Friday, January 02, 2009

Your Turn

You know, I really thought about just having everyone list their New Year's resolution and then we could revisit them in six months to see how everyone is doing, but it kind of sounds boring. So, instead I thought about something completely inane and stupid because that is what I do best. But, before I do, I have to say that last week's Your Turn was incredible. If you did not take the time to read about the worst presents ever, you need to go back and look and I guarantee you will feel better about yourself as a person.

For the first Your Turn of the year, I thought I would just let you plug away. This is your chance. Lots and lots of extra people reading this week so if you have a company, charity, blog, or a rash that you need some help dealing with, now is your chance to share it with the world.

If you don't have anything to share, than how about your porn star name. Pet's name combined with the name of the street you grew up on.

Go on, give it a try.

That's it for today. Back to normal on Monday.


Unknown said...

Bubbles Springbrook. Makes me sound ummmm... liquidy..

Emobacca said...

My favorite porn site

Rachel Joiner said...

If we're plugging - y'all can all go listen to my music. I play drums and sing in a band called The Joiners from Nashville and we'd love anyone to stop by the site -

That's all I've got, except for the porn name, which is...Peabody Rye.

PaleBlackSheep said...

TV said...

Mitzi Graham....doesnt sound too porn like

Green Wave Gal said...

A plug: I'll be on Trivial Pursuit on March 27. My name is Ellen (so you know who to look for).

A question: How do you meet new people in a place like LA where I've been for almost 12 years?!? Just about all of my closest friends have moved away (that's what happens I guess when you meet people in grad school).

My porn star name: Samantha Stephen. :)

David D. said...

Charity: - the much-maligned videogaming community has raised more than $1.1 million in toys and donations for children's hospitals this holiday season, but there's still time to chip in.

Porn name: My street name was extra boring, but the next block over is perfect. Call me Lucky Arlington.

captivagrl said...

Trixie Horsham

fogcitykitty said...

German Shepherd Rescue of Northern California is my thing.

My porn name? If that's the one with my pets name and the street I lived on, it's Susie Madera. Kinda boring for porno.

Anonymous said...

Ooh yay plug away time.

My blog, available through my Gmail profile, Thanks to everyone here who already is a reader, you guys rock.

Also, my porn name would be a very boring Toby Robert. It doesn't even sound like a girl pornstar's name. Sad.

kelly said...

I cook a meal one day a week for friends, neighbours, etc who are sick or need a little help. My mom got cancer when she was 41 and the 6 of us were all still at home. My dad worked 2 jobs and people would bring food over to help out and I do it now as kind of a pay it forward because I know how much we appreciated it all those years ago.

My pet/street porn name: lady main street (ha, that's not too bad)

Rubie said...

Well, if we're plugging...please check out and a writer who uses the name L.D.Lee...not saying it's me or anything.

Oh and porn name is Susie Collins. Not real slutty but I guess I could make up for it in performance....?

aanjheni said...

Porn name - Sasha Scott

Mini-rant: I am so sick of winter. Really, give me some nice global warming right now. Al Gore can scoop up all this snowy crap around here and take it up to the polar bears and ice caps. I want sun, sand, and a nice drink.

Kara said...

Chewshi Orchard - my porn name.

Ellebee said...

Charity: - it helps people in developing nations to start their own businesses through micro-financing, helping people help themselves.

Porn name: Lola Chardonay
-that's a keeper

Check out: : polycystic ovarian syndrome not only causes fertility problems, but causes many other problems within a woman's body. There is still confusion and debate as to what causes this disease, how to effectively treat it and the long term effects.

LRS said...

Jackson Quail -- oh la la

Anonymous said...

I'm an author/book reviewer - come on over to "Books for Breakfast, Drinks for Dinner." My name links to the profile/blog.

I'll post my call for readers of my book when I get a release date. ;-)

Lolita Breckenridge said...

Porn star name: Mocha Hawthorne. My porn star alias (I have 2 dogs): Kahlua Renaud.

My plug for my blog:

My request for help: My 2 year old son is having surgery at Shriners in Salt Lake City January 29 (he'll be getting a thumb). Does anyone know a good Thai restaurant that delivers?

Enty, I'm still basking in the afterglow of what was yesterday. Thank you again.

violet said...

a blog for parents of Autistic children that need financial help to move forward with alternative treatments (i.e bio-medical, chelation, etc) in which insurance does not cover. Its PEOPLE helping PEOPLE. You can loan as little as $5 and its for a GREAT cause. Autism is an epidemic!!!!

mooshki said...

Plug: My favorite comic strip: It's a nerd dream.

Porn name: Ginger Harriet

Laura said...

Porn Name: Odie Maylong!

mooshki said...
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mooshki said...

Oh, and if you're feeling charitable but don't have any $, you can still feed an animal or a person just with a click of the mouse.

dee said...

Greenwave, have you tried the craiglist site, some groups (inc the wholesome groups) advertise there.

porn name is ginger homestead.

West End Girl said...

Porn name : Teddy Ashmore.

Plug : any children's charity. One especially close to my heart is NSPCC, but please go for one more local to you. There are so many children neglected and many will live in the same neighbourhood as you.

Green Wave Gal said...

Hey brum...thanks...but Craigslist scares me! :)

Someone recommended so I may try that!

J said...

dont have a porn cross is my charity..i'll go with resolution...i am beginning the year drug free..this means no more vicodin/soma/xanax...withdrawal is a bitch...

Ms Cool said...

Pornstar Name: Booboo Robins


J said...


samantha stephens as in "bewitched"??


Green Wave Gal said...

J-it's actually just 'Stephen' but close enough!

This wouldn't have worked for my mom who lived on 266th St. :)

TheAM said...

Lurker for 2 years, my first post.

Porn name: Daisy Van Buren (not bad)


Love you ENTY and all the regular's to 2009!

amazonblue said...

Porn name: Dickie Ponderosa.

The name gives me a Bonanza flashback.

Dickie was a parakeet.

Anonymous said...

Simon McCarty. Odd for a female. Maybe I'll cheat and be Simone.

Miranda said...

Hell yes!

My nerdy blog:

My dirty porn name: Bambi Laurel

Majik said...

Gigi Derrydown--you could make a case for it sounding a little pornish.

Nuthin' to plug...but I resolve to keep smokin' the ganj well into the new year (and beyond).

blossom6673 said...

Mooshki, those links are awesome. Thanks for letting a poor girl help!

solo polo said...

my name louie matonabee
and fave place
check it out great place

mooshki said...

Kirsten - 2 years of lurking? I don't know how you people do it, I hate not interacting. (Obviously.)

mooshki said...

Blossom, it's such a great feeling to be able to help out every day, no matter how small it may be. :)

blossom6673 said...

Bummed - my charity comment seems to not have posted so here it comes - if it doubles, I'll delete, promise!

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Proceeds go to suicide prevention programs and mental illness awareness programs. Estimates are that a person attempts suicide once per minute in the US, and current figures are that a person completes suicide every 16 minutes in the US. I co-chair the community walk in my area - please consider participating in a community walk in yours. Close to my heart, as my brother completed suicide 7/15/03.

porn name - Coco Forest. It could work...

sofie said...

my art blog:

happy new year everyone

kimishoe said...

My personal blog about my awesome little family, but mostly about my son who was born this past September with a rare condition, Bilateral Microphthalmia and Blepharophimosis that has left him blind. He is as healthy as can be as far as we know, but he'll have to eventually have some surgery on his eyes since they are still closed. Every day we are learning...

J said...


im with u buddy!!! herbs are good for u ;-)

Ms. said...

porn name: Bootsie Reynolds

@ Green Wave Gal
Join a social or political charity that you really believe in. You'll meet lots of new like-minded people and that should help open the door new friendships.

Another good tactic to expand your social circle is to have dinner parties and the guests each have to bring one person who isn't known to the group.

lmnop123 said...


Breast Cancer Network of Strength

Porn name:
Angel Collins

Green Wave Gal said...

Hi again,

Thanks for all the suggestions!

One more thing...if anyone has or know anyone who has Still's Disease, I'd love to connect.

OK I lied...another thing. I'm on Weight Watchers. I've lost almost 60 lbs in about a year and a half. If anyone wants to share their story, I'm always up for it. :)

blossom6673 said...

Green Wave Gal, that is wicked - keep it up girl!

lmnop123 said...

Mooshki, feed an animal was easy and I will make an effort to click on this website at least weekly. The second one feed a child is addictive and might become an obsessive game for me.

Thanks for the awareness. These two websites are a must for people who want to help but have limited finances.

Claire said...

Lurker here..delurking...

I run a website and sell lovely shiny jewellery. I have a wedding to pay for so please pop by.

And porn name - well I'd prefer it to be my romantic fiction author name - Chastity Tremble

JJ said...

Porn name: Kitty Gwin. Kinda bland

My cause is breast cancer awareness. Early detection saved my life (and Adrian's too!) Ladies, check your boobies. Men, check your boobies.

Regarding meeting people in LA, try My first husband got the friends in our divorce so I was back to square one. I started a couple groups on meetup and it's fantastic. Go find one!

And finally, a prayer request: Please check out and send some healing vibes.

Unknown said...

Kitty Main. Sounds like the name of the star of a film that you'd find in the porn discount bin.

Green Wave Gal said...

Thanks Blossom!

Someone suggested meetup to me. I'm going to try it. :)

Cooper's Mom said...

Lol: Ginger Stevenson!!

Maja With a J said...

Music you should hear:

If you like your metal heavy and
Blood Alley:

If you like light, cute italo disco:
Cloetta Paris (my sister)

My blog:
On my list of "shit to get done in 2009" is "write more". So there ya go.

For women who like to sing: I am a member of this organization, and I plan to make a documentary about it too. Feel free to send me money for this purpose. *L*

mooshki said...

"Dickie Ponderosa"

That one made me LOL. "Cum back, Shane!" (Sorry, is that blasphemy?)

JJ reminded me, at the top of the Animal Rescue site I posted earlier, there are tabs to donate to a bunch of other causes, including helping give free mammograms.

mooshki said...

Claire, congrats on the wedding!

Unknown said...

Ent, Besides keeping me company at work, keeping my mind active with blind items and thought provoking commentary, you are now going to share your fame with me? As we say in the neighborhood, you a beautiful man. xxxooo

Ms. said...

@ Mookshi
Thanks for the link – I just clicked and will do so again every day.

David D. – thanks for the link. I love gamers 
@ fogcitykitty
I keep having a dream about a german shepherd pup that I rescue. Seriously. hmmm.

@ Miranda.
I really like how you constructed your booklets. I must get a label maker!
@ sofie said...
We have similar sensibilities. I’ll be back. Have you been to the Tate?

@ Kirsten said...
Hope is really cute!

@ Ms Cool
Lavender Scented Playdough – wow. Great idea. However, the Fishing Spider will haunt my dreams forever...

@ Christine
Brody sure likes to wear hats and helmets.

@ Kristin Dodge
Awesome reviews.


Heather Matthews has a couple of books coming out this year.

Very reasonable prices!

JJ, you are such a kind, spiritual soul!


@ Harriet Hellfire
Wow – metal to barbershop! And “People who don't know the difference between "your" and "you're"” this is one of my dislikes too.

@ yogoodgurl
Stories about “a lot” of men. I’ll be back ;-)

CeeJay said...

My daughter was adopted from China. A great charity that helps orphaned and impoverished Chinese children is Love Without Boundaries ( They have nutrition, medical, educational, and foster care programs. I donate to their nutrition program in both my daughter's orphanage, Xiushan, and also the orphanage in Jinjiang. They do amazing work that really makes a difference.

Happy New Year!

Ms. said...

@ Cabbage Babble
Just listened to several tracks - I think Kiss Me is my favourite. Awesome album cover, btw.

Ms. said...

@ Ms. Fullwood
Congrats on Jake! I want a baahing sheep for my avitar...

ffleur said...

My porn star name is not sexy at all since my dog's name was "Snoopy" after the Peanuts comic strip. Hmmm...strip, snoopy....could be something here...

Judi said...

CeeJay, we're in line - LID 09/2006. This wait seems interminable. Still have a couple of years, I think. Do you read RQ?
Love Without Boundaries, Half the Sky, and Annabelle's Wish all do GREAT work. They really came through for the orphanages during the spring ice storms and the Sichuan quake.
Porn name: Tweety Thompson.

TheAM said...

Mooshki, it was mostly because I didnt have a google account and was too lazy. Plus there is something satisfyingly evil about watching and enjoying anonymously...I've now blown my cover.

adore said...

National Adrenal Diseases Foundation (NADF)

TheAM said... are busy! Thanks, she's a keeper.

jax said...

LOL Rusty Center. seeing as i have some red in my hair its kind sick and funny.

i've been weak in the posting department but i promise will change in the 2009! changes coming...

Glitter said...
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adore said...

Max L=not a great porn name eh

Ms. said...

@ Ellebee

I just noticed this:
Thanks for posting it because I was telling someone about it on NYE and just couldn't remember the name. This is an awesome org. I'm involved with a humanitarian project that includes several agencies and am totally in awe of those folks who are on-site in Senegal etc. bringing sustainable projects to the region. Very timely plug for this org.

Glitter said...

Porn name: Cocoa Merrell

mooshki said...

Eww, Rusty Center is bad! LOL!

Wil said...

No charity specific .. but .. a group charity. As in .. I hope you guys are all treated wonderfully this year. There is so much pain in the world .. I just wish you all more love and happiness you could possibly contend with in 2009 .. Hell! Even more that you could possibly contend with!

As for porn name .. Gibson Johnson. Or Nicholas Johnson .. or Marvin Johnson. All somewhat less than feminine .. but I think I will pick Gibson Johnson! Has a certain ring to it! ; )

Again .. much love and happiness to everyone here at CDAN for 2009 and beyond!!

bramblewitch said...

Hey Everyone,
Foofie Little Brook here. I guess that's my pornstar name. Don't even ask about the Foofie part. ;)

Best Friends Animal Sanctuary is my plug. I'm a long time vegetarian and animal activist. They are very positive about what they do.

Thanks again ENTY for making life a little bit more fun!

Urban Myths said...

For those wanting to understand why Keith Urban fans want him to get his career back on track... and why his good music has been absent for so long... please visit:


Pookie said...

yay, happy 2009, everyone!

long time reader...helloooo early days of the blog! posted a time or two (i was mookie), but then blogger went whacky on me and i gave up. just now decided to give blogger another shot. so yay, blogger!

enty, i loveeeeeeee you! always have.

porn star name: candy alton

plug: the alas foundation

this is shakira's foundation, dedicated to the education, nutrition and health of latin american children. give it a looksie. good peeps.

ps-shoutout to the MUA peeps that have migrated on over here...i knew you'd love it (moohki, this includes you, even though we haven't seen you around MUA in forever and a year.) ;)

Sarah Jane said...

Pornstar name : Pooch Four Rod

Favorite websites (besides this one of course):

New Years resolution: Have more Patience and to see at least 3 concerts this year. I miss good live music.

Charity: Make A Wish

Happy 2009 everyone!!!!

Samantha said...

Porn Star Name: Casey Crisco.


brakewater said...

I have a website I hope is cool like Enty, but I doubt it, I link to him a lot.

And my porn name is the best:

Sergent Shady Hill! Seriously that's good, give it up....

Kristen Lopez said...

I would love to plug my podcast, Midnight Matinee. We're a rather unique movie podcast and it's a fun listen. Please check us out online at or!

Tea Lady said...

It is good Breakwater.

Mine is Punky Humphrey. No wonder I never had much of a career in porn....

Unknown said...

Storm Chipperfield

Budda boom

Unknown said...

my resolution is the same every year: I resolve to not makes resolutions.

Fabulously Tragic said... - SexedSalons for Women, Professional Networking Events, Social Events.

And That's Why You're Single...relationship/dating advice blog

Catherine said...

Porno name....Annette Cummings....hmmm...

my blog is


Happy new year, y'all!

Catherine said...

Yes, Brakewater, your blog IS good!

CalamityJane said...
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Geebz said...

Resolutions: cliche but I need to drop 40 lbs for my back to heal properly after being hit by a bus last year in my car.

My porn name: Boo Boo Buchanan (my pets have been male so I used my nickname + 1st St I lived on)


Personal AVON site:'m an AVON chick (has to be direct delivery unless you live down the street or within walking distance)

Big Bros/Big Sis Northwest for the Portland Metro Area: (I have taken part in some awesome fund raisers for this hard-working, understaffed group)

Blazers' Boys and Girls Club: (They need funding for the school bus program and do excellent work at keeping kids out of trouble after school and helping them gain self esteem through their activities and programs my son, neices and a nephew attend)

Sarah Blakeley said...

My blog: Fight like a girl, talks about my road to the Boston Marathon, my life, family and being a young ovarian cancer survivor!!

Random Ramblings said...

i am sure there is no one from Sri Lanka on this site other than me, but i will plug away. I have a clothing boutique called Amani, where I sell children's clothing along with a few women's stuff... if u are in the island, just drop by and see what we have.

119 Poorvarama Road, Colombo 5 :)

Also, my mom runs 4 factories where we specializes in children's garments. If anyone is in this trade, let us know and we can produce :) we specialize in children's but we can handle women's too. We have dealt with Gymboree, Walt Disney, Tommy Hilfiger, Baby Gap, Old Navy, among others

Me3 said...

Some ramblings!

brakewater said...
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brakewater said...


There is help out there even for us interweb geeks. I am not linking to my blog but some how to save money tips.

woops can't link in comments:

Consolidate your loans. Find a loan consolidator. They love people like you because you will have a monthly payment at maybe 4-10 percent, which is I am sure is lower than your debt payments.

Be strong and contact me via the interweb if you need advice.

I hope you are not a heroin junkie which is the title of your blog. If so rehab is the best option. I know........

Working for a city is a great job. It's hard to get fired from a government job.

Dijea said...

My porn name kind of sucks because all my cats are male so I'll go with my last female pet. Zelda French.

HMMM. I'm not sure that is good either.

ffleur said...

Calamity Jane: the very best skill you can get is typing/computer skills. Then look around for a good, solid company like government: get a job at the county, city, state, federal. Take an entry level position like reception then work hard (even if you are guy - take reception, csr position, sometimes its the only way to get in). Impress people, take any courses they offer. Offer to do extra work like writing policy, letters, brochures etc. You have writing skills from university. Use them. All of these extra things can be put on your resume. Government like to hire from within so after about 1 year, start applying within the organization. Then just keep going up and taking any courses they offer/will pay for. Good luck. You can do it. I did.

Rakesh said...
(Guiding Light editor)

ffleur said...

Ways to save money: take the bus or walk to work, don't drive and pay for parking. Bring your lunch to work everyday. Ask for gift cards to Starbucks for your birthday/christmas so you can still enjoy beverages without going broke. Then, pay the very most you can every single month on your loan. I paid 1,000/month on my loan until it was paid off. It means living frugally but there is nothing like the feeling of being debt free. Buy clothes on sale and shoes 2 for 1 at Payless. Give up ciggies and alcohol, they are too expensive. Stop buying magazines, especially fashion ones. They only make you want clothes you can't afford. Get all your news from the internet, avoid magazines and newspapers (or read the free ones in the lunch room).

Bxrlvr said...

Two dog clubs that I belong to - I'm even in the some of the pictures!

Porn name: Brandy Lavergne

Unknown said...

Send flowers direct from local florists worldwide

Thanks & Thanks Enty

Unknown said...
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Sinjin said...

Porn Name: Lily Lexington, oooh...upscale pornstar? LOL. I know, I know,no such thing.

shakey said...

Porn name: Buddy Trudelle. I liken it to Ron Jeremy.

Harriet, your sister rocks. Anyone who lists Kirsty MacColl and Tracey Ullman as an influence is good people in my book.

Tricia said...

our website is being refurbished right now - someone has donated their services. You can find a listing of our animals on We are located in Atkins, VA. This no-kill rescue was founded by my aunt. I felt so compelled to help that I packed up and moved 5 hrs to an unknown city to pursue her dream. Today, she cares for 14 horses, a goat, a duck, 25 dogs and 87 cats and kittens, outside of her own animals. If you would like to help or would be interested in adopting, please email

Annie said...

My son is autistic, so I'm plugging the Autism Society of America...they do good work and cut through a lot of the myths out there.

Porn Name: Muffy St Bernard...not cool at all.

sprinkles said...

Porn Star Name: Frisky Canyon Creek


Jasmine said...

glitter- your porn name is my favorite so far, FRISKY CANYON CREEK?! awesome.

no actual site to plug, just plugging blood donations and animal care ( great site mooshki).


Jasmine said...

that's MISS AVENUE to you!

Unknown said...
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Smart Girl said... blog

enjoy! It's just a joke blog so don't get your knickers in a twist about it.

Unknown said...

Howdy Brakewater: Calamity_Jayne's blog is titled: Heroine Junkie


Heroine > Heroin
Close, but no cigar.

sighthound said...

Another long time lurker for a couple of years :)

Porn name: Shari Windermere..sounds a bit too classy to me

Smart Girl said...

OH and my porn name?
Martini Von Crumpet

Unknown said...

Very funny, Anna.

jade said...

handmade stationary/cards/invites (she takes custom orders too!) by my sister...

and I'm Madea Main!

Katja said...

Let's see, my info hasn't changed since last time;
charity (I'm outgoing Prez. of the Board)

my business (international food & candy

my blog

porn name
um... ez gE Ze

Alisha said...

My plug is the Autism Society. My son who is 4 has autism, and it is on the rise. Education and support are very important to this cause!

Also Nico Brooklyn is my name. :)

Catherine said...

Martini Von Crumpet? I am SO changing my name to that...legally! LOVE IT!

Yellow Rose said...

My porn name is very boring: Emmy Crawford ah well...

Heather Matthews said...

My porn name is Muffy Northwood. My real name is Heather Matthews.
I write books, and my first drama/romance, Carolina, is coming out on Feb. 15/09. My second novel, Below The Sapphire Sea (a magical adventure for young readers) comes out next September.
I love Old Hollywood, rock and roll, and art and literature...and I really love Enty and his blog: it's amazing. The whole Timmy Shimmy thing kept me up until the wee hours, night after was fantastic.

Here is my website link: there are lots of writing samples here, including Top Ten Celebrity Tragedies and Train Wrecks, etc., lots of different stuff.

Happy New Year everybody, hope all our dreams come true. Enty, thanks for the opportunity to post here, we are all grateful.

Heather Matthews said...

my fave charity, it places orphans in a home-like setting.

morganmorgan said...

Porn Name: Wilbur Bloomfield

ChasingHeaven said...


Join the Terre Haute, IN Branch!

P.S. I'm still convinced this blog has a direct connection to the lovely Pam Beasley :)

ChasingHeaven said...
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Ellebee said...

Thank you all for sharing your charities. There are many great organizations around that need help in these very trying economic times. It makes me smile to know that there are so many good people out there trying to do what is right and good.

Bless you all, I sincerely mean that with all my heart.

Last of all...ohmygosh, love, love, love the porn names-I giggled like a little school girl or Anderson Cooper hosting a NYE show with Kathy Griffin.

annie cat said...

Hopefully this will be the year I will finally be able to translate my photography passion into a career.

porn star name: max sunlight !

GossipTank said...

If its current pets i have a few!
Minnie Sycamore,
Sparkles Sycamore
or Rooney Sycamore (I wont do all the fish)
But .. we used to do it as first pet and maiden name which would be
Goldie Royle.

Jerry said...

My porn name would be Pug Murray, a very bad name for a male pornstar. My real name is much better -- Tool O'Toole.

Lissa THEEE Pissa said...

I'll definitely go with the porn name: Pepper Mystic (although it does sound somewhat like a new cola or antacid...)
As for my plug, all that I ask is that everyone take the opportunity to start the new year by doing everything humanly possible to save Mother Earth. It doesn't matter if we stop the wars, or pass a stimulus, or even win the lottery if there is no Earth left.
Here is a good site to help everyday people like us do what we can to save the environment:

Happydog said...

Ginger Martel is my porn name -- not bad. Meals on Wheels is a great cause that can be supported by either money or time.

laesmralda said...

My porn name is:
Gracie Monte Alban

farmgirl said...

My porn name:
Ginger Linden.
Not very original - sorry.

I support the National Wildlife Federation.

My favorite charity, however is our own struggling farm. My father-in-law died this year, and we are in danger of becoming one of those statistics where the survivors may not be able to keep the family farm. All of our time goes into running it as well as working 40+ hours/week off the farm. Hence few posts from me except on holidays.
If any of you are ever in our neck of the woods during harvest, please stop by!

And my brother's band:

Thanks you guys - you all make my day!!

Tea Lady said...

JJ - good healing vibes being sent your way!

Adrienne said...

Porn name: Diesel Laramie
or Poppy Laramie
or Bianca Laramie, I like that one the best.

My blog:

Blurbs about infertility, young love, small town stuff, family, friends, drunken debacles. Just fun stuff!

Ms. said...

@ Farmgirl
If we show up, will you give us a Concord Grape Fudge Brownie?

Sis said...
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J said...

@random ramblings

can i get more info on the children's garments??

my email:

i would greatly appreciate it!


Sis said...
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farmgirl said...

If there are any left!!

Sis said...

I have to say you all are just amazing, thoughtful, and productive people and it is a pleasure "knowing" you through this site.

I am a stay at home mom with two boys ages 18 and 10 and seeing what you all do gives me an incentive for this new year 2009. There is always something lurking in my mind but I always had something else to do or would talk myself out of it etc., and now that my kids are older this seems the right time....

So thank you to all of you and EL of course!!

Porn name is Tiger Manzanita.

Charity organization is which is a theraputic riding program for handicapped kids and adults. This one is close to my heart, my brother was handicapped with an extremely rare disease and passed away when he was 26 years old almost 13 years ago now, my how the time flies.

lutefisk said...

I'm afraid if I come up with a porn name Mooshki & Bad Fish will use it on Mischa Barton's blog.
JJ beat me to it--anything Breast Cancer Awareness. So important to everyone.
I am hoping 2009 will be much better than 2008.

farmgirl said...

Geebz -
I am so sorry to hear about your accident. I also have back problems and could stand to lose MORE than a few pounds! I wish you good luck.
I would love to order Avon from you! I am usually just a holiday buyer, but I will defintely use you when I need to.
Keep up the good work.

Unknown said...

Porn Name is Tippy Woodward

biteme said...

Mine would be Queenie Elmwood - sounds more like a country singer than a porn star.

Maja With a J said...

Haha, thanks Shakey - my sister is pretty awesome...*L*

Maja With a J said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Elle Why said...

Another first time poster here; been lurking for a little over a year.

Jax beat to me it with It's charitable AND eduational...gotta love it.

Also,, the National Alliance on Mental Illness. Their educational and support programs have helped my family tremendously.

Porn name = Scout Saddlewood. HA.

Katsyn said...

Porn name: Sully Lynnwood

My cause is that I volunteer at my local animal shelter and am the VP of our local nonprofit that raises money for our shelter pets so if anyone has a dollar to two to spare you can find us at:

Hoping that 2009 is a great year 'cause 2008 sucked.

ms snarky said...

porn name: Poppy Persimmon

somehow now I feel like shopping for Amelia Bedelia books. I wonder why?

jlb said...

Hmmm...didn't grow up on a street with a name - just numbers - so I'll chose a street name from later in life & a pet we had there - oregon temple. LOL Does not inspire any sort of sexual feeling.

I do what I can for the Stollery Children's Hospital here in town - it's an amazing facility. Thankfully my children have never had to use it, but I know others that have had to and never came home.

VelvetStaccato said...

Porn names: CeeCee G-Street! And I actually kinda like it! :-)

dollface said...

Poppy Cherry


lutefisk said...

ok--got it.
Krispy Kreme for my porn name.

Tea Lady said...

Oh yeah, forgot to put my blog in. Since my new year's resolution is related to it, I updated the blog and here's the address:

brakewater said...

Calimity_Jane - Have you read the advice? Also don't make your private blog public / non anonymous. No one wants to hire a heroin junkie.

We are in a New Deal - Some of the best jobs will be in infrastructure updating. City dump, Highway workers etc will be in high demand. stay with the government job and move up - just like someone else recommended.

Never say no at your job, say ok and if you don't know how say you will learn how. Employers keep can-doers and let go the sluggers.

You are educated so show it off. Be bright, smart, articulate and step up.

I already recommended consolidating your loan - go to to ask for help too. People have money they want to loan to people like you.

However if your current rate is <5%, you should keep it and just double the payments.

And double your jobs it is hard to get out but when you do.....

Anonymous said...

Porn NAme : Salem Devine

Sounds like a 1950's porn name, right ?

d said...

New Year's Resolution: lose 20 lbs, finish executing legal name change - unrelated to below. Also, find something else to do for a living before I die.

Porn Name: Tawny Lark. If you see her in a porn movie, that's me :)

jax said...

poppy cherry! LOL.

Jo Anna said...

I make jewelry.

jax said...

Blogger Molly said...

if you weren't such a fucking cunt maybe you'd be happier person. just sayin'....

oh hey, wasn't that your second screen name made up just to be an even BIGGER FUCKING CUNT BITCH????

keep fucking with me. having seen your photo now i get why you're so miserable.


think twice about letting people know you have a blog with Molly around, this is the type of message she leaves for you.
grow up!

Unknown said...

BRAKEWATER, for gawd's sake, this is twice! Heroine and heroin are two different words. Calamity_Jane is having a hard enough time without you posting that she's a drug addict. I'll email you on your blog as well to ensure you get this message.

Here's the definition of Heroine

1. A woman noted for courage and daring action.
2. A woman noted for special achievement in a particular field.
3. The principal female character in a novel, poem, or dramatic presentation.

Lisa (not original) said...

My SO's new year resolution is to be an asshole. Mine is to practice noble silence and try like hell not to strangle him. Lovely year ahead.

Maja With a J said...

I was just wondering why your comments had been disabled, I was going to *LOL* at the La Senza incident...:)

Unknown said...

Lisa, I hope 2009 doesn't find you receiving free meals in the Big House. Good luck ;-)

Harriet, which blog are you referring to?

Jack said...

Porn name Harley Brackenwood

And no resolutions this year, i never keep them anyway.

brakewater said...

Private - I get it I missed the first time with almost 200 posts. I know the difference between heroin and heroine I was just trying to give financial advice. If I missed the "e" don't you think a recruiter might do the same?

I don't blog when I work and I don't work when I blog...

we have all heard stories about "harmless" photos and posts getting people fired, kicked off the team or arrested.

Love Peace and Happy New Year to all...I'm not trying to start a hate here so please forgive the mistake.

Lisa (not original) said...

lol Private Thanks :) A nice quiet year of zazen may be just what I need.

PotPourri said...

I'm an Ox and this is the Year of the Ox! It is going to be my year! What is your Chinese sign?

CalamityJane said...

Breakwater: Thank you kindly for your comments. I do appreciate concern about my well being; rest assured, I am not nor have I ever been a drug addict. Just as Private pointed out, my non exsistant blog is a harmless play on words. I'm a fan of Calamity Jane, so 'Heroine' junkie. Heh.

Private: Thank you for sticking up for me. You're just a cool cat. Thank you. People like you are few and far between.

Catherine said...

Hi Private....should I assume that the heroin/heroine comment was meant for someone else?

Unknown said...

Yes, Catherine, definitely meant for someone else. I had lots of windows open and thought the post went through on Brakewater's blog. My bad.

CalamityJane - any time.

Brakewater - valid point that someone may miss the "e". Thankfully, CalamityJane's clever blog title is not attached to her real name.

Catherine said...

We're cool, Private. Always glad to hear from you, for any reason!

triunfopark said...

Lexie Blackburn

obitguy said...

Porn Star name: Buddy McLean

Shameless plug: I write the Hollywood Obituary column at Entertainment Insiders ( Nearly 10 years of archived tributes from the big names down to the gaffers and grips.

By day I'm a public defender in Memphis. Web geek by night.

Amanda said...

Hi everyone- I hope there are still some readers down at +174 comments! Hope you are all having a banging New Year.

I am plugging a charity I saw on the Paul Merton in India television series. It's an organisation called Apne Aap, and it works to rescue the children of prostitutes in large Indian cities. They not only educate the children, but keep them nearby so that they can see their mothers, and most importantly, they protect the children from local gangsters and pimps who abduct kids and make them start prostitution at a young age. I cried when I watched the segment on these awesome women- if you can spare any time to spread the word, or a little money to help, please do. Their website is

Much love to you all!

Amanda xo

Amanda said...

Oh, and I am Smokey Speer.

Ms. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maja With a J said...

Private; I was talking about Jax's blog.

Ms. said...

Wow! What an interesting group!


For those here interested in wildlife and conservation, here's an interesting and feel-good story on the efforts of The Sheldrick Orphanage and Kenyan government to save orphaned elephants.

For anyone who wishes to foster an orphaned elephant ($50US minimum), here's the link to The Sheldrick org.

trixalicious said...

I've been waiting for a your turn like this one! Thanks, Enty.

My friend (who will remain nameless as he doesn't know I'm pimping this here) is one of the young actors appearing in the 2009 "Hot Hunks of Horror" calendar. The proceeds for this calendar benefit the Lynn Sage Foundation for breast cancer research. You can buy it online at or, if you're in the LA area, go to the signing and pick up a copy on Saturday, January 17, 2009 from 4 p.m. until 7 p.m. at Dark Delicacies at 4213 W. Burbank Blvd., in Burbank.

Porn star name = Devo Birch.

Liz said...

Late to this party but I thought I'd give it a shot anyway.

Here's a link to a band. The lead is my distant cousin.

Also, please make a donation to any cancer charity. My dad died of an extremely rare form this year and my MIL died of breast cancer 3 years ago. I hate cancer.

My porn name: Teddybear Winston.

Adam said...

It may not be up everyone's alley, but I just finished mixing some music.

a little bit of symphonia, a little bit of rock, a little bit of metal, a little bit of jazz.

it's a concept EP :)

Melanie said...

Porn name: Holly Dykeman. Little bit nasty!

Plug is for the ASPCA. It runs on private donations, and there are way too many animals that need good, loving homes. As a vet student, this one is close to the heart.

KellyLynn said...

The first pet I can remember was a cat named Ted, short for Shi't(h)e(a)d, and the first road I lived on was a county road with only a number. I'm guessing that would be a really crappy porn name.

My resolution for this year actually coincides with my plug, I guess. I intend to blog every day, but I also plan to start after my guy goes back to work tomorrow. (It's not easy to spill your guts with someone looking over your shoulder, ya know?) You can find it through my blogger profile.

I can't think of any other sites I would feel comfortable promoting here. I will again promote donating your time to whatever charity you see fit. A lot of peoples' pockets are empty these days, but hospitals, homeless shelters, stray animal shelters, Habitat for Humanity projects, and other charities can use warm bodies as well.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

I'm late to the game, but mine is Inky Nebraska. It could also be Barney Nebraska, which is a BILLION times less sexy than Inky. Neither are hot, though, and I admit it.

Oh, and DOLLFACE FOR THE WINNER!! Poppy Cherry. Poppy. Cherry. Are you serious?!

dollface said...



I was surprised at home many people had named their dogs Poppy.

My ex-husband and I couldn't agree on a name for our dog (a now 11 year old Shiba Inu), so we kept calling her "Puppy". In the end, it was the only name she would answer to, so we modified it to Poppy. Did
that happen to anyone else?

merrick said...

wow, this has been the best comment section ever .. i love linking to everyone's blogs as I am a frustrated write myself, but life keeps getting in the way. kudos to all

My new yesrs resolution is to make sure that my sig other follows through on all the resolutions I made for him!

HAPPY AND HEALTHY 2009 to all! Its gonna be the start of a new USA!

SisterMaryHotPantz said...

Porn Name: Tuppy Burgess.

My only New Years' resolution: Not to be so mean to opposing counsel(s). I broke it within 12 hours.

Unknown said...

My jewelery site.

Oh, and Fifi St. Jacques for my porn name :D. Not bad... lol!

canadachick said...

Porn name : Sassy Brockton ...

mooshki said...

Lots of musicians on here - that's neat!

GauchoGirl said...

Lucky Sebring... it sounds more like a race horse than a porn star. Happy New Year everyone!

Maxie said...

Maxie Moffat :-)

NicScott said...

Bo Gilbert... sounds waaaay too boring.. LOL
Happy New Year to all!!

Check it out..;)


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