Thursday, February 26, 2009

Chris Brown Thinks It Looks Good To Go To Anger Management Classes

You know what I hate? I hate celebrities who go to rehab prior to a hearing so they can get off with a lighter sentence. Although, admittedly some of them need rehab and so they should be in there hearing or not. Chris Brown is doing the same thing with anger management classes. If you ask Chris he will say that he doesn't have any kind of anger problem and that he was provoked. Uh huh.

But, according to the NY Daily News, Chris Brown is attending anger management classes in advance of any hearings he may have, not because he needs the classes, but because, "he believes it will make him look better to the public." You know what that is all about right? It is all about making money and making sure that gravy train never stops rolling. It isn't about getting better or addressing issues you may have, but being perceived as if you really do give a damn.

I think maybe from now on whatever friend said that to the Daily News needs to keep their mouth shut, because all they are doing is just making the hole Chris is in much, much deeper. Personally I hope he never crawls out of it.


  1. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Shiiiiit. He's doing it hoping its going to keep him from getting killed.

  2. Enty, I agree with you 100%. That is exactly how I feel. I really hope Chris goes to jail and do some serious time. If he doesn't, what will the public think of this? I'm talking about those young boys/girls that look up to him. This will be a very, bad example. Then again, when you're rich and famous, and you live in LA, you can pretty much get away with killing the President.

  3. fuck him and his doublemint gum.

  4. I am glad that Chris has the type of friends that he does. Instead of just keeping quiet or saying anything remotely appropriate, they say these things that make Chris look even worse. If that is possible. All of this should help in the demise of his career and the gravy train. Good work guys!!!

  5. How's that saying go..."With friends like that..."
    This little trick needs to go crawl under a rock if this is true. I don't think anybody should get lighter sentencing for PRETENDING to try to get better. Fuck 'em. If they can do the crime, and later feel anything resembling remorse, well then it just makes them stronger and better. That should be enough of a reward.
    This dude needs the pimp hand, baaaad.

  6. @Jax, LOLOLOL not doublemint gum, LOLOLOLOL

  7. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Do people really change when they are abusive and go for counseling?

    Hopefully CB will be blacklisted.

  8. What I hate is that the friend suggested Rihanna go to anger management too, because they are both "hot headed." And how it was incendiary of her to throw his keys into the street and up set him.

    Um, isn't that like saying that she was asking to get beat up? And I think the person who needs to be in anger management is the person who gave the bruises not the person in the police evidence photo looking like she went two rounds with Mike Tyson.

    Bastard, hopefully Jay-Z beats him down.

  9. The only reason to hit a woman because she was provoked is extreme self defense, like she's gonna kill your ass (cause face it, 9 times out of 10 the man has more power in the situation physically) or if the chick physically fucked with his kids. Otherwise, you just walk away. He doesn't have kids and she couldn't take him in a fight. Dude has martial arts background. End of story. Total asshat and I hope like some others that JayZ or some of his boys stomp that bitch down to the level of his career. Then take a piss on what's left. Hmmm, maybe even a shit too.

  10. Anonymous2:03 PM


  11. "Do people really change when they are abusive and go for counseling?"

    Abusers and child molesters have about the same % of successful rehab. Very, very low. I think even the ones that they say are "cured" are lying.

  12. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Wouldn't it be something if he learned something inadvertently? (When you wish uPON a STAAAR...)

    I hope she gets some professional help, too.
    It takes two to Tango...and I DO NOT mean that she asked for it, provoked it or deserved it.

    I mean she was keeping company with a guy who had a temper he couldn't/wouldn't control, who sometimes took it out on her.

    She either missed or ignored some major red flags along the way and needs help to figure out how or why that is, so she doesn't associate with someone like that again.

  13. They announced this on the radio today and then played one of his records.

    Apparently for that radio station he's been given a reprieve.

  14. I saw a snippet on MSNBC today that mentioned that 50 Cent, who initially thought what went on was more along the lines of 2 hot-tempered people taking swings at each other, has changed his mind after seeing the photo of Rihanna, and is now on the record as saying that what Chris did is just not OK. (Dude, when Fiddy thinks you're being a douche, and Kanye's already said the same thing, you might want to rethink your behavior just a wee bit...*sigh*)

    Too bad there isn't some way to convince Rihanna to get some damn good counseling and convince her that anyone who treats you like that doesn't really love you, no matter what he says...and take Robin Wright Penn with her, too.

  15. That's the kind of dumbass friend he deserves...

    I hope that radio station that played his song gets backlash for it. By doing that, they are basically saying all's good now.

  16. A few days ago I was arguing online (yes- I am a loser.. I know) about this situation and basically it came down to Rhianna being this and that and basically she deserved it!! I gave up in the end but seriously- guys (and girls) need to know that this shit is NOT OK!!

    It stuns me to the end that they think it will just blow over and everythang will be cool again... what if the other person doesn't get up? What if they are stuck in a wheelchair or what if heaven forbid they die from this shit!!

    Man, some people just need to learn some self controll!!


    BTW- yes, I am slightly intoxicated... I finally decided to go to O week for uni- (I am only a 4th year student) so yeah... this shit ain't cool... someone has to deal with it in the end!!

  17. in france,there was the same trouble about Marie Trintignant/Bertrant Cantat several years ago.She's dead during an fight with his lover.He smacked her face strongly several times during this fight!
