Friday, February 20, 2009

Don't You Know Who I Am? - Tori Spelling Rips Into A Security Guard

Why is it that a celebrity just assumes that everyone in the world knows who they are? Just because you think very highly of yourself does not mean that the rest of the world shares your opinion. I can recognize a lot of people just from looking at lots of photos each day and writing about the people, but honestly, I still probably couldn't recognize half of the actors on prime time television right now and that doesn't even include all the reality shows.

The latest person who actually did yell, "Don't you know who I am?" goes to Tori Spelling. Yes, as Tori was trying to make her way into a show at Fashion Week yesterday she was stopped by a security guard who asked for her invitation.

Ummm. Tor didn't have an invitation. So, the guy did the right thing and refused her entry. Tell me why a security guard should know who Tori Spelling is and recognize her on sight. Did he watch 90210 when he was younger? Does he make it a habit to watch Oxygen when he isn't working two jobs and probably trying to take care of a family? How in the f**k should he be required to know who Tori is?

Well, when he refused her entry, Tori literally screamed at the guy and said the words. Yep. She said them and I hope the guard said, "nope." It must be devastating for someone who thinks of herself as a huge star to totally be barred because they were not recognized. For the rest of us it provides a nice, warm and fuzzy feeling inside.

Right before she started screaming at everyone, an organizer of the show did recognize her and let her in the show. My guess is that the security guard probably got yelled at by someone for just doing his job and if it were up to Tori she would have had him lashed and then forced to watch 20 hours of her shopping show. I don't understand the point of the screaming. All it does is make you seem like an even more pretentious snob than you already are. If Dean had been there I'm sure the security guard would have been punched while Dean defended his mama and money supply.

Notice the smirk in the bottom photo when she was finally allowed into the show. Can't stand her.


  1. my god, she is one ugly woman.

  2. And her dress looks homemade. Not handmade-one-of-a-kind creation, but leftovers-from-home-ec-homemade. And I can't say I'd recognize her in public, either.

  3. I'm not a raving beauty but she always looks soo
    bad most of the time.
    Someone help her please just to spare my retinas.

  4. MK's name for her while she was pregnant, "Tori the Hutt", was probably the funniest name he's ever called someone.

  5. She makes Lauri from the Real Housewives of Orange County look gooooooood.

    Except I've never seen the ripple from Lauri's breast implant.

  6. Ugly girl, ugly dress, ugly shoes, ugly hoof, ugly attitude. And she STILL doesn't know how to do anything.

  7. the middle photo is SO can almost hear the suttle sound of a "tscch" folloewed by the ever-so- exasperated hard sigh....
    "tscch-eh!" maybe a little teeny "wah" as well.

  8. Anonymous12:17 PM

    I'm actually surprised the dude didn't know who she is. Not only is her dad Hollywood royalty, but Tori has the kind of face you never forget.

  9. Anyone who doesn't know who she is or generally know about her is damn lucky in my book.


  11. whooops ...must correct my own spelling ..."subtle" not suttle...

  12. When I was in grad school in the Boston area, I was in line at a bookstore one day when John Kerry (MA senator and former presidential candidate) tried to crash the line and the clerk told him to wait his turn like everyone else. Kerry pulled a very loud and haughty "Don't you know who I am?" and the clerk said "Yeah, you're the guy whose going to the back of the line." The clerk got cheers and applause from those of us in the (lengthy) line. Kerry stomped out in a big huff.

    I don't care who you are, pulling a stunt like that only makes you look like a jerk. Glad when a security guard or clerk have the temerity to put the cretins in their places.

  13. OMG, she does sort of remind me of Lauri from RHOC. And the shame spiral begins....also, if you don't have an invite, does it matter if I know who you are? Someone inside knew who you were, and they didn't invite you.

  14. Anonymous12:33 PM

    There are not that many people who are that ugly, untalented, and bitchy.

  15. I lOVE it! There never seems to pictures of these meltdowns, just hearsay, and I love, love, LOVE that she can't try to deny it!

  16. Anonymous12:39 PM

    True stars totally wouldn't care if they didn't get in. They would just whip out their appointment book and head to some other happenin' event.


  18. Boy, karma did a number on her face. Not that she was ever all that.

    Go team MaryJoe!!!

  19. Ugly inside and out.

  20. I think it would have been funnier if she screamed, "Don't you know who I am?!" and the guard said, "Yup."

  21. She is becoming more and more like Candy everyday

  22. christian did an Us mag interview today.he said he dressed tori for the show.he knew she was coming.

  23. Posts like this leave me wondering at EL's change in attitude toward Tori. Was it Dean leaving his family or something else that may be great gossip we are missing out on

  24. I used to feel sorry for her because of having those looks in Hollywood. I thought it can't be easy for her. Well now, I take that all back. I don't feel sorry for her. And I hope her mom doesn't give her any money either.

  25. I witnessed the same crap one day at the Cheesecake Factory in Beverly Hills -- only it was with Shannon Dougherty(or whatever her name is). She wanted to move to the front of the line, the seater told her no, she said the famous line and the girl said "No, but I do know that you are going to wait just like everyone else, or you can go to another restaurant where they DO know you." I laughed til I cried, it was GREAT!!!

  26. LOL - to be fair, she does have a unique and memorable face...

  27. I live in Denver and someone I know used to work as a clerk in a video store where John Elway was a regular customer. This was back in the olden days when people rented VHS tapes, and he was apparently well-known for never rewinding his tapes before he returned them. The store had a policy of charging a $1 penalty for not rewinding, but no one ever charged John because, well, this is Denver, and he's John Elway. So one day my friend decided enough was enough, and when he returned his video(s), she charged him the fee. He, of course, yells that famous line: "Don't you know who I am??" To which she replied something along the lines of, "Yes, so I know you'll have no trouble affording the ONE DOLLAR fee." He threw some money on the counter and walked out in a huff to his illegally parked car. (Something he was also well known for.)

    I've never liked Elway, so I love that story.

    According the Fug Girls, Christian Siriano designed that dress specifically for Tori. It'd be funny if it was his show she had trouble getting into.

  28. Here I thought Tori couldn't be any uglier and then I read this.

  29. Elle, John was also known for giving out cheap Halloween candy and being a small tipper.I have heard stories to. I grew up in the Cherrycreek area. I quit having any respect for him after he dumped Janet and the 4 kids. I had always heard he was a cheat so she was probably better of without him.

  30. Is she half-horse? Holy moley that's a long face!

  31. I love all the "Do you know who I am?" stories in here! Has Enty ever had a "Your Turn" post where everyone tells their own obnoxious (or nice) celebrity encounter stories? That's my favorite kind of gossip!

  32. I once watched Claire Forlani get into it with a security guy who wouldn't let her backstage at an Eagle Eye Cherry concert at the Wiltern. You know you are no one when you can't get backstage at the Wiltern... and yes, she pulled the line.

  33. I also saw Heidi and Seal at the concert and hot damn! they are both fiiiine!

  34. No1uNo: Good suggestion; I'm enjoying these as well. My dad saw Caroline Kennedy have a major meltdown in a New York bank (this was about 20 years ago) when a bank employee told her she had to go to the end of the line and wait like everyone else. She did not handle it gracefully at all. Very glad she didn't get the NY senate seat.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Those are great stories john and Reese! I just don't care much who's gay, and drug-taking stories are never really a big shock, but I always love to hear who's a spoiled diva, who's a bad tipper, and who's actually nice to the "little people". :-)
