$5M In Offers On The Table For Octuplet Mom
In addition to the $880 per month that octuplet mom Nadya Suleman is going to get from the state of California for each of her 14 children, which in case you were wondering works out to about $150K a year plus free medical care and food stamps, she has also is asking for $2M to appear on either Oprah or with Diane Sawyer for an exclusive interview. Also, the first photos of the 8 are expected to fetch about $1.5M from a weekly magazine. This is of course in addition to the other 200 offers she has received to be paid for everything from diapers to some Japanese company who wants her to promote their products. Wow. Don't you just love a society that rewards someone like this. It is kind of like Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian having a career. Different reasons for disliking it, but still rewarding someone for bad behavior seems to be the thing lately.
Ms. Suleman is still in the hospital, but while there has managed to hire a PR company, an agent and a manager and is ultimately looking for an opportunity to host her own television show about childcare because she considers herself to be an expert. Well, if she isn't an expert now, she will be as a single mom handling 14 kids all by herself. I say that she will be by herself because her mom has promised to leave after her daughter comes home and her father is going back to Iraq to help out the family. Well, I think when they start seeing some of those big checks come rolling in that her mom and dad will probably change their tune.
I have no doubts that this woman will probably rake in many millions of dollars this year for her decision to have all 8 kids. As it is right now, the kids are the longest living octuplets in US history. Even after mom is done collecting her money, you know that advertisers are going to jump at the chance to do any spots or ads they can featuring 8 kids. These kids will probably never have to worry about finding money for school or clothes or any of the other necessities of life. The first six kids will be relegated to taking care of the other 8 and may get a bit part in whatever reality show is surely coming.