Thursday, February 05, 2009

Holly Is Annoying

Holly Madison took to her blog yesterday to respond to all the sites that mentioned she had quit her Playboy job. I was trying to recall what that job was and then I remembered she had that fake job that she got for the show looking at photos and saying which one she liked. Oh, in her blog she says that it was a real job and she worked more than full-time at it. Uh huh. Whatever you say Holly. She said she didn't care about the money from the job because she got all of her money from the television show.

Well, if she got all her money from the television show, then someone needs to tell Kendra because she acts like the only money she got was her handout from Hef each month and appearance fees. You can tell by reading her entry that Holly is a very bitter person. I don't know if it was her experience there or the fact she couldn't get Hef to marry her, or whatever, but she seems really bitter.

I'm just wondering how Holly possibly had time to work more than a full-time job, do promotional appearances, go everywhere with Hef and still have time to do the show. She didn't. I love her description of her job. "I spent way more than full time directing shoots, editing, making mock layouts and approving retouching." yeah, to me that sounds like she didn't do anything. I'm sorry. I think it was a fake job and nothing is ever going to change my mind about the issue. If you want to read her blog, click here.


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