Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Kenny Chesney Keeps Score

Kenny Chesney wants the world to know he isn't gay and he to prove it he wants you to know that he had already slept with over 100 women as of a few years ago. In an interview with Playboy that is appearing in this month's issue, Kenny says, "Man, I was over 100 several years ago. There were years when I had a better summer than A-Rod, buddy. You know? I got on the boards quite often."

He got on the boards? What the hell does that mean? Was he riding the headboards? Does he not believe in beds and simply lays down a few boards and uses that as his playing field? In all my years of having a man card I have never heard that term before. Is that his pickup line? "Hey baby, want to do some boards?"

I think we all know why his marriage to Renee Zellweger was annulled. He actually thought she was a board. No? Well, it was a guess.

He actually said the reason the annulment mentioned was fraud was because it was something they mutually agreed upon because the other choices were physical or mental abuse. So, when asked if he, is in fact gay, Kenny responded by saying, "What guy who loves girls wouldn't be angry about that ...? I didn't sign up for that. I think people need to live their lives the way they want to, but I'm pretty confident in the fact that I love girls (laughs). I've got a long line of girls who could testify that I am not gay."

Yeah, having them take a number and showing them your boards will certainly prove that you are not gay. Seriously wtf is this board thing?


  1. What a misogynist pig.

  2. I think board=scoreboard. Anyway, most celeb types claim irreconcilable differences, not fraud.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. ...and Kenny, you are soooooooo gay.

  5. i'm w/ you, enty. wth does that boards reference mean...and i'm loving that you posted such a flamey pic of him, teehee!

    now pls, pls tell us this is an answer to a blind! :)

  6. I have heard of notches in the bedpost, but scoreboards? Who does that?

  7. If he's slept with so many women, how come they don't come forward to say he's not gay?

    Actually, I think there was one girlfriend who came forward awhile ago, but that's it. Just one.

  8. I read somewhere that they broke up because he gave her an STD. Maybe he was gay and gave her an STD.

  9. How is it that being a douchy asshole is still considered better than being gay?

  10. I have a gay friend who just refused to come out of the closet for the longest time. He slept with a bunch of women to compensate for his denial. Several. He's gorgeous so it wasn't that hard for him to get a lady. Finally he got tired of putting on something he wasn't, and came out. Now he's been with his boyfriend for four years.

    Maybe that's Kenny's game.

  11. Pretty sure it means he scored.
    Um yeah Kenny, men talk like that all the time.

    I don't believe him.

  12. I thought they divorced cuz got a groupie on the "boards"...course I don't remember if the groupie was male or female..

  13. Methinks Kenny doth protest too much

  14. hey, lesbians sleep with men. gay men sleep with women. doesn't change a damn thing.

    can't fool me, kenny. yer gay, dude.

  15. "Irreconcilable Differences" is not a choice for annulment, only divorce - which they didn't want.

    Like I told a friend earlier - the only way I'll believe Kenny isn't gay is when he sleeps with me and that AIN'T gonna happen!

    And yes, where are all those gals that he got on the board with? Come out, come out wherever you are...

  16. Anonymous11:42 AM

    So you can't use Irreconcilable for an annulment??

    How many celebrities go to bed with women and they turn out to be really gay???

    Kenny can't you come up with a better excuse, idiot hahaha.

  17. First time poster, I think.

    Folks, look at his statement. It is a classic non-denial. No reason to beat around the bush, talk about all the women, etc. Just look at his evasive non-answer. Case closed.

  18. wtf was renee z. ever doing with this douche?

  19. Molly I agree what was Renee's purpose for marrying this guy? Even that vest he's wearing on the picture makes him look gay.

    Renee if looks like a duck, and walks like a duck you don't have to marry it to find out it quacks like a duck.

  20. Renee's choice of men has always seemed random, like she has no type. Jim Carrey, Jack White, Kenny....

  21. scoreboards are for amateurs!!!

  22. Kenny confuses me. Mostly I think he's gay but then I wonder.

  23. oh eff off Kenny. you are gayer than a box of christmas bows.

    keep protesting and people will just think you're a homophobe.

  24. Anonymous12:12 PM

    It's not a vest, it's a tank top. I don't care if he's gay or not... I'll take some of that!

  25. a vest is a tank top in europe.

  26. michele, it looks like a vest. check out the middle where it looks like it's open. if you can stomach looking.

  27. He doesn't even know how to talk about being straight.

  28. I think he got his sports references confused. On the boards is a hockey term, yet he is trying to compare himself to A-Rod and his sports career by using the on the boards reference. But MOST straight men will know that on the boards = hockey, and A-Rod = baseball. (Enty, we give you a pass since you don't get out of the basement that often). I'm a chick and I had to explain this? Kenny, Kenny, Kenny, methinks you doth protest too much.

  29. david d- thats exactly what i thought - like when steve carell tries to explain what its like to have sex with a girl in "40-year old virgin"

  30. This "manly" posturing is very reminiscent of Michael Jackson trying to plant a kiss on Lisa Marie Presley on tv when they were married and then gloating like a school boy over it.

    Kanye West is doing the same thing right now, just using the "we need to take the rainbow back because it's fresh" excuse to wiggle out of the rumors.

  31. sfg, that's hilarious. see what happens when you pretend to be into sports to validate the macho?

  32. It's like the scene in The 40-Year-Old Virgin where Steve Carell's character awkwardly fakes talking about all the women he's supposedly been with.

    Y'know, but without any of the comedy.

  33. "wtf was renee z. ever doing with this douche?"

    She drinks. A lot.

  34. mmhmmm - I say Gay Face! nothing wrong with it either but must suck to have to hide it.

    sports wise - Enty - put down the D & D dice and watch some ESPN -Bang the Boards - To go after a rebound very aggressively (Basketball) - Into the boards - as in checked into the boards in hockey - on the boards or board - baseball - as in on the socreboard. (yeah i had to look up the basketball reference LOL) But personally I think it's a typo and it's supposed to say "In the BROADS"

    he has really tiny girl hands too -

  35. Ew?

    No no.

    It's okay.

    The Gay Community doesn't want him.

    At all.

    Go on being the Queen of Denial, buddy.

  36. ITA, Geek. Nobody wants this guy. Blech.

  37. I wonder why he cant just go the Clooney route, dont say anything. You dont have to marry them dude, just walk them around on your arm for a while.

  38. Um, maybe he's dyslexic and meant broads.

    Seriously, gay or not, Kinny Chinny is a twerpy a**hole with a Napoleon complex! Yah, I've met him. Took awhile to get the slime off my hand! :-p


    This should clear things up

  40. Maybe it's a typo and it's supossed to be broads?
    Eh, I don't even know why I'm making things easier for the A-hole, anyway...

  41. Oh girlfriend .. just come out already!

  42. If what he's wearing is considered a Vest in US (I think it buttons at the front, yes), in UK it's a waistcoat, not a tank top.

    Whatever, that's the gayest pic I've seen of anyone - he looks like a Village People reject.

  43. Anonymous5:04 AM

    On the boards means you've scored and is a common phrase used in most sports especially in one-sided competition. You hear it in tennis a lot when the score is 5-0 and the player finally wins a game you'll hear it. Same thing for other sports can can have lopsided scores.

    He's not wearing a vest or a tank... it's a t-shirt with the sleeves and collar cut off and the opening is just a cut down the middle... very common attire at the gym and in rural areas.

  44. "It's like the scene in The 40-Year-Old Virgin where Steve Carell's character awkwardly fakes talking about all the women he's supposedly been with." Hotchacha, I was thinking the exact same thing. "Oh yeah, those breasts were like two big heavy bags of sand!!!"

    And then the picture to boot! Posing on satin cushions? Yeah. That's the picture of straight, right there, Kenny. I bet you think of NOTHING but chicks.

  45. very common attire at the gym and in rural areas *cough* and in gay clubs...

  46. I believe he worshipped Renee when he first met her - who wouldn't love that affection - especially someone like Renee who seems a bit less confident. I also thought he meant headboards when he talked about boards. Either way, I find him disgusting. I don't care if he is gay or not, makes no difference to me, I want none of him.

  47. "Renee's choice of men has always seemed random, like she has no type. Jim Carrey, Jack White, Kenny...."

    Don't forget George Clooney. And now she's dating some news guy. I think Renee is gay. Or she just dates people for publicity. Or both.



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