Thursday, February 19, 2009

Best Encore Ever - Coldplay, U2, & The Killers

In what is being billed as the greatest encore of all time by Chris Martin, here is what happened last night in London. After the Brit Awards which are their version of the Grammy's, Coldplay went and played a charity concert. At the end of their show they were joined on stage for an encore by U2 and The Killers. Yeah, I know. Lucky for the world there is such a thing as video cameras and YouTube.


  1. chris martin = still a douche.

    bono should run as quickly as he can in the opposite direction in order to avoid becoming douche-by-association.

  2. I like The Killers but otherwise that sounds like the worst encore I could ever think of.

  3. Pookie, haven't you seen the pictures of Bono partying with the young fillies? He's already a resident of Doucheville.

  4. And those lucky people in the audience are going to be telling this story for the rest of their lives. :)

  5. Anonymous11:19 AM

    I saw a clipping of the Pet Shop Boys performing at this award. They were Great!

  6. nooooooooo, Mooshki! haven't seen those pics...say it isn't so... =O

  7. Pookie, here are the pics in case you want your day spoiled.

  8. eep, Mooshki! i've been living under a rock! i didn't realize bono had taken up residence in Douche-a-chusetts.

  9. The greatest encore for me...
    Depeche Mode The Smiths Petshop Boys...that would be awesome!

  10. "Douche-a-chusetts."

    hafucking ha! awesome.

  11. Good call on Depeche Mode, Smiths,and Pet Shop Boys being the greatest encore ever! When I first read your post, I thought it was real, and I got really excited, and then the letdown set in...

  12. This is the suckiest thing ever. You can't see them, hear them...and for that matter don't care enough to squint or strain. The things that pass as "best ever these days." Sheesh.

  13. By the way, Pookie, you have the best avatar. Ever.

  14. The Killers sounded fantastic....those lads are impressing me more and more.

    I think the answer to the blind about the shrooms is Chris Martin.

    I would have given my left arm to be there...sigh.

  15. It probably sounded and looked so much better live. I would have been excited had I been there. Love the drummer from The Killers.
