Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Daily Mirror Blind Item

Which ageing actress shocked party goers by casually pulling out a bottle of poppers from her designer handbag and offering it around to a host of young boys?


  1. Helen Mirren.

    I think this is probably someone British.

  2. helen mirren. i know that sounds like a joke, but she's been pretty honest about the fact that she 'used to love cocaine'.

  3. I recant...I tell ya folks - it's that DAMN JUDI DENCH once more. She just REEKS of waning-estrogen decadence! What next? Orgies with RAF Battalions?

  4. Thanks Molly. I didn't know poppers came in a bottle. Where I come they're appetizers with jalepenos inside. ;)

  5. sharon stone gets my vote.

  6. lol, califblondy. maybe they don't have those kinds of poppers in the u.k.? west end girl will have to let us know.

  7. oh look what this site says -


    Helen Mirren was born Ilynea Lydia Mironoff on 26th July 1945 in Chiswick, London, England. Her nickname is "Popper".

  8. LOL! Molly what a coincidence.

  9. or not??!!! lmao...

  10. Oh wow! Good work.

    Helen for the win.

  11. I'm with the Dame Helen Mirren.

  12. Damn, Molly knows everything.
    Aren't poppers what some gays use to relax the anus? (clueless mom alert!) Was Helen Mirren at gay boy party? I can totally picture that.

  13. cheryl, this is probably the only one i've ever guessed that's close to being right.

    i know about poppers from my gay friends, so yea, they use them but i'm not sure it's for that reason. i can see her passing the poppers with her gays at a party, but i'm not sure that would surprise them.

  14. totally sharon stone! she loves young guys!

  15. From Wikepedia


    Inhaling nitrites relaxes smooth muscles throughout the body, including the sphincter muscles of the anus and the vagina.[5] Smooth muscle surrounds the body's blood vessels and when relaxed causes these vessels to dilate resulting in an immediate increase in heart rate and blood flow throughout the body, producing a sensation of heat and excitement that usually lasts for a couple of minutes.[19]

    Alkyl nitrites are often used as a club drug or to enhance a sexual experience.[6] The head rush, euphoria, and other sensations that result from the increased heart rate are often felt to increase sexual arousal and desire.[6] At the same time, the relaxation of the sphincters of the anus and vagina can make penetration easier. [20] It is widely reported that poppers can enhance and prolong orgasms.[2]

    While anecdotal evidence reveals that both men and women can find the experience of using poppers pleasurable,an a cock shiner ` this experience is not universal;[21] some men report that poppers can cause short-term erectile problems.[2]

    I'd rather have the jalepeno and cheese kind.

  16. Cheryl--yes they do that, but they also give you a bit of a rush and make you vaguely high. They were a popular dance floor accessory in the '60s-'70s. However, using them is not very different from sniffing glue or solvent...continual use eventually affects your brain and makes you far less interesting.

    Dame Helen sounds plausible. Too bad though--aging actress made me think "Lindsay Lohan".

  17. By the way, Judi Dench isn't much better:



  18. angela, that's funny.

    all they did was take a story about lindsey lohan and change the names...lol.

  19. The usual "Mirror - must be a brit" may not work, as BAFTA was recently happening, and many American celebrities were across the pond. That said, my first guess would be Mickey Rourke (he's become the new Ben Affleck - good for any blind)...but seriously, Sharon Stone is a great guess.

  20. When I was 18, I went to the Reading festival in England with some friends. I was pretty naive at the time, I had never tried any drugs, not even pot, and we were quite shocked at how much weed people were smoking everywhere, and IN THE OPEN! The guys we were hanging out with (lord knows why) were doing poppers (they were little orange and red bottles that they took the lid of and sniffed - they didn't inhale them). I was offered one and said no. "Why not?" said the guy. "Because I don't feel like it", I said.
    He replied "Oh but it's great! for a few seconds, it feels like your head's going to explode!".

    Yeah. Sounds great.

  21. There was a gay comedian years ago that died as a result of using them. I think he was found out by his pool. I think he had some young stud over to the house. I guess something must have gone wrong, anyway, I think the buttboy just ran off and left him there to die. I can't remember his name but he was on the old Hollywood squares tv show. I could Helen Mirren doing this. I also think Sharon Stone would do it, but that no one would be shocked.

  22. Who still does poppers anymore?

  23. Amster - Was it Paul Lynde?

  24. amazonblue- Yes it was Paul Lynde, I remember reading that the popper bottle was still in his hand when they found him.

  25. Anonymous3:07 PM

    If my vagina relaxed too much, I'm scared my uterus would fall out.

  26. TOM CRUISE, the bitch!

  27. I remember poppers from the club scene in the 80s.

  28. I wonder if whomever wrote this blind misused the term. I somehow get the feeling they meant uppers.

  29. Fanning or Breslin.

    Or maybe Graham Norton?

  30. Stone, after the Baftas this past weekend.

  31. I'm saying Stone and laughing my rump off at brendalove...

  32. @ anotheramy

    she gave the young boys poppers so that they would screw her...

    "poppers" make sense in this context as opposed to "uppers"

  33. Goldie Hawn.........was there...and looked out of it..allegedly !!
