/girl, and make a decent movie where you're not playing the same character (over and over and over and over....)!

  11. _-_, i think someone did guess owen and ben for that blind.

    and where the hell have ya been? ;)

  12. seriously enty, love ya babe, but i do not see why you blame owen wilson's suicide attempt on kate hudson. he was a drug addict with major issues. if i was dating a drug addict, i would leave him too. if he attempted suicide, would it be my fault? NOPE.

  13. she is such a j-ho. can't stand to be w/o a man for 2 seconds.

    ugh. run owen, run.

  14. Hi Molly - I've been traveling and missing out on much good gossip. I'm only good for a short smart ass comment every now and then. Tomorrow I'll be in Key West toasting you all with a tropical beverage. Stay warm!!

  15. _-_, that's cold, hon, but glad you're m.i.a. because of something good and not something bad. happy trails! and try to get more short smart ass comments in because i miss them.

  16. _._=_ : Hit the Hemingway house...one of my favourite places in Key West, and just up the strip from all the bars! Last time I was there, I accidentally walked into a gay-leather fetish bar...I thought it was the Irish pub next door. I've never had so many men ignore me all at once....lol.

  17. Whoa Ent, whats with the Hudson hate? If I was dating a doper with a major case of the downers I would have to put myself and my kid at the head of the list too. Maybe we should be saying she keeps giving that loser Owen chance after chance after chance. Just because an actress makes bad movies doesnt make them a bad person.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. ent--Blaming a person for someone else's depression is bad science and makes you no better than a Scientologist.

    BTW, as I recall Hudson was in the top ten of highest paid actresses last year. You don't get to be that when you make bombs. You may not like her movies, but she does do good box office.

  20. Well.. granted I don't know either of these two people other than movies and what .. gossip and interviews?? But .. their whole deal seems really unhealthy.

    She seems to be a flighty child with .. sorry .. no morals. [ie, did she or did she not dump his ass last time for his "bud" Lance Armstrong??] And Owen .. I think he is a few fries short of a happy meal courtesy of that brain killin' mistress Mary Jane .. and I think he already had a problem with depression long before he started diddling Kate. So it has all the earmarks of a disaster.

    So .. I hope they figure it out with the minimum of bloodshed and loss of life.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. I don't think the presence of her son would keep them from having hot monkey sex. She's a hippy, you know. Didn't Goldie & Kurt have a "naked house" too?

    In defense of Enty's position, he knows a friend of Owen's family, and he knows that I'm crazy about O, so I think part of his bias against Kate may be for our sake. :)
