Friday, February 06, 2009

The Engagement Is Not The Issue

Yesterday afternoon Star reported that Fast And The Furious and not much else actor Paul Walker was engaged to his teenage girlfriend Jasmine Pilchard-Gosnell. Well, US Weekly immediately got on the offensive which basically meant they fielded a call from Paul's people who said the couple was not engaged and US Magazine was indignant that Star was wrong and US was right.

Hey, kids, stop arguing. What the hell does it matter if 35 year old Paul Walker is engaged to his 19 year old girlfriend or are still dating? Who cares. The story is the fact that they have been dating 3 years. Yes, the pair got together when Paul was 32, she was 16 and Paul's daughter was 6. Creepy isn't it? I wonder if that is how they met? I wonder if Paul is looking for someone else now that she has reached the age of consent or if he is ok with her until she starts drinking. I'm not sure exactly what a 32 year old sometime movie star sees in a 16 year old girl, but, perhaps he thinks she will be a great step mom to his daughter or they can have sleepovers and invite their friends over and do each other's hair and talk about boys. Or middle aged men.

Do you think Paul lived in fear everyday that her parents would turn him in? If you were her parent would you let your 16 year old daughter go out with a 32 year old man who had a 6 year old daughter at the time? It's creepy isn't it? Now, I do remember Paul being Mormon so maybe it is an arranged thing or something like that. Wait until they start doing the promotional stuff for the new Fast & Furious movie. Wow, he is going to get some uncomfortable questions. Between his teenage girlfriend and the legal troubles of Michelle Rodriguez, it is going to be a lot of work for the publicists.


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