Thursday, February 26, 2009

I Almost Feel Sorry For Holly Madison - Almost

So, Criss Angel dumped Holly Madison. Oh sure, they remain the best of friends, but that is all a bunch of crap and we know it. I almost feel sorry for Holly because she was really into this guy. For what reason other than money I have no idea. It sucks to get your heart broken so I feel sorry for her about that. BUT, and a very big BUT, she treated Hef like trash after she left the Mansion. He provided her opportunities she would not have probably otherwise got and to repay him she trashed him. The only one of the three who didn't was Bridget who has stayed classy the entire time. Yes, classy in the sense she was shacked up with a guy while still married to another guy, but at least she didn't say anything bad or hypocritical about the situation after she left.

I think Holly wants to get married and have babies, preferably with a guy who is wealthy and who is a celebrity so she can stay relevant and get invited to red carpets. If you don't think it was Criss that did the breaking up, you only need to look at that Holly blog from a few weeks ago when she said she quit her photo editor job because she was living in Las Vegas with Criss. I think Criss always thought of it as fun, kind of like spending time with Crazy Britney in her hotel room.

So, Holly. I do hope the broken heart heals.


  1. She will have him replaced with some other schmuck within a week. She will have forgotton all about Criss.

  2. idk enty...honestly, i think all those girls will have a tough time settling into what we would consider normal relationships. regardless of how "good" hef was, or what "opportunities" he offered them, at the end of the day it's an f'ed up lifestyle, bound to mess w/ their heads.

  3. Poo unto others, as you would have them poo unto you.

  4. i agree pookie.

    but playmates tend to wind up with better "heeled" guys IF THEY PLAY THEIR CARDS RIGHT, so i don't know what miss holly's real problem is.

    she should have kept her mouth shut about the nasty ass crypt keeper though.

  5. Why would you bite the hand that feeds you? She's not young and cute enough to do that. Kendra isn't even young and cute enough to do that? Who is going to want Holly's bug-eyed ass and Crest white-strip hair? No one. She played her cards wrong. She tied herself to a loser. She went from Hef to a loser. It's over for her. Anybody will fuck her, enty, but nobody is going to date her.

  6. also it's been said that some ex playmates do the call girl thang. lol.

  7. I think she could find some professional athlete who would be willing to date or even marry her. Look at vanessa bryant.

  8. kobe was messing with vanessa when she was underage. her parents allegedly told him you 'do right' by her, or we go to the press. this was around the time that kobe was 'mr. clean'. there ages are close, but she was underage.

    he had no business messing with an underage female, not sure if he tried to 'buy' them off.

  9. You are right he had no business messing with someone underage. Unfortunately, I am sure her parent's reaction was less about him "doing right" by their daughter and more about "doing right" by their bank accounts.

    My point was really that Vanessa seems just as skanky and a lot meaner but she still managed to get Kobe to marry her...Holly needs some lessons.

  10. Holly used Hef for her own personal gain and Chris Angel, a media whore in his own right, used her for publicity as well. Karma, don't feel sorry for any of these people. Even Hef, he can't have it both ways and have girlfriends the age of grandchildren and expect them to really romatically like him or respect him. It just doesn't look cool anymore but kinda pathetic.

  11. after watching a couple seasons of the show i agree Bridget was by far the coolest one ... of course i would bang any of em if given the chance

  12. Does Hef even know what day it is?

  13. Anonymous12:45 PM

    I feel bad for her. She spent a lot of time with Hef, only to have to him publicly announce he would never marry her. I really believe that was a shock for her. I'm not sure what her thinking was as far as Criss Angel, but if she was that into him, its gotta hurt. She needs some time to regroup out of the public eye.
