Monday, February 09, 2009

Grammy Photos Part Six

Miley Cyrus
Michelle Kwan
Marisa Miller
Natalie Cole
Neil Diamond
Paula Abdul
Robin Thicke & Paula Patton


  1. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Hill Billy Miley - That dress looks like for an adult not a kid wanabe.

    Michelle Kwan - looks cute

    Natalie Cole - very nice, not my favorite color but still nice.

    Paula - I don't know what to say about that dress and hairdo LOL. Probably AWFUL LOL.

    Robyn - Don't like the sleeves.

  2. i think miley looks beautiful. dress is way too grown up for her, but she looks great nontheless.

    paula and mia are hurting my eyes. SAVE me. eek!

  3. hey, hey, paula.....NO!

  4. Kwan looks lovely, but why is she at the Grammys?
    Kwan at the Grammys and Christian Slater at the BAFTAS, man, I have to think about this. . .

  5. I think Miley looked pretty in that dress and yes it is too grown up but at least she doesn't look sleazy.

    Natalie Cole looked beautiful.

    Loved Michelle Kwan's dress.

    Loved Neil Diamond's performance but it was too short. What happened to America and Heartlight?

  6. This picture of Paula Abdul is the best presentation of her in that dress. It looks okay from this angle.

  7. Did you see M.I.A.'s performance? Pregnant Girl was just too funny. She stole the show. LOL

  8. I love Robyn but that is one short skirt. There better be something under there.

  9. I hate to say this but Miley looked pretty good. Classy, even.

    And M.I.A is just The Awesome.

  10. i guess M.I.A. figured 'i'm huge....might as well look huger!' mission accomplished!

    hey, hey paula. i wanna bury you.

    miley's dress was pretty but she's too young for a black dress, IMO. it still would have been pretty and more age appropriate in a softer color.

  11. Grammys were pretty good last nite compared to some awful years past yeah I channel surfed a bit but there was just so much going on at this show, so many different celebs just look at how many 'parts' Enty has to do today to catch them all, my remote kept wandering back to CBS.

  12. And here we see Cleopatra.

    Oh, I mean Paula Abdul.

  13. I'm disappointed in Marisa M. - she could've looked much better.

  14. Love MIA but wtf was she wearing!? Bad, even for her!

  15. Paula needs a new stylist or maybe needs A stylist.

    M.I.A. tried to make it sound like she wasn't sure she'd even make it into the building when she was interviewed on the red carpet. She did a pretty good job moving around during her number. Did Ent post a picture of her polka dot outfit? That was great.

  16. I didn't see much of the Grammy's, but I did see the duet Miley did with Taylor Swift. I thought it wasn't bad. Couldn't help but wonder if they were thinking about the Jonaii while singing that song.

  17. Hey, we all forgot to say "IT'S MILEY!!!"

  18. OK. That's it. Somebody needs to either revoke Paula Abdul's freedom to dress herself or else keep her freaky ass out of sight, for chrissakes.

    That inane get-up takes the cake.
    At least Natalie Cole's ensemble is interesting and somewhat flattering.

    And I am gathering that yellow and electric blue are the colors this year?

  19. I'm disappointed in Marissa Miller, too, Mooshki....disappointed that she is alive and looking so GD good it makes me SICK! I mean, how is that even possible to be so skinny and so gorgeous? It's freakish, I tell you. *lol*...*cry inside*

  20. i have no idea who robyn is, but she looks like she's doing "rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock"!

    you "big bang theory" fans will get that.

  21. But, Selena, do you really think that dress does her justice? Maybe it's because I'm used to seeing her in bikinis. Dear Marisa, stop wearing clothes, they do nothing for you.

  22. bunny, robyn is an amazing singer... like, a real one that writes her own songs. :)
    check her out, you might like it.

  23. She is also one of the many voices of Britney Spears...*L*

  24. I think that Miley looks pretty here and that dress isn't too bad. Much better than the tiny one that Ireland Baldwin wore out. At least Miley is mostly covered.
