Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Freida Pinto Dumps Her Secret Husband

I know, I know. The headline is incredible right? Who the hell even knew Freida Pinto was married? I guess that is why it was secret. The Daily Telegraph is reporting that Freida is married and even has an interview with a "source."

In all of her interviews she has done for Slumdog, Freida never really talks about her personal life, and because she is such an unknown, most interviewers just let her get away with a few simple answers. They don't know what to ask. She has acknowledge that she has a fiancee named Rohan Antao. The pair met in college in 2004 and have been together since.

The scandal is this. Apparently without telling anyone but a few close friends the pair got married in December 2007 but didn't make it public because in India if you are an actress it is much easier to get work if you are single. Now, according to this source, as soon as Freida started making it big she dumped her husband. Prior to that when she was struggling he was always there for her and then right when the Golden Globe nominations were announced she abruptly stopped taking his calls and refuses to have anything to do with him because it might damage her career.

I really don't want this to be true. I don't care about the marriage part. That probably is true because her manager didn't think of a very good lie and didn't deny it outright. I just don't want her to be the kind of person who gets the I'm too good for you kind of attitude and entitlement. I want her to be normal. I guess that is too much to ask though. Don't go over to the dark side Freida. Stay here on the nice side.


  1. i hate stories like these too. i hope its not true.

  2. this is sad. but wow she is really really beautiful. she practically outshined Angelina Jolie at the globes.

    OT-Us magazine is reporting on Angela Kinsey's separation. Apparently they were together for 8 years.

    Really sad since they have an infant.
    Now I don't have children and I've never been married, so I'm simply wondering:

    Why is it that some couples believe a baby will reinforce their relationship? I'm not judging, just asking-I always assumed it would strain it if anything, but then, again, I've never been married with children.

  3. I can understand why she wouldn't want this marriage business to get out. She's not being guaranteed a lifelong career in Hollywood where it's accepted to be married. It seems she doesn't want to burn any bridges in case she has to continue her acting career in India. She and her husband probably have an understanding.

  4. her husband is said to be devastated...

    there is no explanation other than he doesn't fit into her current lifestyle...

    i really liked her...what a shame

  5. Hope its not true, but it probably is. Husband let the story get out because he feels hurt & betrayed.

    She got a taste of fame and now has the hunger. Imagine coming to America to celebrate your first film and having Angelina Jolie come up to you to offer congrats Frieda's mind its probably, "gotta do what you gotta do".

  6. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Is she barrel-chested? Weird collarbone action there.

  7. I think she went to the Dark Side!

  8. I totally agree NYC2008. Such a shame :(

  9. Like her manager, I won't believe it until proof a marriage took place is shown.
    I doubt anyone today believes that a baby will solidify a marriage. If they do, they're morons.

  10. Maybe this is just backlash before the Oscars to diminish Slumdog Millionaires.

    Having a baby is the most rewarding, and the most stressful, thing I've ever experienced. And back then I wondered why anyone would think this would hold a couple together. The first year is the most stressful for the marriage. (At least it was for us.)

  11. no one is perfect neither "serious" mag nor young actress!

  12. I hate her now! She is 24 years old and she is going out with an 18 year old! 7 years difference. Why did she have to ditch Rohan Antao ( he is so caring and always supported her even when she WAS NOT famous). Now that she is famous she wants to show off. I HOPE THEY ARE NOT DATING...BUT IT IS TRUE, they are. Dev actually spilled. When some source asked Freida, she said "No we are not dating" than Dev says " I thought she was going to say something else but ofcourse we are not" WHAT DOES THAT MEAN! Freida, your shameless, trying to show attitude girl and a cheap minded person!

  13. hey i feel sorry for u

  14. hey i feel sorry for u
