Katrina Darrell Doesn't Want To Stunt Her Career
I don't think I have laughed this hard since I don't know when. I have not watched American Idol this year but I do know all about Katrina Darrell and her bikini audition and the videos of her that have surfaced of her doing pole dances at car conventions. I even know she was kicked off the show and of course she is now trying to exploit her 15 minutes of fame. Instead of being realistic about her 15 minutes though, she has decided that somehow she is going to have a huge career in the entertainment business that does not involve her photo being plastered on the cards people hand you on the streets of Las Vegas.
Because of ratings, Access Hollywood of course had her on their show. Priceless. Seriously, it does not get any more delusional than this.
When asked what kind of offers she had been receiving, this is what she said, “[I’ve had] a lot of different offers like Vegas promotion offers. Of course Playboy has called. I wouldn’t say no, but at the same time I don’t want to stunt my career by jumping into that too soon and be labeled once again, as ‘just a body.’ But I don’t knock it."
Oh, Katrina. What kind of career do you think you are going to have? What is there to stunt? All of those Vegas calls. Those are going to be your bread and butter for the next year or so. At that point people will forget about you and you will discover you really didn't have a career at all. Oh, sure you will have posters and be forever known as the bikini girl from American Idol. No one will know your name though and pretty soon you will be autographing photos of you in a bikini for $10 at the local grocery store opening while telling everyone you are working on an album that is going to come out as soon as you can work some things out with a record label and your manager and agent and a million other excuses.
Take the Playboy and run, run, run to the bank and deposit the money they give you. Don't think there will be lots more after that because there won't be.