Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Alfie Is Being Used

It is beginning to look more and more like everyone's favorite 13 year old dad Alfie is being set up. The reason, according to the Daily Mail is that the father of the baby's mother knew this story would be worth a lot of money if Alfie was the father. I mean look at the boy. If you say that a kid who looks 8 is the father of a baby you have a great story.

There are also now an additional four boys who have come forward in addition to the two who came forward yesterday that also have said they had sex with the girl at about the same time as everyone else. OK, I don't know if they are lying or what, but if you include Alfie than that is 7 potential fathers. When did this girl go to school. What she needs to do is turn 18 and then get together with Russell Brand and have some kind of contest. I feel bad for her because there are obviously some issues going on here because I find it hard to believe a 15 year old girl would want to sleep with 7 different guys in the course of a few weeks.

If none of them are the father, I want the relatives tested also. All of the boys besides Alfie have said they hope they are not the dad. Alfie actually wants to be the dad. The Mail is reporting that both sets of parents have made many thousands of dollars off this story and will continue to do so until the paternity of the child is settled. Honestly, if there are 7 potential fathers they could do a two parter on this. Maury could stretch this out over two episodes especially if you do background interviews with each of the potential fathers and follow Alfie around for a few days. This is good television. Horrible reality. Great television. Oh, and Alfie. If you really want a child so bad, I know a woman here named Nadya who has 14 and probably wouldn't notice if you took one.


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  3. Well, Alfie could just go to Octomom's house and just hang out until he's 18.

    I'm sure she wouldn't notice.

  4. "All of the boys besides Alfie have said they hope they are not the dad."

    Ok, then why did they come forward and say they might be? Something about this story just doesn't make sense. Keep in mind, this is the Daily Mail, not the Chicago Tribune.

  5. Everyone is talking about how the girl's parent(s) need to be questioned, but I think poor Alfie is in a questionable household as well. What decent parent would pimp out & exploit their young son the way they have obviously agreed to? Disgraceful parenting on all sides. Alfie doesn't stand a chance, even if he gets past this little situation. Very sad.

  6. This story nauseates me. Right on par with the octuplet story. I can't wait until the hype is over.

  7. Anonymous11:45 AM

    The more we comment on the daily goings on, the more attention this family gets and the more money and ideas it gives other kids to do this themselves.

    I don't want to hear anything more until after paternity tests.

  8. Oh, and Octomom's Mother is losing the house they all live in.

    Hasn't paid her mortgage since last May. Ooops!

    Gonna be a tight fit in the minivan.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Your last sentence is perfect Enty!

  11. In years to come this will be used in sex ed classes under the title of 'no, to make a baby your penis has to go ...'

    oh, never mind.

  12. Poor babies, all 17 of them, from both stories.

  13. I called this one right from jump street.

  14. New nickname for the mom in this case: Golden Pussy ... it must be made of gold to have had all those partners at age 15.

  15. While we're at it, why don't we test the girl to make sure she really birthed the baby. This just sounds like a fabricated story with each passing day. I think people are trying to top octomom for the most dysfunctional family.

  16. When I used to bartend I always woke up around the time Maury started. The saddest part of the "who's my baby's father" was that the guys who wanted to be the kid's dad never were. It was always the douchey, "no way that baby looks like me, he aint skinny enough!" loser that was.

  17. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Have some compassion, youse guys. A 15 year old girl who is that promiscuous is starved for attention and love, and getting it the only way she's been able to find that works. This whole situation is scary-sad.

  18. Brendalove, I agree with you, except that we don't know that the girl is promiscuous. It's not right to refer to a fifteen-year-old (or anyone, for that matter) that way based solely on tabloid hearsay.

  19. Brendalove, we miss you here.

    and i agree that is probably a much sadder situation than we'll ever know and probably why everyone wants her father tested as well. young girls don't just wake up one day and want to be sluts.

  20. "young girls don't just wake up one day and want to be sluts."

    Unlike us 30-somethings! ;)

  21. "I find it hard to believe a 15 year old girl would want to sleep with 7 different guys in the course of a few weeks."

    i don't.
    that honestly is like a regular number for a teen girl who puts herself out there.

    but i think alfie is precious and i want him to be the papa.

  22. This is all kinds of wrong.

  23. When did this girl go to school.

    God help me but that was funny

  24. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Jax, I've been here still, I just haven't commented as much. I've been trying to decide whether to give up the Hollywood gossip. I still love it, but I know my mind would be much purer if I stop indulging in it...

  25. Then come to engage with us, brendalove. ;)

    I want to add my voice to the chorus pleading not to judge this girl too harshly. We don't know if she has actually been with the 7 men claiming to be the father. I mean, Enty even points out all the thousands of dollars Alfie and the mother (why isn't her name in this post?) have made since the story broke. If I'm 14 and want to make a quick buck, then I would probably come forward and say that I'm the father. I'll make off pretty well before a paternity test yields results.

    It was mention earlier, but I feel that incest is probably at the heart of this. This is just sad all the way around.

  26. It may not be incest. Drunken gangbang, more like. I'm leaning more towards Norah's way of thinking. Anyone remember those shows Oprah did with Dr. Phil about kids and promiscuity? Girls give blow jobs because they feel it's less intimate than a kiss.

  27. > "I find it hard to believe a 15 year old girl would want to sleep with 7 different guys in the course of a few weeks."

    Look up the Rockdale County (Georgia) syphilis outbreak from the late 90s -- teenagers were having contests to see who could sleep with the most people. So, it could happen.

  28. brendalove, give up on all Hollywood gossip except for this site. Enty's comments make you think, and aren't so smarmy and shallow as the other places.

  29. Brenda, don't go!!!!!

    Enty. Maury could do 6 months worth of eppys on this subject....
