Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Defending Brangelina

Hey, for once I think I am going to come to the aid of Brad and Angelina. Not they that really need my aid. They seem to do fine on their own. Hell, if anything they should come to my aid. Or a small country. How much money do you think they have anyway? Between the two of them after agents,managers and taxes I think they probably pull in about $50M a year.

Anyway, the couple were at the BAFTA's on Sunday night. They left four of the kids at the hotel with their nanny and told the kids they could play outside the suite if they were good. Sounds just like all parents. I have no idea where the twins were. Maybe they have their own nanny? Maybe they don't travel everywhere with the family and Jon Voight just keeps them in his garage waiting for photo ops.

Although Brangelina tried to rent out the entire floor of the hotel, they were unsuccessful at their attempts, and as a result there were several guests on the floor. The suites on that floor cost about $6500 a night so chances are they have a few bucks.

Well a few of them apparently complained about all the noise that four kids were doing as they ran up and down the halls screaming and well, behaving like children. The horror. The nanny was trying to keep them calm and would get them all out of the way when a guest came walking by, but, you can picture it. 4 kids, none older than 7 in a hotel hallway.

The tabloids are giving Brad and Angelina a hard time about this saying they should have more control over their kids. To me that is a bunch of crap. I'm sure they do have control over their kids, but just because they are Brangelina's kids they are supposed to sit quietly in a chair reading books and taking tea while discussing the practicalities of whether trains really can talk and if there is an island of Sodor.

Please. The kids were being kids and this was all happening at around 8pm or so. If the guests are that uptight, then they really need to get a life or a kid and see what it is like. If you need to rent one I think Nadya Suleman is going to start doing that to make money.


  1. Thanks Ent., I think somebody just wanted something to bitch about and probably made some bucks selling their story to the tabs. Kids are kids and if being noisey in the hallway was the worst of it, that's pretty damn good.

  2. i don't have kids, i will admit it, but umm that would have been too much for me. wasn't their suite large enough for the tots to roam around?

  3. as a mom of 2 girls, 4 and 5, I cant even get them to stay in their room to go to bed, I cant imagine it being an easy task keeping 4 kids occupied in a hotel room. That being said, I agree enty, these two are always going to be trash talked by people, no matter what they do. Their kids are no different then anyone elses, and if the people on the floor didnt like it, they should have asked to be moved, not try to sell the story to a tabloid

  4. i'm not doubting brangelina's nanny's abilities to control the children, and i'm sure they're great kids w/ great nanny role models.

    i'm also certain they're just kids being kids, but i do believe it was disrespectful and irresponsible of the parents to allow running in the halls knowing 1) their kids are kids and bound to be rowdy, and 2) they were not able to rent out the floor as planned, thus knowing that it might get too loud and disturb the other guests.

    if i'm paying $6,500/night, i don't think it's too much to expect that my hotel floor have some semblance of quiet.

    brangelina i'm certain has people that book and plan their travel-capades. if they knew they weren't going to be able to have full freedom of a floor to run amok, then they should've booked a different hotel where that option was avail, or plan for activities en suite, or simply leave the kids at home, wherever that home may be.

  5. AND people would be trashing them if they consistently left the kids at home when they travel....can't win.

  6. If you're in a hotel, you have to accept that you don't have total control over the situation. I'd rather have kids playing at 8 than the usual drunken revelers returning from the bars at 2am. It's not like the nanny could take them to the park. And the "having control" bit is total b.s. Kids have to burn off energy. If they were stuck in the hotel room, they would've exploded.

  7. Well, it's not their fault if they weren't the ones watching the kids at the time, but no f'in way would I put up with rambunctious kids playing in the hotel hallway.
    If I am in a hotel, that usually means I am on vacation. Who cares what time it is? Maybe I have jet lag and am trying to nap. Maybe I am having an intimate moment with my husbands that would be ruined by screaming kids outside my door. Maybe I am having a relaxing bath before dinner. That kind of behavior is really unacceptable and I would have complained too. And, no, I don't have kids, and I generally like other people's kids, but I don't think I should have to put up with any kind of behavior, just because I "don't know what it's like".
    Rant over. Thank you.

  8. The story just makes them seem more human to me.

  9. Sorry, gotta call bullshit Ent. Kids will be kids, but these kids are dragged around the world without regular schedules or routines. If they need run around time, you run them around at the playground and put their butts to bed. I only have 2 kids, but they wouldn't be running around the hotel at night and I would have had a fit if I were a guest. Parents are WAY too permissive these days.

  10. i don't give a rat's who you are-keep your damn kids inside the hotel room. the hallway is not a playground. i'm sure the square footage is well over that of my whole house.

    and then we wonder why kids have a sense of entitlement....

  11. Anonymous10:36 AM

    I'm with Pookie. If I'm paying $6500 a night, I'm expecting perfection. While you can't control other peoples' behavior, the staff should have asked them to go down to the exercise area or an alternate place for them to play.

  12. I have a toddler and honesty, I would NOT let her play in a hotel hallway no matter how good she was. It is NOT a play area. Clearly they had a ton of space in their suites, so why let them run rampant in a public area where other guests are being bothered? Yes, kids will be kids, but it's up to us adults to provide them with some boundaries.

  13. Uh Uh. If I'm paying $6500 a night for a room there's no way in hell I would expect to hear anyone else's noise outside of my own.

    The hallway is not an appropriate place to let kids play. Take them to Chucky Cheese or someplace equivalent (about 6pm) and let them run around until they're tired and then bring them home to settle down and go to bed.

  14. Aaaaand on the topic of people with too many children...

    The Brood Sow has set up a website for "donations". You can leave her a message. I let her know, in no uncertain terms, what a whack job she is. It made me feel better. :o)

  15. This is why they invented Nyquil.

    My old g/f had twin girls. I swear, they had a cold everynight for 2 years.

    Well, that's what I told Child Protective Services anyways.

  16. I can understand if they were un-antended and left to roam the hallways at midnight but 8 oclock? come on even my granny goes to bed at 10. They're kids and act as such...and this is news?

  17. Anonymous10:46 AM

    You take the kids to a nearby park and get them tuckered out. You bring videos, books, and games.

    If you can't keep them in control, you leave them at home.

    Obviously the Branges are poor parents. Children should have stability, even if it means making some sacrifices in your precious "career" for them.

  18. Anonymous10:47 AM

    You're right, ENT. Those kids shouldn't be treated differently because they are Brad and Angie's kids.
    But that's exactly why they shouldn't be allowed to run up and down the hallways disturbing other guests' peace.
    I've got 4 kids. When we travel, they know to be considerate of our hotel neighbors. Too bad Angie, Brad and the Nanny don't teach those kids the same thing.

  19. Hey, they could have had an entire hockey team worth of 11-12 year old boys playing mini-stick hockey in the hallways like when my younger brother was still playing travel hockey.

  20. I don't think this story is true. First of all, they would have more than one nanny for the four older kids alone.

    If it is true, though, I don't think "kids being kids" is an excuse. Even two year olds know the difference between indoor and outdoor voices. So whether or not it was 8 pm or 1 am, the kids shouldn't be screaming. If they were, they should have been either put in the hotel room or taken somewhere else to play.

    It's not Brangelina's fault, though; it could be the kids listen to them better than to the nannies.

  21. If Brad and Angelina felt that the nanny was right in allowing those kids to play in the hall then they are not very considerate parents.

  22. I can see the complaint if the playing lasted hours and hours but I've seen no mention of that.

    So they ran up and down the hall a few times? Who cares. Ask for an autograph and be done with it.

  23. I'm with the other guests. Assuming the story as reported is true, Brange were in the wrong to tell the kids they could play *outside* of the suite. That's public space, and the other guests are perfectly justified in complaining about that.

  24. equinox, what if the other guests are not fans?

  25. have you ever sprung for first class on a plane and had kids running up and down the aisles? i have. i have friends with toddlers who routinely fly first class because the kids have more room to 'play.' i think that sucks even more than this situation, frankly, because it's such tight quarters.
    if it was really 8 pm when this happened, i don't think that's quite so bad. when i heard it originally, i assumed it was late since people were supposedly trying to sleep.

  26. Anonymous11:48 AM

    LOL@Ror, you are bad.

    If I am staying at a hotel I expect quietness, especially if I am paying for the room. I've complaint to the manager even when adults are in the hallway talking away like if they were at their house at 2 AM. Some People have no consideration for others.

  27. I feel for those kids. They don't know it yet, but this gypsy life they lead because of their parents careers is leading them down some kind of f'd up lane.

    I just hate seeing these stars bringing children into a world they didn't ask for. Children need a home that is mostly in one place. I'd rather see Brad & Angie have a home off the radar somewhere where the kids live on a permanent basis and when mom & dad need to travel for work the nanny's are there any maybe Brad's mom or other family would go and stay with them.

    And I'd be pissed if they were running up & down the halls of my hotel too no matter what time it was.


    Thanks Majik - I just left my disgust on her website too!

  29. What I find hard to believe is only one nanny for the bunch. She has to be overworked trying to care for 6 kids, two of them still infants. And I agree with those supporting the guests--your $6500/night suite is probably pretty large, keep the kids in the damn room. And if you rented out most of the floor, as I have heard reported, put them in the other rooms, not in the hallway.

  30. I agree with you Enty. Whenever pics are taken of these kids in public they are extremely well behaved. Rotten kids at home don't stand up and fly right when in public. I would not have let them play in the halls, though, since I'll bet their suite was quite large. Neverthless..8 o'clock at night? Big deal.

  31. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Kids will be kids, but it's ridiculous to allow them run amok in a hallway of a ritzy hotel. Pretty disrespectful and inconsiderate toward the other paying guests who have to put up with that crap. Why not take the kids outside to play? Most hotels have little courtyards or garden areas.

  32. Those people should shut up and count their blessings that it was Octomom and her brood of 14.

  33. You know what? If I paid 6500 for a hotel room, I don't want to have to listen to somebody's screaming kids. Yeah, I know she has a lot of kids and, yes, it is difficult to keep a brood quiet, but come on. Get a second nanny, take them back into their room, put a darn movie on to lull them into sleep. And, uh, since Brang are so damn rich, couldn't they find accomodations that would afford them more privacy so their wildlings could run free and make all the noise they want?

  34. Sorry Enty, completely disagree with you on this one. If I am paying $6500 a NIGHT, hell, if I'm paying $65 a night, I expect quiet. I did not choose to stay in a hotel so I could deal with other people's children. I don't have wild loud sex in the hallway, why do these kids get to run around like they own the joint? That's why you pay to stay in a ROOM.

  35. I find it irritating that parents do this...
    They chose to have children, I chose not to. That means that they should take responsibility for them, and they should be the ones annoyed/incovenienced when the children are over-stimulated.
    I agree that children are not going to be perfect all of the time, regardless of how well they are raised. I don't think anyone's annoyed at the kids. It is the parents responsibility though to handle this appropriately with minimal disruption to others - don't just send them out so you don't have to deal with it.

  36. I disagree as well. The hallway is not a playground in ANY building, let alone a building meant for rest. $6500 a night and I have to deal with children running up and down the hallway at all hours?? Nope wouldn't tolerate it. What if something terrible happened as a result of playing in the hallway? Who would have been responsible? They should have been kept inside the room or left at one of their many mansions with supervision.

  37. Oh my GOSH. Enty, please do not ever have children. Yes, this is how children behave. That is why they are supposed to have parents who supervise them and prevent them from annoying the neighbors and acting like hellions. Guess what? The people who stayed in the same fancy hotel as Brange (I bet it was NOT cheap) probably hoped to have some peace and quiet.

    I hate the double standard of allowing obnoxious behavior in children just because they're young. Guess what happens to obnoxious little kids who are indulged? They turn into obnoxious adults.

  38. my parents never allowed us to behave this way, and i never allowed my children to behave this way.
    in fact, my parents taught me never to scream unless i needed help... and i passed that along.

    can i also add, children running up and down hallways, supermarket aisles, in the mall (never mind those damn rolling shoes) are a fucking disaster. with my back and joints, if i get knocked down on a hard surface by an unruly child (falling is a lot more controlled than being knocked down by a whirling dervish), i'm going to be in a lot of trouble.

    so if this story is true, it's wrong on a lot of levels.

  39. Pretty sure that any of us (and that includes you Enty) would be more than a bit pissy if we forked out $6500 a night at a hotel only to be treated to four brats under the age of seven screeching and tearing up and down the hallways.
    It's really very simple: if we choose to have children then we choose to be responsible for them. Allowing them to behave in a completely disrespectful and out of control manner in a hotel hallway (or lobby, elevator, restaurant, etc) is a shining example of lousy parenting.
    Oh, and for the record, I have two children of my own, babysit two more 5 days a week, and am auntie to thirteen. If I can keep it together than surely Brangie can either learn how to be parents rather than baby-collectors or hire professionals to do the job for them.

  40. I don't ever plan to have kids either, but then I don't ever plan to get married or even 'partner' with anyone ever, but that's another story. I think some parents turn a blind eye or deaf ear to their kids. Whether they don't want to deal with it or whatever. I usually like kids, I just don't want any of my own. I'm not sure if I have ever stayed in a $6500 a night hotel room(if I have, I never paid for it)but if I forked over my own money for an expensive hotel room I would have certain expectations and noisy children running thru the halls would not be acceptable to me.

  41. i agree with you:thanks ENt!
    Kids are kids!

  42. They were definitely being normal kids. I have 4 of my own. So, I know that's true! Having the kids run around at 8PM is a great idea to get their energy out before bedtime. Of course, I understand the other side of the story. If I'm paying $6,500 a night, I would be expecting quiet hallways.

  43. Parks are for kids, not hotel hallways. Period.
