Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hayden Christensen & Rachel Bilson Fake Engagement

It's amazing the power a publicist has. One of them calls a tabloid, in this case, the NY Post and Kneepads Magazine and the next thing you know the entire internet is buzzing that Hayden Christensen and Rachel Bilson are engaged. Wow. The sources say they got engaged over the holidays and it was so romantic. Sure, there aren't any details of the engagement. Sure, they haven't set a date, and no the source has no idea if Rachel and Hayden are happy but they seem happy. Seems covers a lot of ground. I might be smiling and seem happy but inside feel something different. Very tough to get sued when you say the word seem.

So, anyway, considering we have not heard from this fake couple in awhile I decided to see if either of them had a movie coming out. Wouldn't you know it? Both of them are in the new movie New York, I Love You which is going to be released in the middle of April. Wow. Just two short months away. I think it is kind of interesting that even though they allegedly got engaged over the holidays which were two months ago, that we are only hearing about it now two months before their new movie opens up.

This is such an obvious setup but people will just buy right into it and there will be cover stories and wedding planning issues and each one of those stories and interviews will mention the movie which opens in April and how for the price of a ticket you can see this real life couple playing on the screen together. Whatever. If they are engaged, fine, I'm happy for them and I want them to get married tomorrow. Why the f**k not? They have allegedly been dating forever and know everything about each other so why prolong it. Just go get married. It would be a better publicity stunt anyway. Do it. Invite me along and get married. Prove to me it isn't some stunt your publicist came up with. Oh, and Rachel's publicist had this to say about the engagement, "I don't comment on my clients personal lives." What? Of course you do and if Rachel told you to say it you would say it. You comment on their personal lives when it suits you. That is such an asinine quote.

Oh. Good luck to the happy couple.


  1. haha i just read about it on people site and then came here and VIOLA ......i'm sure he's gay..i mean aren't we all sure he's gay ?

  2. But they look so sincerely in love in that photo! (HA!)

  3. I always thought it was understood that she is his beard. No?

  4. okay - i know a lot of blogs always say Hayden's gay...but why? Was he the subject of a rumour/blind item that people just guessed? I don't really get it. I don't like him (before you think I'm a fan trying to defend him - I mean the man's acting is PAINFUL to watch) I'm just wondering where the rumours came from.

  5. She's the best fag-hag ever.

    Always up here in Toronto with him, coincidentally within throwing distance of a pap (at least once per visit, it seems).

  6. why didn't they just say that he proposed on Valentine's day? why make up the story about him proposing during the holidays? That doesn't make any sense. At least the V-day story is a tad more believable.

  7. this gets a big who feckin cares from me.
    these two are as exciting and relevant as my Nana's cold oatmeal.

  8. Jenna: the rumours came from his being gay. This might as well be Bobby Trendy announcing his engagement.

    I wonder if his boyfriend is going to be the best man or the maid of honour.

  9. Jenna, I've always wondered that, too. An no, David D.'s response to your question didn't answer it either.

  10. david - Hayden C is NO Bobby Trendy.

    I'm beggining to think, someone guessed hayden as the answer to a blind and its escalated from there. Since no one seems to know the original rumour.

  11. Unless they said 'they are over the moon' I doubt this came from a publicist.

  12. I live in Oz, I have a gay friend who had an affair with Hayden while he was in Sydney shooting the SW trilogy. After seeing the photos and hearing about it all in great "detail" I have no doubt Hayden is gay and was not just experimenting. Thing is, his career would probably improve if he would just be honest.

  13. Anna, it was the scarecrow wasn't it??? I've always thought the scarecrow was gay.

  14. We had a Star Wars convention here in Indianapolis, right when Episode 2 was released. Late one evening, a large group came to eat in the restaurant where I was a waitress.

    The group consisted of Anthony Daniels (C3PO, and not remotely closeted) and about 8 of his friends--- all over-60 old-school hilarious British gays. Hayden and his 'friend' were the only youngsters there.
    The restaurant was almost empty, so the older gays really started getting loud and queening it up--you could see Hayden getting more and more uncomfortable, until he and his friend left without even waiting for their food.

    That group was a helluva good time! I knew something was up with Hayden, the way he dashed out. It was just too weird, and even disrespectful and rude.

    (btw, Anthony Daniels is very kind, funny, and naughtily flirtatious with Anglophile waitresses.)

  15. I don't know if he's gay or not, although if he did come out of the closet, my reaction would probably be something along the lines of:


    But how does he get work? The guy cannot act his way out of a paper bag. He is SO BAD. Like, Lindsay Lohan bad.

  16. Aw, Lindsay had some chops (minus I Know Who Killed Me).

    Didn't Hayden have a roommate in L.A. who claimed to be his lover? I **think** he went to the media (mostly Perez) with his claims that Hayden told him he was going to come out, but he never did.

  17. Well.. to this I ask .. and how many times has Tom Cruise been married?? ; ) Marriage don't mean you down plow the other road .. ya know.

    Sorry Hayden .. don't think anyone will be fooled.
