A Family That Smuggles Drugs Together Stays Together
In the wonderful tradition of Ryan and Redmond O'Neal comes the Makin family. Sure, you have never heard of them, but hey, there is no gossip news and I thought we would give Octo Mom a break today. So, the Makin family is your typical British family. It is a married couple with twin two year old boys and a 7 year old and 8 year old as well. So, this family of six goes on holiday to the island of Margarita which basically sounds like someplace I would love to live and has their vacation. Nothing out of the ordinary until mom and dad get arrested when trying to board the plane back to Liverpool because they are trying to smuggle 24 kilos (52 pounds) of cocaine.
OK, first of all the fact they did this while traveling with their kids is enough for me to convict them forever. The kids are now being taken care of by Venezuelan social services people until some family members from the UK can fly out. Those kids are all going to need therapy after this. Second of all, 52 pounds of coke? Are you starting your own business? That is like an entire extra suitcase filled with coke. 52 pounds is very hard to get into any suitcase. Kids, suitcases, coke.
What the hell made them do it? Apparently the husband is not the nicest of guys. He was due in court back in the UK earlier this month for some incident where he was walking the streets of Liverpool with a machete threatening people. Good times.
52 pounds of coke has an approximate street value in the US of about $1.1M, but I have no idea if it is worth more or less than that in the UK. I wonder if this was the first time they did this and if they were going to do it again if they were successful. Were they just transporting it or were they going to sell it? I sure hope they got more than a free holiday out of the whole thing.