Wednesday, February 18, 2009

How Was Your Weekend?

So many of you took the time to send me notes or leave comments regarding my absence on Monday that I felt I should tell you about what led up to the events of Monday. Hey, it's only fair. Well, seeing as I had no plans for Valentine's Day. Yes, I know. I can hear all of your violins playing now. I decided that I would take the opportunity to go see a hockey game or two. Over the past year I have become a serious hockey fan. But basically my devotion is to the Washington Capitals. Well when I looked at their schedule I saw they were going to be in Florida for the weekend and really, what is better than some warm sunshine, spring training and some hockey?

My parents were so overjoyed that I was going to be gone all weekend they even offered to buy my ticket. Who could turn that offer down? So, off I went to Tampa and then down to Miami. Oh, the weekend started off well enough. I took an overnight flight Friday to Tampa. After several drinks in the bar at the airport and many, many more on the plane I managed to numb myself and get some semblance of sleep on the plane.

A breakfast of McDonald's and Bloody Mary's managed to get me through the morning hours, but made me less motivated to actually get out and watch any baseball. I mean a hotel room and cable and drinks was enough for me. Saturday night I went to see my beloved Capitals kick the crap out of Tampa Bay and made some friends with another group of people that were also planning on driving down to Miami to see the Capitals play again on Sunday. After a few bottles of booze after the game everyone thought it would be a great idea for all of us to go together. What that meant for me of course is that I figured out a way to let someone do the driving while I concentrated on eating and drinking and not sweating too much in the back of a van loaded with people heading to Miami.

Driving through the night was actually a lot of fun and there was time in Miami for me to see the ocean and to awe the people of South Florida with my back hair. Aaah. Good times. Well, the game started at 5pm. I knew I was going to have to leave the game at the end of the second period because my flight left at 835p and I needed to be on that flight. Well, I left the game in what I thought was plenty of time but my judgment may have been a bit impaired. Also, the fact that my taxi driver seemed to enjoy going well under the speed limit got me to the airport only 30 minutes before my flight. I then got a little lost in the airport but managed to show up at the ticket counter about 20 minutes before my flight. I made it right? Wrong. "I'm sorry sir, but the flight is closed." Ummm. I begged. I pleaded. I offered to share my flask. Nothing worked. The only thing I could do was to wait until the next morning for a flight. There were no other flights going to LA. I was stuck.

Now, instead of complaining about it, I decided to instead spend time visiting many of the fine drinking establishments in Miami International Airport and even managed to bribe a worker at one of the Duty Free stores there to sell me a bottle of booze to get me through a night of sleeping on the floor. I had decided early on that I was not going to risk missing my flight by staying in a hotel and sleeping through a wake up call. I decided to instead sleep right there on the floor of the airport because I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep. After about 11pm there was absolutely nothing to do so I literally sat on the floor and kept pouring drinks from the bottle of booze into my little paper coffee cup. Before you knew it, the bottle was empty and I was incredibly drunk.

I did doze a little through the night but it seemed the cleaners who work at night really enjoyed making as much noise as possible when they got close to me and so I finally gave up all pretenses of sleeping at around 4am and waited for the ticket counter to open up. They opened up, I got my seat and I realized at that point that I desperately needed sleep and a shower and some clothes. I managed to log on to a computer at the airport and sent the message about posting in the afternoon thinking I might be able to recover by the afternoon.

Well after a 5.5 hour flight and no sleep for two days and no showering I decided the only thing I was going to do was sleep. And sleep I did. The futon in the basement never felt so comfortable. So, in the future I promise to take my laptop whenever I travel so that way you don't have to worry. I wanted to post, but I just couldn't manage it.


  1. So what you are saying is, that you pretty much drank your way thru Florida.

  2. Wow, that is so pitiful and desolate-sounding that I just wanna hug and squeeze and love you even more, Enty!

    Glad you are feeling better and home safely.

  3. Did you see Jimmy Buffet?

  4. I can just see you there sitting on the floor like a well dressed drunkard in the airport in the wee hours. I picture you walking up to the counter with vaccum cleaner marks on your forhead! LMAO

    But as long as you had a good weekend and you got back safe, that's all that matters.

    Good times! LMAO

  5. everyone deserves a day off--thanks for the post!

  6. Enty, I can sympathize. I basically did the same thing 2 Christmases ago, without the hockey. All flights delayed or canceled, nothing to do but commiserate in hotel bars with other stranded travelers, no hotel rooms to be had, etc. Took me 6 flights (three canceled and three rescheduled) to get to Chicago, where they closed my puddle jumper flight to my hometown. It was either take a bus the hour and half home or wait in O'Hare till morning. After all the booze, I figured at least I'd get some sleep on the bus. Slept like a baby. Took 20 hours to fly (and bus) what I normally drive in about 8.5 hours. Two words. Never. Again.

  7. Glad you are safe and had fun

  8. Congrats! You lived through all that partying. For a while there I thought you had gone to Connecticut and got shot by that lady who mistook you for her chimp when she saw your back hair.
    Phew! What a releif! And go, Ovechkin! I'm a Pens fan but you gotta respect Alex. I'll be rooting for the Caps since the Pens probably won't make the playoffs.

  9. Apropos of traveling, weren't you supposed to be in NYC for a concert earlier this month?

  10. Aww, baby, that sucks. The worst part is the futon at the end - you need to start hitting up estate sales to find another waterbed.

  11. Sounds like a weekend to remember however you played it.

  12. I'm glad you're back. I was afraid you had grown tired of us.

  13. Always love your escapade recaps Enty!

  14. need to get me a ticket to your next Caps road game. They have never lost when I've been at the games (about 7 times now)!

  15. Best story yet! Glad you're home and feeling better.

  16. Oh Pookie!
    You should have emailed, I would have had daddy send Marriott1 to come and get you. lol

  17. Great story Enty!!! I'm sure I have a few that could compare...however I can't remember them...

  18. Enty I can't believe you didn't call me. I live in south florida and I could have been your chauffer for your trip. Glad you had fun, man I miss going to hockey games.

  19. LOL! I spent the weekend watching hockey as well.
    you should have just flown up here and saw some REAL hockey. i told you i have season tickets with your name on 1.5 seats!

  20. Oh ENTY,
    You should have called, i'm ten minutes from Miami Airport. WAH

  21. How come you like the Caps?

    Has everybody seen this airport meltdown video? I love when she flails on the floor.

  22. Lol Enty! I too have spent the night on the floor of the Miami airport. My story isn't nearly as entertaining as yours though. Now I know I should have been drinking more. I would have had more fun.

  23. Enty...sounds like my honeymoon!!!! My husband and i flew from the East Coast to enjoy San Fran for 4 days before heading to Hawaii.......we pretty much drank ourselves silly in San Fran on the last night there...went to bed @ 3am for an 8am flight ( and didn't pack b4 hand).....needless to say, we overslept......left alot of our belongings in the hotel and made it to the airport w/ 15 minutes to spare...of course could not get on the flight and had to wait about 8 1/2 hours on the floor....massively hungover, sleeping in 10 minute shifts so the rest of our belongings weren't pilfered!
    Brings back some great memories!

  24. "A breakfast of McDonald's and Bloody Mary's managed to get me through the morning hours"

    ...and the last 10 years of my life, dear Enty.

  25. you're a Capitols fan, Enty. We may need to re-evaluate our relationship. o_O

    Aw, hell, who am I kidding? Glad to hear you made your way home safe and sound, though not sober.

    If you ever find your way to Toronto, I'll buy you a round. Or seven.

  26. Next time ask for help, okay? You have readers all over the country and you call us family. Family helps family, as proven by all your south Florida friends who wished they knew so they could help you. There are a lot of nice people here that wouldn't be freaked out by your hairy back or chubbiness. (just bring a full flask, ha!)

  27. sometimes i think drunk is the best way to see some parts of florida.
    and i actually LOVE florida!
    all i can think of, though, are the palmetto bugs (read: COCKROACHES) that must have investigated a drunken enty, sleeping on the airport floor. euww!

  28. oh, and @ ms:
    that's buffeTT, with two ts.
    sorry, ancient parrot head here.

  29. must be nice to be a devoted fan of a team that actually wins once in awhile. I live in Toronto...need I say more???

  30. DAMN!! I was at Miami/Rangers game on Friday night. I was sooooo close yet so far.

  31. enty, it's really hard to feel sorry for you when you're soooooooooo funny!!!!!!!!

    but glad you survived it and are back to tell the tale.

  32. I've been dying to hear the gory details. Thanks Ent, you never disappoint.

    Let's all sing it...

    Wasted away again in margaritaville...

  33. ...there's booze in the blender
    And soon it will render
    That frozen concoction that helps me hang on...

  34. @ B.Bunny - Noted. I should have Googled. Buffett it is.

    btw, you'll appreciate this (I think). I just got a rex guinea pig. Prior to adopting her, I've seen photos of them only - never in person.

  35. I had so hoped the story about your weekend was coming and I was waiting with anticipation. However, I really never would have imagined any of this. Or that you are a hockey fan - didn't see that coming. Around these parts, we are Red Wings fans and hockey is sort of a religion. But nothing like it is for you Canadians - I'm totally not comparing it. Don't yell at me.

  36. That sounds like a lot of fun Enty! I would love to party with you.

    Oh yea, GO RED WINGS!

  37. at least u were drunk!! yipeee! i never realized how often i read your site until monday...i must have checked about 50 times to read your updates...what an effn hangover!
    glad ur back enty!!!

  38. Can't blame you enty, as someone who live in both Tampa and Miami it's definitely more copasetic when you're drunk off your arse.

    I actually need a drink now just recalling it

  39. Glad you're feeling better. Your life is always an adventure.

  40. Well, sounds like you had a better weekend than me :)

    Good to hear you had fun, even better to hear you got out of the basement... lol.

  41. Damn .. removed by a few decades .. sounds like a lost weekend I spent at Logan trying to get home to Minneapolis from a year living in London.

    Be kind to your liver for a few weeks now EL!

    ; )

  42. I really hope the rest of your week goes well. We missed you Monday, but the reader gossip/your turn/general mayhem in the comments made coming to the site worth it nearly as much as if you had posted your take on things.

  43. hee the back hair comment made me coworker thinks i'm crazy...

  44. I really can't believe you were here and didn't call....any of us...who live here. You would never had to spend the night on MIA floor....Florida does produce some really professional drinkers..come back again soon and phone first!!!!

  45. Next time you're in Florida to see the Caps play the Panthers, fly out of Ft. Lauderdale instead of Miami. And if you think you're gonna need a designated driver, I live just a few miles from the arena. Let me know and I'll take you and your back hair to the airport.

  46. oh enty - imagine the posts you could have made drunk off your arse. We would have had a ball reading them. But glad you made it back in one furry sweaty piece...

    The Caps huh? well this die-hard Flyers fan says it could be worse - Thank God it's not the Devils!


  47. You would've made that flight before 9/11.
    Now? Forget it.

    I spent a forgetable Saturday at a highschool Show Choir competition.
    Offspring related.

    Some of those guys sure did have spectacular jazz hands. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
    Zac Efron would agree.

  48. I guess it's safe to assume the baseball team you were going to see was the Dodgers? I don't have time to check where they train. I'm a die-hard life-long Astros fan, so just tell me it wasn't the Cubbies or Red Birds & I still love you. ;) I know you weren't there for the 'Stros, b/c they train in Kissimmee...shame.

    Glad you're still with us after that adventure.

  49. Majik - LOL

    And I agree with Twunty Mc.. oh, I can't spell it ... you have your devoted little family all across this continent. Any one of us would be happy to help you out. All I would ask in return is the answer to the very first blind.....

    Oh, the vision of you staggering across Florida is too funny!

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.
