Tuesday, February 03, 2009

$5M In Offers On The Table For Octuplet Mom

In addition to the $880 per month that octuplet mom Nadya Suleman is going to get from the state of California for each of her 14 children, which in case you were wondering works out to about $150K a year plus free medical care and food stamps, she has also is asking for $2M to appear on either Oprah or with Diane Sawyer for an exclusive interview. Also, the first photos of the 8 are expected to fetch about $1.5M from a weekly magazine. This is of course in addition to the other 200 offers she has received to be paid for everything from diapers to some Japanese company who wants her to promote their products. Wow. Don't you just love a society that rewards someone like this. It is kind of like Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian having a career. Different reasons for disliking it, but still rewarding someone for bad behavior seems to be the thing lately.

Ms. Suleman is still in the hospital, but while there has managed to hire a PR company, an agent and a manager and is ultimately looking for an opportunity to host her own television show about childcare because she considers herself to be an expert. Well, if she isn't an expert now, she will be as a single mom handling 14 kids all by herself. I say that she will be by herself because her mom has promised to leave after her daughter comes home and her father is going back to Iraq to help out the family. Well, I think when they start seeing some of those big checks come rolling in that her mom and dad will probably change their tune.

I have no doubts that this woman will probably rake in many millions of dollars this year for her decision to have all 8 kids. As it is right now, the kids are the longest living octuplets in US history. Even after mom is done collecting her money, you know that advertisers are going to jump at the chance to do any spots or ads they can featuring 8 kids. These kids will probably never have to worry about finding money for school or clothes or any of the other necessities of life. The first six kids will be relegated to taking care of the other 8 and may get a bit part in whatever reality show is surely coming.


  1. This woman is a bitch in the truest sense of the word: a female dog.

    She had a LITTER, for fuck's sake.

  2. I wonder how many of these offers came in before everyone found out that she was a "professional student" with six other kids and no husband.

    I can see her getting a bunch of money for a magazine piece, but I can't see her getting a reality show. Most of the attention has been pretty negative. Plus, newborns don't make for interesting TV. She'd need to wait until they were toddlers.

    Do Oprah & Diane Sawyer pay for interviews?

  3. I thought Oprah always has held the "I don't pay for interviews" stance....

    That aside, this woman makes me sick. There are so many things wrong with this, including the fact that I don't want my taxpayer money going to support someone this selfish and self indulgent. She needs to have her head examined and her tubes tied. Not necessarily in that order.

  4. Oh, and I forgot, Oprah had a woman who was single and had invitro and had multiples, then was crying poor because she couldn't afford them. I'm pretty sure this was last season. And Oprah wasn't very sympathetic. She pretty much read her the riot act for having kids to indulge herself when she clearly couldn't afford it. So that would be an interesting pick. Not that I'm a huge Oprah fan, I just remember seeing this story yesterday and I actually thought it was the same woman at first.

  5. No wonder the state of California is broke.

  6. this is going over real well with california hurting so bad.
    real taxpayers can't get their overpaid taxes back....one day we'll learn we can't take care of every dumbass


  8. I'm not as interested in the brood sow and her litter as I am with the actions of the doctors. I mean, she's clearly mentally ill. Hello? Child services??

    What I really want is for the physicians involved to account for their continued and irresponsible actions: No hubby/partner? A professional student? Lives with Mom & Dad? SIX other children, one of them autistic? Sounds like a GREAT candidate for more kids. IDIOTS.

    Charges, forfeiture of licenses, and public humiliation....I stand for no less.

    Absolutely RIDICULOUS and DISGUSTING situation.

  9. The oldest child is seven, that means fourteen children under the age of seven??? She had fertility problems, yeah right. And I thought these fertility procedures are incredibly expensive and not covered by insurance (as if she has any to begin with). How did she afford it?

  10. If she will be receiving all of this other money, why does she still need the state to support her & her kids?
    I hate to think there may be others following in her footsteps to cash in, also.

  11. I promise to not only boycott any American companies but to email bomb them daily if they give this brood mare any money.

  12. I don't think she'll end up with any money deals in the US. She's as poison as OJ. I know I'll never watch anything that she's on, and if she appears on my beloved weekly National Enquirer cover...I won't be buying it. The backlash against this woman is going to be severe. I also wouldn't count out that the children will be taken away from her eventually...hopefully sooner than later.

  13. This is going to be huge, but not in the way she wants. The backlash is already gaining big momentum. As I said before, her fatal flaw is being a single mom. If she were married, this would have made her fortune. As it is, she's going to end up one of America's Most Hated.

  14. you may be rigth Moosh,but honestly her being a single mom for me has nothing to do with it.
    fertility drugs and the like are for people who can't have kids for fucks sake and she had 6! SIX!

    there is several legal/ethical issues here that need to be investigated.

    this really disgusts me and if Oprah has her on her show I'm DONE.

  15. One of the websites said that Oprah was going to pay her 2 million to be on her show. This is the first I've heard that Oprah pays any of her guests. Does anyone know for sure if Oprah pays? I know Barbara Walters stated that she doesn't pay guests (remember Paris H. tried to get money out of Barbara).

    So supposedly Oprah or Diane Sawyer is going to pay this greed, selfish cow. Does anyone know who does or doesn't pay for interviews?

  16. If there is any income in the family, she will not qualify for ssi, section 8, afdc, medi-cal, or any other government subsidized program, no matter how many kids she has got. If you have over $2000 in assets & income, it's a flat out decline.

  17. They get around "paying" the guest by paying licensing rights for pictures and video and/or overpriced per diem costs for travel and food and hotel etc. As they have been doing with the parents of Casey Anthony.

    That said - I agree with most everyone else on this one... I would rather watch the One night in Paris tape then watch a show this woman is on!

  18. jax - I totally agree with you.

    I don't care what anyone says in defense of what she did, it is shameful. She really should be ashamed of herself,but I don't think she'll ever be.

    The creation of human lives is not some fun game ....

  19. I was thinking boycott, too, equinox.

    "Family values" companies are threatening to yank Phelps' endorsements yet are clamoring give mega-bucks to this slut and her loose twat and total disregard for decency and fellow taxpayers.

    I smell a backlash coming.

  20. Jax and everyone else, if you have not seen it yet, I have apoligized for my bitch fit last week. I have now taken the bitch panties off and plead temporary hormonal insanity.

    As for this waste of human life, the state of Cal needs to take the children away on the grounds of exploitation. Give the children to a couple that will take proper care of these babies and wont "pimp" them out and give them a chance at a decent life. Just my opinion.

  21. In this over populated world.
    Millions of orphans waiting to be adopted.
    World hunger is rampant.
    Global warming threatening our natural food supplies.

    Planting 8 embryos inside a dillusional psycho mom-bitch from the uterus of hell. Sure, makes perfect sense.

    And here I thought I was the selfish one!

  22. I hope you guys are right and there will be a backlash like we haven't seen in a long time if ever. I hope heads start rolling starting with the crazy doctor who thought this was such a great idea. I would like to see his license pulled from ever practicing again. As for the greedy mom I will boycott any show she is on. I refuse to help make this woman any money. If I lived in California I would be even more pissed.

  23. Jax, I agree 100%, but I was thinking of the Christian Conservatives who are usually the ones to go all ga-ga adoring over the couples who "refuse to kill their babies." They will not approve.

    The story I read was that she asked for $2 million from Oprah, not that she was going to get it.

    Also, there are so many conflicting stories about all of this, I hope we eventually get the true story.

    Chloe, I want a pair of bitch panties. Do they come in pink? ;)

  24. I'm 'way behind on this one- I'm still trying to figure out who paid for the in vitro. Apparently the 8 ovum were left over from a previous fertility treatment so this is at least the second very expensive in vitro procedure that she has had. Does Medicaid pay for fertility treatment? Did she finance it with student loans? Does the State of California cover in vitro?

  25. (One version I read said that the clinic was in Mexico, which would help explain how she got around the safeguards.)

  26. Really, the solution is to sell the children to a doctor who will care for them as well as featuring them as some sort of living spectacle. I mean, it worked on the Simpsons, it worked for the Dionne quintuplets ...

    I honestly can't wrap my head around this story. It's so wrong on pretty much every level.

  27. I get tired of people like this woman getting free diapers and free nurses because she CHOSE to implant 8 fetuses in her uterus that she cannot afford. Why don't people reach out to people like the Possum Trot families instead of this selfish woman?

    Check out this link on the Possum Trot families; they are selfless and deserve are help more than this woman does:


  28. I can't get past the first sentence. $880 a month per child???? From the STATE??? Are you freaking kidding me? That's twelve grand a month! No wonder California is going broke!

    And IVF in the US - with a REPUTABLE (and I'm emphasizing the REPUTABLE) fertility clinic runs anywhere from $12-20,000. And that doesn't include the prices for fertility drugs. And that's with NO insurance paying. (Most insurance does NOT cover infertility - they do, however, happily cover Viagra, but I will save that rant for another day...) And NO reputable agency would have allowed this to happen. Six kids - no job - a professional student - single and living at home - hello???? She went through the back door somewhere - that's the only answer.

    Either way, it still pisses me off. Let's just throw tons of money at her and reward her for this obsession - hell, make a national hero out of her. Why not - we do it for every other douchebag out there.

    I can't even imagine what kind of health problems those babies will have down the road. Okay - I have to stop now before I REALLY get going...

  29. This is totally outrageous. 14 kids? she's obviously got some serious issues. I hope the kids are ok, but they clearly shouldn't be allowed to stay with this woman. she's bat-shit crazy for sure.

  30. mooshki...they ONLY come in pink! ;)

  31. Oh - let me emphasize - that's 12-20 grand PER CYCLE. If you don't get pregnant that time, you pay it all over again. So she's had IVF at least twice??? Probably more? Where the hell does she come up with that kind of money as a STUDENT raising SIX CHILDREN???

    Someone stop me now... just stop....

  32. I have no problem with couples having as many children as they wish -- so long as they can afford them and do not depend on welfare to support their lifestyle choice.

    Here is a single woman WITH SIX KIDS ALREADY who is asking everyone to financially support her decision to do this. Talk about an ethics debate!

  33. Remember the McCaughey's? They are the world's first surviving set of septuplets. They were conceived through in vitro. The parents were only in their late twenties when they were born and they already had a daughter less than 2 years old.

    Anyway, this couple received the following FREE donations: a 5500 sq ft house, a van, two years worth of diapers, nannies and FULL COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS to all seven of the babies!

    So how come this couple, who CHOSE to implant her uterus with multiple embryos, gets free stuff but the selfless people who are foster parents, who adopt handicapped children, who adopt older children through foster care, who adopt babies from third world countries, or who are raising their grandchildren/nieces/nephews etc. don't?

  34. You guys are missing one of the BEST parts..she is getting a Master's in Counseling. A known wackjob with a counseling degree...she has no hope of EVER getting a job.

  35. "Jax, I agree 100%, but I was thinking of the Christian Conservatives who are usually the ones to go all ga-ga adoring over the couples who 'refuse to kill their babies.' They will not approve."

    They will not approve of the octuplet mother or of boycotting Oprah?

  36. "she has no hope of EVER getting a job."

    She won't need a job if she gets her way.

  37. notvotingforsuckno, I've never met a therapist who wasn't more screwed up than most of their clients. ;)

    Kanonymous, they won't approve of her having kids as a single mom.

  38. This story is pathetic. But, I suppose she could only see the dollar signs when she hatched this lame plan. Had some of the babies died at birth, the story would have been little more than a 'plip' reported in the news. If they survive, she'll be on easy street.

    Hey, it worked for Jon & Kate + 8. They've hit the lottery, so to speak, with their show. They're lives are all about making money off the show. The homes, the holidays, the lifestyle, it all comes at a fairly steep price to the kids. I wonder what the long term ramifications will be for those kids. It can't be healthy to live with cameras focused on your every move, being treated like circus animals performing on command.

    But, hey, what do I know. I'm just one of those 'crazies' that believes that it DOESN'T take a village to raise a child, just one person to give a damn, and have the child's best interest at heart

  39. Unfortunately I don't think there will be enough backlash and this woman will definitely get paid big time.

    The general public is in love with people having babies. In five years half of the people complaining will be the first in line looking forward to the little creatures updated pictures.

  40. not on my dollar

    I agree with you to a point. Yes the public is obsessed with babies. If this were a different scenerio with mom and dad trying for years to have a family and then they do the in vitro then one day their prayers are answered and 8 perfect babies are brought home to be cared for by their loving parents. This story is not warm and fuzzy and I think this get rich quick scheme is going to backfire on her. At least I hope it does. I honestly don't give a rat's ass about anything she has to say.

  41. "they won't approve of her having kids as a single mom"

    I don't think it's so much having kids as a single mom that Christians disapprove of (it's getting pregnant, you know, having sex when you're not married, that they disapprove of.), but they do not approve of in vitro fertilization. If the mother had adopted her kids as a single mother, the Christians would have thought that was great.

  42. I want cry/barf/rant over this big bad mistake.
    This week will be remembered in history as when public opinion overwhelmingly turned against fertility clinics
    for profit.

  43. She thinks she's getting over, but she isn't.

    1. Whatever money she gets will be spent immediately. She has already proven that she is irresponsible with money. She's like those suckers who win the lottery and wind up broke in a few years.

    2. Child Protective Services will be watching her every move forever. And you can bet there are some pissed-off nosy neighbors that will report every little incident. She's not keeping those kids.

    3. I HATE HER.

  44. Anonymous7:54 PM

    I hate paying taxes and seeing people like this get the perks. This is the most effed up country when it comes to welfare. Im a single mom and literally work myself to death to pay my damn bills and because of that I DONT GET ANY TYPE OF HELP. But my taxes go to pay for scumbags like that...disgusting.


    ... 'NUFF SAID.

  46. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Just wanted to add that on the local news (here in LA) they said that her father had previously taken a job as a contractor in Iraq to help support her children and pay for this pregnancy. I don't know how accurate it is since I haven't seen it reported outside of Los Angeles, but it may explain where the money came from.

    As a Californian, and someone who lives not 15 minutes from where this is all going down I have to say I am absolutely disgusted. This woman should get no reward for her behavior, and that includes the hard earned money of CA tax payers. It sickens me that I know women who work 2 jobs to support their children, and have to jump through a million hoops to even find out if they're eligible for food stamps, and yet this irresponsible brood mare just gets all this help thrown at her.

  47. i can't believe that our hard earned and bitterly paid tax-dollars are going to this fuck-tard family to support their ridiculous amount of babies that were spawned by, quite possibly, the most horrifically selfish, sorry excuse for a woman in the first place.

    considering the fact that she wasn't biologically capable of having children on her own- and is obviously mentally unstable- perhaps her doctors would have taken matters into their own hands after this 33 year y.o. SINGLE MOTHER OF 6 ALREADY, still elected to keep ALL 8 of her implanted embreyos. when does ethics over-rule a mentally unstable womans right to ruin over a dozen childrens lives? these doctors sought notoriety, and i hope they face shame instead.

    this woman has a degree in child physcology or development or whatever the fuck. what on earth makes her think she's qualified to raise these children on her own?! she doesn't- with all those millions she's unfortunately about to rake in, she can afford a staff of nannies to take on her responsibilities, while she sits back enjoying the fame of being a selfish bitch, undeserving of motherhood altogether.

    my heart goes out to those who desperately want children and can't have them, due to financial or biological circumstances. YOU deserve your babies. not this selfish bitch! the one thing i can say, i hope the medical industry learns from this and regulates the amount of babies they allow women to carry.

    hell, the thought of 2 or 3 at once makes most couples faint. BUT 8 and by yoursel? not only does this selfish bitch need a mental evaluation- her "doctors" need one to. and a malpractice suit right along with it!

    yup! i'm chalk full of opinions tonight. LOL

  48. about six months ago a coworker of mine missed work because his wife was having a baby. this couple are friends of mine, had taken care of themselves health-wise, were creative and funny and hardworking people. by all means they'd be great parents. so we were all excited when we found out they were expecting. the story is happy until the point where i add that the day she gave birth she was only 25 weeks along in her pregnancy and had suffered an accident. the baby was born prematurely but didn't survive. it was one of the most heartbreaking things i've ever experienced and i can't even begin to imagine how hard it was for the couple.

    so the thought that all this medical attention and money is bestowed on this irresponsible woman just makes me sick. it is really sad to me that resources like that are being wasted on delusion when they could be allocated to people like my friends who really needed it.

  49. I read in the newspaper today that NO ONE is offering the "mom" anything. It said how people aren't liking the fact she's unmarried with 6 other kids, so companies aren't offering anything. The article said a Pamper's spokeperson said that donations aren't a policy that they do.

    **Octuplets mom is not getting showered with gifts Octuplets LOS ANGELES — Where is the unlimited supply of diapers, formula ... and baby wipes? The free van? The brand-new house? Octuplets mom is not getting showered with gifts happening with the Southern California mother who delivered octuplets last week.**
