Friday, February 20, 2009

Don't You Know Who I Am? - Tori Spelling Rips Into A Security Guard

Why is it that a celebrity just assumes that everyone in the world knows who they are? Just because you think very highly of yourself does not mean that the rest of the world shares your opinion. I can recognize a lot of people just from looking at lots of photos each day and writing about the people, but honestly, I still probably couldn't recognize half of the actors on prime time television right now and that doesn't even include all the reality shows.

The latest person who actually did yell, "Don't you know who I am?" goes to Tori Spelling. Yes, as Tori was trying to make her way into a show at Fashion Week yesterday she was stopped by a security guard who asked for her invitation.

Ummm. Tor didn't have an invitation. So, the guy did the right thing and refused her entry. Tell me why a security guard should know who Tori Spelling is and recognize her on sight. Did he watch 90210 when he was younger? Does he make it a habit to watch Oxygen when he isn't working two jobs and probably trying to take care of a family? How in the f**k should he be required to know who Tori is?

Well, when he refused her entry, Tori literally screamed at the guy and said the words. Yep. She said them and I hope the guard said, "nope." It must be devastating for someone who thinks of herself as a huge star to totally be barred because they were not recognized. For the rest of us it provides a nice, warm and fuzzy feeling inside.

Right before she started screaming at everyone, an organizer of the show did recognize her and let her in the show. My guess is that the security guard probably got yelled at by someone for just doing his job and if it were up to Tori she would have had him lashed and then forced to watch 20 hours of her shopping show. I don't understand the point of the screaming. All it does is make you seem like an even more pretentious snob than you already are. If Dean had been there I'm sure the security guard would have been punched while Dean defended his mama and money supply.

Notice the smirk in the bottom photo when she was finally allowed into the show. Can't stand her.


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