Friday, February 13, 2009

Ashlee Simpson Has Scheduling Issues?

I don't know if you saw the reports yesterday that Manhattan Junglebook may have broken his arm. If you didn't, the way the story goes is that according to E!, Ashlee Simpson missed an appearance at a Las Vegas party and that immediately led to the conclusion that the baby had broken his arm. I know, I know. Apparently, someone thought they saw Ashlee at the hospital with the baby as well and so one thing led to another. It's crazy huh? Well, according to Simpson's rep (read Joe), everything is fine and everyone is healthy and Ashlee missed the appearance simply because of scheduling issues.

Ummm. Wait. You had me believing everything until the whole scheduling issue thing. When is the last time you saw Ashlee Simpson do anything anywhere? It isn't exactly like she is all over the airwaves or doing press or singing or performing or doing anything at all. So, I find it really hard to believe that all of a sudden her schedule was so jam packed that she couldn't find the time to pick up some fast cash in Vegas. Now, of course her husband does make a decent living and perhaps she felt that she didn't want to go host a party in Vegas because that would invariably mean Dad would be tagging along and hounding her to get phone numbers of women he could help with their career. So, instead she and her dad probably had a fight and she says she wasn't going and the next thing you know Manhattan has a broken arm and Ashlee has scheduling issues. See how that works. I do hope the baby is ok.


  1. I can never make it past "Manhattan Junglebook".

    Seriously, hope the baby is okay.

  2. i just really love the name Manhattan Junglebook. Far better than that Bronx Mogely bullsh*t they named that poor child.

    Enty, when I have a baby, will you give him/her a cool baby name? You're a genius!

  3. I agree Manhattan Junglebook is a cute name for a baby.

    You could even call him Manny for short. Or MJ.

  4. If that baby wasn't okay they would milk every bit of attention that could get for it.

    I'm going to go out on a limb and say little BM is just fine.

  5. For god sakes ENT be careful or she may start coming back into public...and we dont want/need that...i like it that she's gone away. Time for jessica to get knocked up and go away too

  6. Heh, NOMD, my youngest sometimes uses the initials MJ. 'course I gave him the boring name of Matthew James and not Manhattan Jungle. Damn, I should have been more creative.

  7. Momster don't worry about being creative, Ashlee and Pete were very creative and now their son's initials are BM.

  8. the website that originally posted that bronx broke his arm retracted their statement and said that ashlee was seen "sneaking" into a restaurant/club for someone's birthday party and that she took the time to make sure she wouldn't be photographed

  9. not on my dollar: It's BMW lol

  10. okay stiffkittens, I see they were going for the classy car initials. lol

  11. uncle baloo was unavailable for comment.
