Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Fish Tank That Burns

Do you know how you know when you have way too much money? Yes, the first sign is when you hire hookers who look like Paris Hilton instead of just getting the real thing. But the real sign is when you have enough money to buy a fish tank that can actually catch on fire and burn down several apartments. That is what happened this morning to Tracy Morgan. Apparently the water in his fish tank didn't actually put out the fire that his fish tank caused and as a result Tracy Morgan's apartment was almost completely destroyed. He lives in Trump Place and several of his neighbors also had their apartments either destroyed or damaged by the fire.

Now, I know that many fish tanks have lights that attach and they are not necessarily expensive. But honestly, do you think that is the kind of fish tank Tracy had? I imagine he had something that probably needed its own generator system. I don't see him having some square little tank that had a light.

I also think that it is a crazy enough story to be almost believable. It happened at 830am so I doubt it was some all night party that went crazy. According to Access Hollywood, Sherri Shepherd told a really funny story about the fire on The View this morning because she lives downstairs from Tracy and had to have her son and nanny evacuate. Let's just say it involved instructions to the nanny to save her son and her wigs.

Oh, and for those of you who are concerned. Almost the entire apartment was destroyed except for the fish tank which was fine.


  1. Could all the "crazy" references in this post be in reference to the "crazy comic" who likes salad tossing?

  2. Too weird! I saw the View, and she didn't say the cause of it, and didn't mention Morgan.

    As soon as I started reading this, I wondered if she lived below him.

  3. That is hilarious.

    What an Idjiot.

    Did anyone call PETA to check on the welfare of the fish?

  4. What is it with men & their fish tanks? Seriously? Have you ever known a woman to get caught up in this hobby? I have never met one. Always men. My husband had an addiction to these money-sucking bastards. He's over it. I'm still bitter.

    Wonder what Freud would have to say about men & their fish?

  5. This totally sounds like the premise for an episode of 30 Rock, not an actual event :)

  6. Tracy rides the Hilarious/Annoying bubble for me when I hear about his various publicity or real antics.

  7. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Kimpin - I was an aquarium buff, but I just kept a small one with easy-to-care-for tropical fish only. The only people I ever knew that were into salt-water aquariums were guys. The salt-waters are awesomely beautiful, but a major pain in the ass to maintain.

    Tracy Morgan's particular light fixture probably had a short in it - it could have happened to anyone really.

  8. Men==fish, women==cats

    sounds like a mars and venus thing

  9. I had three aquariums on the go for many years - tropical fish and gold fish. My goldfish were effing HUGE. Size of dinner plates. There were normal size when I got them, but really enjoyed the huge tank they were housed in.

  10. women==cats

    Um, no. :)

  11. TMZ has a statement from Tracy that says the fire did not spread to other units. and he thanks the NYFD for saving his

  12. Brendalove: "easy-to-care-for tropical fish."

    Ha! Love a daily oxymoron :)

  13. That last sentence applies to me, as an animal lover, I was thinking: "those poor fish".

  14. fishtank fire = freebasing
    (if the brothas still do that)

    can you ever get the burnt smell out of an apartment

  15. I laughed just reading the title of this. Funny Enty...

  16. Oh my. Today, Kneepads says Tracy had a SHARK and a PIRAHNA! That must have been one big-ass fish task.
