Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Blind Item Reveal - **Exclusive** Angela Kinsey Divorcing

So, if you will recall, I ran a blind item last week which was close to being revealed. Apparently it is going to be revealed in the next day or so, and so I might as well be first. Angela Kinsey and her husband are getting divorced. They have actually been separated since shortly after the birth of their child. Infant actually. Angela's sister-in-law and her husband's sister is the President of Lifetime.

February 12, 2009

This really could be something that is not a blind item, but the person who gave it to me really wants it as a blind rather than with a big screaming EXCLUSIVE all over it. I don't have the why yet, but it is supposed to be very interesting. You have a B- list television actress from one of the best television ensemble comedies of all time and she is getting divorced from her well connected industry husband who has had a sporadic career despite his connections. Even though they have a very, very, very young child the marriage has no chance of making it.

Angela Kinsey


  1. Oh thats so sad, I love her on the Office.

  2. Wow. I never would have guessed her, but I do hope things are settled amicably.

  3. i'm w/ you kellylynn...i never would've guess her either. such a shame. baby isn't even a yr old.

    hope this is best for them all around.

    *dying for deets*

  4. Poor thing...I hope they can be amicable for the baby's sake. It's sad the child will never know his/her (?) parents as a couple.

    On the bright side, at least Angela has her own income to help take good care of the baby.

  5. Who???? LOL! Never watch The Office and never heard of her...

  6. props to jill who was the first to guess them.

  7. That's sad ... I hope she has a lot of support ... being a single mom to a new baby is hard. Angela, if you're reading this, take care of yourself. ((HUGS))

  8. This is a shame.

    And also probably very awkward for her. Kinsey's sister-in-law is married to Greg Daniels (Exec. Producter), and her brother-in-law is Paul Lieberstein (Toby).

  9. Actually...Susanne Daniels is no longer the president of Lifetime. She resigned over the summer, and Lifetime has had a new president since September.

  10. Anonymous11:53 AM

    That makes me sad. I love Angela Kinsey. I hope she's doing what's best for herself and what makes her happy.

  11. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Not an Office fan.

  12. I am sad for them.

  13. The shock of this already wore off on me since I was 95 percent sure it was her when Ent posted this on Thursday(?).

    What shocks me now is that they have been split since right after the birth of their child. What the hell happened there? Ent did say the reason for the split was "interesting".

  14. I never would have guessed her because, I have never heard of her. Sad anyway.

  15. I'm sorry to hear about the end of Angela's marriage.

    Congratulations to the people who were persistent in their belief that this B.I. was Angela.

  16. Welcome to love, Hollywood style. And she is not a single mother -- she will be a divorced mother whose ex will also be involved in raising the child, not to mention the nannies who are already there doing most of the work anyway.

    I hate to say it, but having money buffers these painful events. A real single mom would have no ex to help out and certainly no nanny while she goes to work.

  17. grace, i agree the logistics will be easier, but the pain is the same.

  18. It's sad for everybody involved and, anyway, I'm not convinced Angela Kinsey divorcing deserves a big screaming exclusive, as she isn't really a celebrity and hasn't tried to get the spotlight very often. I love the show but even I couldn't care less about the private lives of Ed Helms, Mindy Kaling or Brian Baumgartner...

  19. An exclusive has zero to do with level of fame

  20. Grace, I have to politely disagree with you. A single parent is a single parent, and like Molly said, the pain is not any less when money is involved.

  21. So I'm wondering why this would be so exclusive and interesting when it's not such a very famous couple at all. This is the first picture I've ever even seen of her husband. Perhaps it's the "very interesting" details rather than Angela and her soon to be ex-husband themselves. Famous third party? I'm both saddened and intrigued. I love her. :((

  22. Enty is using "**Exclusive**" as a joke. He had a rant about how dumb that word is a few weeks ago.

  23. Sad "news", but I have to say we have some good BI guessers on this site!

  24. First...WHO?
    Second...Who Cares! People get divorced everyday.
    My father would say, "People get married, have children, divorce, and die. Why should celebrities be any different."

  25. Of course the one blind item I figured out is the one I didn't want to be right about :( I wish these 2 the best and hope that they can maintain a civil relationship for the baby's sake.

  26. nyc2008, apparently all of us who posted before you care...lol.

    jill, that's exactly how you started it out, too. 'i hope i'm wrong, but....'

  27. Damn, that really sucks.

    I don't see how she ranks a B- when most people have never heard of her.

  28. Wow, being so sheltered and all I have no idea who these people are and never had a guess anyway, but good one, Enty!

    Love any reveals we can get.

    That dude the husband coulda used some concealer, huh?

  29. I did see the episode of The Office right after the Super Bowl and it was right on, as I'd heard it was.

    (We just don't watch but about 5 channels in my location with such crappy cable, etc. and we need to expannnndddd, a little, I guess, becaue this show rocks).

    Sorry for the split but mainly for the offspring's sake.

  30. Oooooh, Emobacca--

    Are you insinuating the baby came out not-quite-looking-like-HIS?

    Takes the blind to a whole new level, even for peeps (albeit powerful industry peep) we didn't even know existed?

  31. I was not implying anything specifically but the timing of the seperation led me to believe that the usual irreconciable differences are not at play.

  32. that thought crossed my mind, i'll admit-about the baby not being his. Maybe it's Rainn's.

  33. there are pictures of angela's daughter on celebrity baby blog. she bears a REALLY strong resemblance to warren and paul lieberstein.

  34. Why is there confusion over the word "exclusive?" It means that ENT is, to the exclusion of all others, the only one reporting this (sad) news (so far). That's all it means, and ENT is using the term correctly. He also called her a B-television actress, which is exactly what she is.

    Very sorry there is such a young child involved. I also hope Angela's employment on The Office isn't affected.

  35. yeah that has to be an awkward situation for her. I gotta say, I'm really really curious about the details.

  36. I remember Jill being the first to guess Angela and I totally concurred cause once she posted that it made total sense as Kinseyher. Matches the BI wording perfectly (and knowing Enty's love for the Office).

    I could not figure out why everyone was guessing Courtney Cox. And where did that preggers rumor go?

    Go Jill!!

  37. I love Angela Kinsey. She and Jenna Fischer are best friends in real life. I wonder what is going on.
