Friday, February 06, 2009

Four For Friday - Bad Drug Behavior

Every so often I like to have a theme on the Four For Friday and one of my favorites is always drug use. Sure, there are the times where nothing beats a great bestiality story like the time that, no, you don't want to hear about that do you? I didn't think so. I will tell you about that another day. What? OK, well it does have drug use in it so that's ok. We are going to have to go back a little in the way back machine.

Not too far. You certainly know both of the actors involved in this. The two actors at this point were both C list. They had already descended from their highest levels (B+ with A list name recognition) and were now staring at their own mediocrity and failed careers. On this movie though they were stars and filming outside the US and in the middle of nowhere. Well, with nothing to do at night, the two were doing non-stop drugs day and night. Well, one night they woke up the animal wrangler for the movie and paid him a significant amount of money to bring them a sheep. I don't need to go into details, but it is fair to say they both took a turn.

#3 - There was a party at this celebutard's house about six months ago. At the time he was kind of on a tryout with his wealthy parents who had decided to give him another chance. All of you know this celebutard. You don't want to know him and would never want to meet him, but you know who he is. Anyway, jacked up on enough coke and speed to kill a rhino our celebutard decided to do his own feats of strength. How so? He took a sledgehammer and totaled the brand new car of one of his guests. The guest was not amused and absolutely beat the living crap out of the celebutard.

#4 - This Academy Award Winning actor was filming a movie about two years ago. He gave a great performance but it was not the performance the director had in mind. What was supposed to be an uptight character turned into a sleeping, slow witted, type of character which caused the movie to go over budget and shoot for twice as long. The reason was our actor was shooing up heroin almost constantly and could barely even function and could only remember a line at the most for each shot.


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