Elizabeth Edwards Spills
According to the publicist of Elizabeth Edwards, Elizabeth is going to tell all in her new book. Tell all in this case being about the affair of her jerk husband John Edwards and how Elizabeth reacted to the news which apparently she discovered at the same time as the rest of the world. It is one thing to catch your husband actually in bed with another woman and to have it be a fairly close circle of people who know about it and quite another to read about it on the front page of the National Enquirer when you are waiting to see your oncologist. OK, it probably didn't happen quite like that but she did find out from the news rather than from her husband, so that sucks.
The book is a followup to her very successful first memoir. This one is much more brief and only addresses issues that have happened since the last book. Obviously a good deal of that is probably her reaction to the affair.
There is an embargo on the contents of the book which means no one is going to be seeing any excerpts from it until after it comes out on May 12th. I don't know if that is because there is so much good stuff that they want to spring it all at once or if she really doesn't spill a bunch and so there are no juicy excerpts to publish in advance.
The very interesting thing is if she decides to go on a tour to promote sales of the book. I mean this is going to be the first two questions at every interview.
Interviewer - "Mrs. Edwards how are you feeling and what is the state of your health?"
Elizabeth - stock answer
Interviewer -"Is the love child of Rielle Hunter's actually your husband's baby?"
If you haven't been keeping up with Rielle and who really has actually? I mean with Britney going on tour and everything how can we possibly keep up with Rielle? Well, she still has not revealed who the father is and the birth certificate is still blank. John Edwards still sees her twice a month which is probably fun for Elizabeth. Oh, and Rielle is staying with different friends and family members for now. She has not sold her story yet. The operative word being yet.
The thing is that Elizabeth can't probably answer the question of whether the child is her husband's. I'm sure she knows, but if she says yes, than Edwards is really going to look like more of a prick then before because he hasn't acknowledged the child is his and also hasn't been supporting the kid. Not that being a deadbeat dad is really going to make him look much worse than cheating on his cancer suffering wife while running for President.