Thursday, February 12, 2009

Even CBS Knows Joaquin Phoenix Was Whacked Out Of His Mind

You have to love when even the network knows something funny was going on with a guest. Last night on Letterman, CBS said, "Joaquin Phoenix was in the chair, but was he present for the interview?" I think Joaquin was present in an interview but it was going on somewhere in the deep recesses of his mind and he was doing it with a monkey named Eduardo who only spoke to him in Aramaic.

This interview, if not a put up job, will go down with the Farrah Fawcett interviews, as well as the Crispin Glover interview which is still tops in my book as the craziest on Letterman. It is 5 minutes you won't get back, but you really do need to watch the interview.


  1. This video is not available in your country or domain.

    Yes, because Canada is sooooo far away from the rest of the world....

  2. I really think it is all a joke and letterman is in on it.

  3. That made me feel all kinds of uncomfortable and bad for both parties. Dave was really trying so hard, and Joaquin has no business doing any kind of interviews in his condition.

    Sadly, I feel like this is hopeless and Casey Affleck is only following him around with a camera to watch over him for everyone's sake.

    I miss the cute, non-crazy Space Camp Joaquin.

  4. I think that Joaqun is a crazy person pretending to be a sane person pretending to be a crazy person.

  5. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Dave handled it really well, and I don't like to think he would work with a guest on putting one over on the audience...would he? Has he?? I don't remember if I've heard that (with Andy Kaufman?)...
    And Joaquin acted like a spoiled, drugged-up brat - hoax or no.

  6. What Mooshki said...

  7. Anonymous11:15 AM

    I think Mooshki's probably right.

    the gum put me over the edge. ew.

  8. the gum was in the film clip. I think it was fake and well rehearsed or improvised.

  9. I'm still convinced it's all a hoax.

    Crazy or not, still love the Joaq (pronounced "whack" pun intended.)

    At least his is a kooky, non-violent kind of crazy!

  10. the whole thing reeks of fakeness to me. If he was that out of it before the interview, no one would have let him go on.

    Now if Dave was in on it or not, I am not sure.

  11. He's posturing, trying to act like some self-important artsy-fartsy Bob Dylan or mystery man. Ohhhh, so edgy! (snorts).

    Hey Jerkeen? It was called WALK THE LINE buddy, not SNORT THE LINE.

    Welcome to Doucheland Mr. Phoenix, we've been expecting you. I love Dave's Unabomber joke though. And his slam about him coming back to rap for us. lolz.

  12. I think Joaqy & Casey are attempting to make their own little Spinal Tap, and Letterman was in on it.

  13. I still think it is a hoax, but I don't think Dave is n on it.

    I think Joaquin is doing this long term art experiment, and seeing how everyone reacts to him. And his performance last night was hilare.

    And Dave was even funnier.

  14. I agree with the previous posts that Joaquin is pulling a fast one. You can tell. He isn't drugged out.

  15. joaquin might have been putting it on. but i bet dave wasn't. i don't think he does 'trick the audience' interviews.
    and i'm not so sure joaquin was playing around. he's given some pretty bizarre interviews in the past too.

  16. Yeah, I think he is pulling a fast one. If it was drugs, he'd be a bit more incoherent. He was definitely aware of what was going one. It seemed too fake.

  17. I can't for the life of me believe its real.. I mean, come on, his brother died of a drug overdose.. How on earth could he be that stupid to actually do something like that.. Ok, well, I would HOPE that he couldn't. I would just be sad.. I loved River... But, I am really hoping it's all what Mooshki said... :D

  18. I dunno, I've always felt that he had some kind of social/psychological impairment. He played the kid in 'Parenthood' so well because I think he really WAS that awkward and self conscious. Ah who the hell knows anymore.. celebrities are becoming so self important with their taking the piss out of the media these days. Honestly, I couldn't care less. I think he is a massive talent but he clearly has psychological issues.

  19. I really don't know...I've been reading about it was leaning towards a fake story and I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be some kind of setup.
    But he truly seems distraught in this interview. The way he's sighing, and he gets stiff as a board when the audience is's really quite uncomfortable to watch.

  20. I think Joaquin is putting it on...Casey follows him everywhere with a camera....they're making some kind of un-funny documentary. Don't think Dave knew about it, though. Loved the Farrah Fawcett line...great Letterman quip!

  21. what Mooshki said.

  22. I think it was real and I think Joaquim is a jerk. He obviously doesn't care about his fans. I'm just trying to figure out what drug he was on! I like the way Dave handled him. I think he put him in his place.

  23. Hoax or no, that was a painful 5 minutes

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I reeeeeealy hope he was on drugs & not trying to pull a "Kaufman".

    A.K. was inane enough - we really don't need a wanna-be repeating such redundant, unfunny, tired "material".

  26. Maybe he is taking a break from reality and decided to channel that personality Zach Galifianakis uses on stage from time to time??

    No .. I have a lot of experience dealing with both addicts and those effected by mental illness [Irish family and all ...] and he was either high .. or more likely he has some serious mental health issues going on. I mean .. if you think about it .. it is completely likely. More than once it has crossed my mind that the reason River died of an overdose had to do with him self-medicating to relieve emotional pain. I really get the feeling that Joaquin is having some sort of crisis mentally.

  27. If it was fake... Then it was genius. If not then it was sad... He and his brother were both raped as children. SO that basically accounts for all his wierdness and such... He is still such a great talent. So much a great talent. That we can't tell if this is real or not... I love him

  28. This is the comment on this to end all comments on this. is a joke, and he's doing a 'mockumentary' on this.

    OR...if this is 'real', and he's really that fucking stupid.

    It doesn't matter.

    NOBODY will give a shit to see the movie. NOR..will anyone care to see or buy his "crap""rap" CD.

    So no matter what....he's done and he has burned and spurned everyone. Enjoy it Wahkeene.

    You're boring beyond shit. You're not funny or 'entertaining' or interesting. Actor? Okay, I liked your movies. But you're done.

  29. Having known J (or Leaf as he called himself then) and his personality, that of his family's--including River, I can definitively say that this is a character he is inhabiting for awhile. And he won't give a shit who gets it or who doesn't. Everything J does, he does for himself. Not for anyone else. He is the least "Hollywood" of anyone I've encountered.

  30. Anonymous8:31 AM

    I laughed so hard, I cried....I love, love, love him. He is a great actor. C'mon...Gladiator is an awesome movie, The Departed AND Walk the Line. I even bought the CD for Walk the Line...he sings way better than Reese.

    He's a genius and this is put on...

  31. Anonymous8:31 AM

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  32. Anonymous8:31 AM

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  33. i think he is doing an Andy Kaufman thing ... or he is sick of hollywood and its bs and is trying to poke fun of it ... or he's just messed up in the head and on some drugs of some sort

  34. It was a combo of what Mooshki and Amster said (Hoax, Letterman in on it and pretending X 3 layers) and XX () said (he's likely wasted no matter his intention, pot and liquor would be my guess. Love the Letterman Unibomber joke.



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