Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Britney Spears Is Like James Bond

Whenever Britney Spears decides to give up this whole singing thing, I think she might have a career as a spy. Hell, for all I know she might be a spy. Maybe this whole thing has all been an act and she is some kind of super spy who travels the world fighting crime. OK, well I like the premise more than Hannah Montana. Anyway, I was reading the reports from Jamie Spears' testimony in court yesterday and some of the statements that Sam Lufti has made in the fight over the restraining order that has kept Sam and Adnan away from Britney, and how Jamie is looking to make it permanent.

Britney's dad has gone to great lengths to basically keep Britney locked within a virtual prison. Sure, she can leave the house but only if she goes with someone responsible who reports back everything to Jamie. In addition, everything about her life is more monitored than a Gwyneth Paltrow bathroom visit. I don't know if that makes sense, but I can just see Gwyneth analyzing everything about her life up to an including bathroom visits.

Well, Jamie testified that somehow, despite his smothering Britney she managed to get access to a pre-paid cell phone which was allowing her to allegedly call and text Sam and Adnan. When he found out about it, he had security people go through Britney's purse and room and confiscate the phone. Yeah, I know. How long do you think Britney is going to allow her dad to control her like this. What she is basically doing is working and working and paying for her dad to smother her and for the security guards to smother her. This is not going to turn out well. I'm not saying Sam and Adnan are the way to go either, but she has to feel trapped.

Apparently, the way Britney got this phone was that when she checked into a hotel, a maid brought her the phone. The maid had been given the phone by Sam and Adnan. Yes, she said two people. I don't know why both of them would need to bring it to the maid, but that's the way Jamie said it went down. Sam, for his part says that he has been passing notes to Britney through her hairdresser and other people she has contact with, but claims the only phone calls and texts have been coming from Britney to him and not the other way around. When Jamie was on the stand he admitted there were no incoming calls on the prepaid phone from Sam. There were only outgoing calls.

The next thing you know they will be communicating with invisible ink and you will hear the Mission Impossible theme whenever they come near you.


  1. i don't care if Jamie Spears has her duct taped to the wall 24/7...she needs to stay the eff away from those douchbags.
    they only want her money. period.

  2. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Sam and Adnan will not stop until Britney is dead and her money is in their hands.

  3. For me, this really underscores how childlike she must be. Disturbing.

  4. eh- just don't care period

  5. Just confirms they are working together, sort of like Howard K. Stern and douchebag were in destroying Anna Nicole Smith.

  6. Those people who enable those douchebags to contact Britney should be taken off the payroll and replaced immediatly with others who will look out for Britney! I thinkw w/o her dad taking care of her, that girl is on a razor's edge and will fall back into 1998 crazy-ass, umbrella swinging, bald headed Britney again.

    Jax is right.

  7. ahh come on Jamie - unleash her..... i miss crazy Britney..i grow bored with miss sunshine

  8. i think daddy spears has really stepped up to the plate. i'm glad he gets paid for it b/c you know that's got to be a god-awful job. at the end of the day, he loves his daughter. i hate to play devil's advocate, but perhaps had he shown this type of discipline back when she was growing up this current situation would not exist.

  9. managing mental illness isn't easy. sounds like her dad is trying to protect her.

  10. Pre-paid cell phones.
    Yeah, THAT'S the ticket!

  11. Anonymous1:08 PM

    ENT, she's a fuckin' Froot Loop. She's also a very rich Froot Loop. While I'm sure there is some selfishness involved, I think Jamie Spears' intentions are honorable. Unfortunately, Britney may never be well enough to manage her own life.

  12. Someone should show her videos of herself from last year--maybe then she will realize how much her father has helped her.

  13. lutefisk, if she's still contacting these two idiots, she still may believe she had reasons for her bizarre behavior. there might come a day when she realizes how bad things were, but there might not. i'm thinking there is more than bi-polar going on here.

  14. Why do scum like them exist - seriously? It's beyond disturbing. She is so obviously sick, and mentally very young.
    How evil does a person have to be to gang up on and hound a person in her condition for financial gain?

    Is anyone else starting to think that one of the reasons her father is pushing her so hard to work, is so that she will make as much money as she can before the very likely 'Anna Nicole ending'?

    If she had of been allowed to live like a normal person for once in her life (with her children in her hometown), she would most likely be stable and happy by now (granted, if she's really bi-polar, she'll need meds for life).
    Her sister managed to get away from it all, why couldn't their cashcow? Oh, dumb question...

  15. bunny, I agree with you. I think she doesn't realize how bizarre she was, or doesn't care.
    It is a shame, because she seems to be heading on the right track, & I would hate to see Sam & Adnan bringing her back to where she was.
