You Are Ruining The Simpsons Nancy
Last year when I heard that Nancy Cartwright had given $10M of her Simpson's money to Scientology I nearly stopped watching The Simpson's. I know the cast has made a lot of money but that just seems like an outrageous amount that I am somehow contributing to by actually watching the show, and so I did stop for a few weeks. Then one day I was flipping through channels and decided to give it another chance.
Today though, I am done for good with The Simpson's. The Village Voice ran an article along with the answering machine message below which has Nancy Cartwright doing a mass call to Scientologists to come hear her speak about being an OTVII and how great she is. Hey, she can do whatever she wants to do. It is her life and her money and if she wants to be a Scientologist than she can do it.
What I can't stand and what I hope Matt Groening and FOX discuss with her is that she doesn't own the rights to Bart Simpson. She is the voice of Bart Simpson and I'm disgusted with her and everyone associated with The Simpson's that she was allowed to use the name Bart Simpson to shill for Scientology. Would she have been able to use the name for anything she wants to promote? I don't want to give examples, but think of the most controversial thing in the world you could do, and it seems like she would still be able to call people as Bart Simpson. At this event she is promoting, I am sure they will be asking people to spend money.
I would like to see a statement from Fox and the producers of The Simpson's as to why she is allowed to do this. She doesn't own the character and to say she is kidding right after she says she is Bart Simpson does not negate the effect of what she is trying to do. I want to know if they said, "Nancy you can use Bart and his name and voice for whatever you want. We don't care." Well, I care and I won't be watching The Simpson's again until I see some kind of statement from Fox or the producers.