Gary Collins Needs A Lot Of Jail Time
With all the Michael Phelps stuff going on and the Super Bowl you might not have noticed that Gary Collins got arrested for suspicion of DUI again over the weekend. Gary, as you may recall once had his own talk show, co-hosted one and was the host of Miss America for awhile as well. Last year he served four days in jail after an October 2007 arrest for DUI. That was a big one because the driver of the other car was killed in the accident.
The DA never charged Gary with manslaughter in that case because the other driver made an illegal left turn. But let's not kid ourselves, the chances are that person would probably be alive if Gary Collins had not been drinking and driving that night. I'm sorry, but if someone is killed in an accident where I had been drinking, I would be miserable for the rest of my life and sure know I would never drink another drop of alcohol and sure as hell would never drink and drive.
Now, of course, Gary is innocent until proven guilty and those blood test results come back. But if he is convicted of DUI again, I think he needs to spend a very long time in jail, and I am not talking about over in Glendale where he served last time. I want him out of the county and in a real prison with guys who will remind Gary why he doesn't want to be back there again and why he should never drink again. Ever.