What Do You Think?
The wonderful people over at NY Magazine had quite the little discover this morning when they went over to the website for The Golden Globes. They found this little addition to the list of nominees. Lucky there is the screenshot invention or we may have never have known in advance who was going to win Best Actress. Now, I'm sure the people over the Globes have an innocent explanation like they were just testing out the website to make sure it would work on Sunday night when the winners were announced. I mean there is nothing but integrity when it comes to their nomination process or who the winners are. Right?
Do they even have one of those independent accounting firms doing the tabulation? Somehow I don't think they do. I think the members of the organization just sit around and wonder who they would like to meet and make sure they win. I mean is a winner really going to say no to an exclusive interview with one of the "journalists" if they win? I think not.
I would actually be willing to buy the whole working on the website theory. I just think they are going to be in one world of hurt though if Anne Hathaway does turn out to be the winner because then everyone will think the whole thing is rigged somehow. It probably isn't, but if she wins there will not be enough things they can say or do to ever change that perception.
If she does win, don't look for Angelina Jolie to ever attend again. Angelina looked seriously ticked off last night when Anne beat her out at the Critic's Choice awards. I mean like ticked off enough that Anne should definitely go to the bathroom with several friends.
So, what do you think? Is the fix in? Are the people over at the Globes wondering if they should change the winner if it is Anne? Did they goof or is it just an innocent little mistake? Does Anne even deserve the award if she does win?